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Gain of Function- (”toiminnantehostamis”-) tutkimus on jokseenkin tulenarka aihe; miksi kirjoittaa siitä? Yksi syy on se, että sillä saattaa olla merkittävä rooli kaikessa siinä, mikä on ajanut meidät tilanteeseen, jossa nyt olemme. Tässä artikkelissa aiheeseen tartutaankin lähinnä siinä kontekstissa, mikä sillä on korona- pandemiaan.
Gain of Function- tutkimus; määritelmiä:
”Tutkijat käyttävät erilaisia tekniikoita organismien muokkaamiseen riippuen itse organismin ominaisuuksista ja tarkoituksesta. Joissakin näistä menetelmistä tehdään muutoksia suoraan geneettisen koodin tasolla. Toisissa menetelmissä organismeja saatetaan sijoittaa ympäristöihin, joissa valikoituu geneettisiin muutoksiin liittyviä toimintoja..
..Potentiaalisiin pandemiaa aiheuttaviin patogeeneihin keskittyvää Gain-of-function-tutkimusta on tuettu sillä perusteella, että se auttaa tutkijoita ymmärtämään paremmin kehittyvää patogeenimaisemaa, valmistautumaan paremmin pandemiavasteeseen ja kehittämään hoitoja ja vastatoimia.”
”Toiminnan tehostaminen” on kiertoilmaus biologiselle tutkimukselle, jolla pyritään lisäämään taudinaiheuttajien ja virusten virulenssia ja tappavuutta. GoF- tutkimus on valtiorahoitteista, ja siinä keskitytään parantamaan taudinaiheuttajien kykyä tartuttaa eri lajeja ja lisäämään niiden tappavaa vaikutusta ilmassa leviävinä taudinaiheuttajina ja viruksina. Näennäisesti GoF-tutkimusta tehdään biopuolustustarkoituksiin.”
Jo epidemian alkuviikkoina 2020 kevättalvella se esiin tullut tosiasia, että Kiinan ainut (tiedetty) P4- tason patogeenilaboratorio (jossa voidaan luvallisesti käsitellä vaarallisimpia viruksia ja patogeenejä) sijaitsee Wuhanissa, on tehnyt aiheesta omalta osaltaan melko relevantin. Aluksi kysymykset -ensin laboratorio- vuodosta ja sitten myöhemmin koronaan liittyvästä gain of function -tutkimuksesta leimattiin valtamedian ja viranomaisten toimesta salaliittoteorioiksi. Aika on kuitenkin osoittanut kysymykset aiheellisiksi. Tänä päivänä noiden kysymysten kiistäminen tai vähättely täyttää salaliittoteorian tunnusmerkit paremmin. Washington Examiner kävi toukokuussa 2021 läpi näihin teemoihin liittynyttä valtamedian soveltamaa faktantarkistusta:
Monet lehdistön edustajat olivat viime vuonna innokkaita – ehkä hieman liiankin innokkaita hylkäämään teorian, jonka mukaan COVID-19-virus oli peräisin Kiinan Wuhanissa sijaitsevasta laboratoriosta.
Oli typerää hylätä teoria kokonaan ilman hylkäämistä puoltavia vakuuttavia todisteita. Nyt se näyttää vieläkin typerämmältä, sillä yhä useammat todisteet osoittavat, että teoria saattaa pitää paikkansa. PolitiFact näyttää tällä viikolla erityisen typerältä sen jälkeen, kun se perui ”faktantarkistuksen”, jossa alun perin annettiin ”housut kintuissa” -luokitus lääkärille, joka väitti viime vuonna, että COVID-19 on ”ihmisen laboratoriossa luoma virus”.
(*Jatkossa termi ’gain of fuction’ korvataan tässä artikkelissa lyhenteellä GoF.)
Artikkelissa käydään ensiksi pinnallisesti läpi GoF- konseptia ja sen taustaa sekä historiaa. Tämä vaatii myös pientä kurkistusta bioaseisiin ja niihin liittyviin sopimuksiin. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään GoF- tutkimusta Wuhanissa ja keskustelua mahdollisesta laboratorio- vuodosta.
Artikkelin loppuosa käsittelee länsimaisten – etupäässä yhdysvaltalaisten – toimijoiden roolia Wuhanin GoF- tutkimukseen ja koronaan liittyen. Huomiota herättävää on etenkin eturivin terveysviranomaisten, kuten kansallisen terveysinstituutin, NIH:n ja ”korona- tsaari” Anthony Faucin rooli tutkimuksissa ja rahoituksessa
Gain of Function – toiminnan tehostaminen; mitä – miksi?
Esimerkiksi EASAC (the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council) käsittelee GoF- tutkimusta raportissaan Gain of function: experimental applications relating to potentially pandemic pathogens. Julkaisussa selitetään, että yleensä GoF- tutkimuksessa geenejä muokataan, jotta saataisiin lisää tietoa niiden toiminnasta. Raportti korostaa, että GoF- tutkimuksella on ollut merkittävä rooli mikrobiologiassa patogeenien hahmottamisessa. Tämän tiedon sanotaan olevan erittäin hyödyllistä kun valitaan ja kehitetään uusia lääkkeitä ja rokotteita. Raportti on esittelyn mukaan kuitenkin koostettu ensisijaisesti ottamaan kantaa keskusteluun GoF- tutkimuksen vaaroista ja peräänkuuluttaa laajempaa julkista keskustelua suosituksissaan. Lukijalle kerrotaan, että esim. Yhdysvalloissa tietyn tyyppinen GoF- tutkimus ja sen rahoitus on ollut kiellettyä ja että myös EU:n alueella jotkut tiedeyhteisön jäsenet ovat kyseenalaistaneet näiden tutkimusten tarpeellisuutta (tästä myös AHRP:n artikkelissa).
GoF- tutkimuksen vaaroina nähdään yleisesti mm. mahdolliset päinvastaiset seuraukset suhteessa niiden alkuperäiseen tavoitteeseen. Esimerkki tästä voisi olla vaikka tilanne, jossa vain eläinten keskuudessa leviävää ja aiemmin ihmisille täysin vaaratonta hengitystievirusta peukaloitaisiin geneettisesti tutkimustarkoituksessa niin, että se saataisiin tarttumaan ihmiseen. Tästä tulisi ongelma etenkin silloin, jos tällainen uusi synteettinen virus pääsisi jostain syystä pakenemaan laboratoriosta ja leviämään ihmispopulaatiossa.
Lordi Mayn kommentti kysyttäessä GoF- tutkimuksen vaaroista:
”Kyllä, vaara on olemassa, mutta se ei aiheudu eläimissä olevista viruksista, vaan törkeän kunnianhimoisten ihmisten laboratorioista.”
Kuitenkin esim. Anthony Fauci (josta vielä lisää myöhemmin) on ollut ainakin vielä vuonna 2012 sitä mieltä, että GoF- tutkimuksen suhteen hyödyt ovat riskejä huomattavasti suuremmat. Hänen mukaansa luonnosta alkunsa saavan pandemian todennäköisyys oli paljon suurempi verrattuna laboratorio- onnettomuuteen ja että tutkimus olisi juuri siksi tärkeää, jotta ”kykenisimme säilyttämään etumatkan” tällaisien uhkien suhteen, harjoittamalla tällaista tutkimusta, vaikka siihen sisältyisikin riskejä.
Tämän kaiken myötä lienee kuitenkin myös helppoa ymmärtää, että GoF- tutkimuksella on väistämättä toinenkin, synkempi ja tarkoituksellisempi mahdollinen käyttötarkoitus, joka liittyy bioaseiden kehittämiseen.
GoF- tutkimus ja bioaseet?
Bioaseen määritelmä:
Biologinen ase koostuu yleensä biologisesta aineesta tai toksiinista (bakteerit, mykoplasmat, riketsiat, virukset, hiivat, sienet), niiden levittämistä ja pysyvyyttä edistävistä lisäaineista sekä levitysjärjestelmästä.
Näitä biologisia aineita voidaan välittää:
– aerosolina
– elintarvikkeiden tai veden kautta
– vektorin välityksellä
– injektiona
Bioaseet ovat melkoinen tabu ja niiden kehitystä ja käyttöä on jo vuosikymmenien ajan säännelty lukuisilla kansainvälisillä sopimuksilla. Kansainvälinen yhteisö kielsi bioaseiden käytön ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen kansainvälisellä lailla vuonna 1925 (Geneven protokolla). Kieltoa on vahvistettu mm. vuosien 1972 (Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention – BTWC) ja 1993 (Chemical Weapons Convention – CWC) sopimuksilla, jotka kieltävät niiden kehittämisen, tuotannon, varastoinnin ja kuljettamisen. (International Committee of the Red Cross – Chemical and biological weapons).
John Hopkins -sairaala yhdysvalloissa jakaa biologiset aseet kolmeen kategoriaan niiden vaarallisuuden mukaan. Vaarallisimmassa ”A- kategoriassa” olevia bioaseita yhdistävät seuraavat asiat:
niitä on helppo levittää ihmisten keskinäisen kanssakäymisen yhteydessä
ne saattavat olla tappavia
niillä on potentiaali vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti kansanterveyteen
ne saattava aiheuttaa yleistä paniikkia ja sosiaalisia häiriöitä
Esimerkkeinä A- kategoriaan kuuluvista bioaseista annetaan erilaisia viruksia, kuten isorokko, pernarutto taikka erilaiset verenvuotokuumeet.
Voisiko GoF- tutkimus mahdollistaa esimerkiksi sen, että joku osapuoli voisi kehittää viruksen, joka kohdistuisi enemmän vaikka populaatioihin, jolla on tietynlainen geenipohja? Toisaalta taas GoF- tutkimuksen avulla syntetisoituun virukseen voitaisiin samalla kehitykseen käytetyllä tiedolla kehittää vasta- aine, jonka avulla haluttu populaatio voitaisiin bioaseen kehittäjän toimesta immunisoida samalla, kun virusta levitettäisiin globaalisti. Miltä se näyttäisi käytännössä? Esimerkkinä voisi olla vaikka ennen viruksen ”ilmaantumista” kehitetty ja valmistettu rokote. Huhuja tällaisestakin liikkuu.
Mm. juuri tällaisten vaarojen takia Yhdysvallat päätti vuonna 2014 hyllyttää rahoituksen (moratorium) kaikelta GoF- tutkimukselta, joka liittyy influenssa-, MERS- ja SARS- viruksiin. Fauci aloitti uudelleen tutkimukset rahoituskiellosta huolimatta vuonna 2017. Asiaa on tutkinut etenkin australialainen tutkiva journalisti Sharri Markson (videopätkä aiheesta), mutta palaamme asiaan syvemmin vielä artikkelin loppuosassa.
Wuhan; laboratoriovuoto & GoF tutkimus ja sen rahoitus
Ei siis ole suurikaan ihme, että GoF- aspekti koronan suhteen on herättänyt keskustelua, varsinkin kun vedetään yhteen viimeisen puolentoista vuoden aikana julkisuuteen tullutta informaatiota. Ajatus siitä, että juuri siinä kaupungissa (Wuhan), josta virus lähti liikkeelle, on laboratorio, jossa käsitellään vaarallisia eläinperäisiä patogeenejä (mm. lepakoista peräisin olevia) on ja hieman kiusallinen. Kun sitten vielä vaikuttaa siltä, että kyseisessä laboratoriossa on myös harjoitettu viruksiin liittyvää GoF- tutkimusta ja samalla ymmärretään, että suuri osa esim. aiemmin esitetystä bioaseiden vaarallisimman A- kategorian aineista on juuri viruksia, alkaa kokonaisuus vaikuttaa suorastaan häiritsevältä. Mutta ei siinä vielä kaikki; onkalo syvenee entisestään, kun ryhdytään katsomaan kytköksiä rahoituksen suhteen.
Wuhanin laboratoriosta ja siellä tehdystä tutkimuksesta kiersi huhuja jo heti keväällä 2020. Asiasta oli hankalaa löytää vahvistusta Kiinan ollessa kyseessä ja valtamedian ollessa äärimmäisen haluton tutkimaan asiaa syvemmin. Kysymykset nousivat kuitenkin julkisuuteen siinä vaiheessa kun Yhdysvaltain hallinnon eri jäsenet ottivat asiaan kantaa julkisuudessa, kuten esimerkiksi senaattori Tom Cotton Wall Street Journaliin kirjoittamassaan mielipidekirjoituksessa huhtikuussa 2020. Myös ulkoministeri Mike Pompeo sivusi asiaa kannanotoissaan. Asiaa ei suoranaisesti ole selventäneet myöskään maailman terveysjärjestö WHO:n tekemät ”riippumattomat” tutkimukset asiasta – WHO:n, joka on vahvasti Kiinan vaikutuksen alaisena mm. pääsihteerinsä Tedroksen kautta (toinen artikkeli aiheesta). Bidenin hallinnon loppulausunto viruksen alkuperää käsitelleen tutkimuksen osalta oli, että kysymykseen ”ei ole aukotonta vastausta” (inconclusive), mikä ei sinänsä ole odottamatonta Bidenin omat Kiina- kytkökset huomioon ottaen. Valtamedian tarjoamien representaatioiden ristiriita aiheesta havainnollistaa teemaa hyvin:
Kesällä 2021 asiat saivat kuitenkin selkeän ja yllättävän käänteen kun ensin ’Informed Consent Action Network’– järjestö sai käsiinsä Anthony Faucin (Yhdysvaltain ’koronanyrkin’ ja kansallisen allergia- ja tartuntatauti- instituutin NIAID:n johtaja) sähköposteja FOIA:n (Freedom Of Information Actin) nojalla (*linkki sähköposteihin*). Materiaalia oli kaiken kaikkiaan yli 3000 sivua. Hiukan myöhemmin ’The Intercept’- lehti sai niin ikään FOIA:n myötä 900 sivua asiakirjoja, lähinnä GoF- tutkimukseen ja sen rahoitukseen liittyen. Sähköpostien ilmaantuminen alkoi väistämättä kääntää narratiivia, koska FOIA:n myötä ne tulivat julki virallisen prosessin myötä. Siitä huolimatta asiaa pyrittiin vähättelemään ja sensuroimaan välittömästi valtamedian ja SOME- jättien toimesta jo totuttuun tapaan – Facebook oli jo aiemmin sensuroinut aktiivisesti keskustelua mahdollisesta laboratoriovuodosta.
Myös keskustelu viruksen alkuperästä koki voimakasta sensuuria:
Miksi sähköposteilla sitten on ollut niin suuri merkitys? FOIA:n myötä julkaistuilla sähköposteilla ja asiakirjoilla on laaja ja monitahoinen merkitys korona- narratiivin kannalta. Yleisesti ottaen ne paljastavat sen, kuinka yleisöltä pyritään peittämään olennaisia tosiasioita aivan johtavien terveysviranomaisten toimesta; Yhdysvaltain osalta nyt todistettavasti. Tämä koskee niin narratiivia viruksen alkuperästä, arvioita viruksen vaarallisuudesta kuin näkemyksiä maskienkin hyödyllisyydestä. Sähköposteista löytyy myös Facebookin Mark Zuckerbergin yhteistyöhenkeä ilmentävä viesti Faucille, mikä osaltaan selittänee myös kyseisen alustan vahvaa sensuuria aiheesta. Tutkiva journalisti Jeff Carlson on tehnyt sähköposteista ilmenneen informaation perusteella kattavan aikajanan. Hän julkaisi myös aiheesta artikkelin.
Sähköpostikeskustelua viruksen koostumuksesta:
Sähköpostikeskustelua tutkimusrahoituksesta:
Eräs mielenkiintoinen keskustelu ilmenee Faucin sähköpostivaihdosta Scripps Researchin professorin Kristian Andersenin kanssa, jossa Andersen totesi joidenkin virusten ominaisuuksien vaikuttavan kehitetyiltä/ keinotekoisilta (engineered). Hiukan sen jälkeen sama Andersen kuitenkin julkaisi tutkimuksen, jossa vakuutti viruksen olevan peräisin luonnosta, ja mikä räikeintä – Fauci itse käytti kyseistä julkaisua perusteena laboratorioalkuperä -teorioiden ”debunkkaamiselle” (artikkeli). Fauci ja Andersen olivat myös kiinteästi yhteydessä julkaisun koostamiseen liittyen. Myös The Lancet -ja Nature Medicine– julkaisuilla oli merkittävä rooli siinä, että narratiivi viruksen alkuperästä saatiin haluttuihin uomiin – eli viruksen luonnollista alkuperää puoltavaksi (artikkeli). On selvinnyt – ei täysin yllättävästi – että 26:lla niistä 27 henkilöstä, jotka olivat mukana kirjoittamassa Lancet- kirjettä, jossa tuomitaan laboratoriovuoto, oli yhteys Wuhanin virologian instituuttiin kytköksissä oleviin tutkijoihin, mikä on valtava eturistiriita.
Julkaistulla materiaalilla on erityistä merkitystä etenkin siinä, kuinka se valottaa gain of function -tutkimusta ja siihen kytkeytyvien toimijoiden verkostoa. Käytännössä julkaistut asiakirjat antavat vahvoja viitteitä siitä, että SARS:iin liittyvän GoF- tutkimuksen ollessa Yhdysvalloissa hyllytettynä vuodesta 2014 lähtien, kieltoa kierrettiin myöhemmin ”pesemällä” rahoitus ei- valtiollisen järjestön kautta. Tämä järjestö oli Peter Daszakin johtama ’Ecohealth Alliance. Joidenkin arvioiden mukaan Pentagon ja liittovaltion hallinto ovat kanavoineet yli 150 miljoonaa dollaria Wuhanissa tehtävälle GoF- tutkimukselle Ecohealth Alliancen kautta. Ecohealth Alliance on saanut rahoitusta myös muilta toimijoilta, kuten USAID:lta:
Lokakuun 2009 ja toukokuun 2019 välisenä aikana PREDICT antoi yhteensä 1,1 miljoonaa dollaria EcoHealth Alliancelle Wuhanin virologian instituutin (WIV) kanssa tehtyä alasopimusta varten projektiin, jonka tarkoituksena on edistää sellaisten kriittisten virusten tutkimusta, jotka voivat aiheuttaa haittaa ihmisille ja eläimille. USAID:n rahoittamat WIV:n toimet olivat yhdenmukaisia vastaavan, muissa maissa tehtävän työn kanssa, jota varten on myös myönnetty vastaavaa rahoitusta. Näihin toimiin kuului seuraavaa: organismien testaaminen, virussukujen löytäminen (polymeraasiketjureaktiolla (PCR)) luonnonvaraisista eläimistä kerätyistä näytteistä ja ihmisistä otetuista näytteistä sekä serologisten testien kehittämistä altistumisen (eli vasta-aineiden) testaamiseksi koronaviruksille eläimissä ja ihmisissä. Näillä toimilla pyrittiin tunnistamaan ja ymmärtämään eläinpopulaatioiden eläinperäisiä (zoonotic) viruksia ennen kuin ne leviävät (eli pystyvät tarttumaan ihmisiin) ja aiheuttavat mahdollisia pandemioita ihmispopulaatioissa. USAID ei ole koskaan hyväksynyt tai rahoittanut työtä, jonka tarkoituksena oli lisätä tartunnanaiheuttajien kykyä aiheuttaa tauteja lisäämällä niiden patogeenisuutta tai tarttuvuutta (tutkimus, joka tunnetaan nimellä ”Gain of Function” -tutkimukset) WIV:ssä. Lisäksi USAID ei myöskään koskaan saanut terveysministeriön (Department of Health and Human Services) (HHS) EcoHealth Alliancelle lähettämää kirjettä, jossa pyydetään vapaaehtoista taukoa rahoitukselle.
Mielenkiintoisesti sähköposteista käy ilmi myös mm. mainitun Ecohealth Alliancen Peter Daszakin kiitollisuus Faucille tämän julkisesti tyrmättyä teoriat viruksen laboratorio- alkuperästä. Sehän olisi juuri se tutkimuslinja, joka väistämättä lopulta johtaisi Daszakiin. Onkin vaikeaa olla ajattelematta, että pentele; tässähän ovat ketut kanatarhaa vahtimassa…
Myös amerikkalainen konservatiivinen järjestö Judicial Watch, joka ajaa hallinnon läpinäkyvyyttä pääasiassa FOIA- vaateiden kautta, sai käsiinsä GoF- tutkimukseen liittyviä asiakirjoja kesällä 2021. Judicial Watchin dokumenteista ilmenee rahoituksen suora yhteys Wuhanin virologiseen instituuttiin:
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch ilmoitti tänään, että se on saanut terveysministeriöltä 280 sivua asiakirjoja, jotka paljastavat, että vuosina 2014-2019 tohtori Anthony Faucin johtama National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) myönsi Wuhanin virologian instituutille 826 277 dollaria lepakkokoronavirustutkimusta varten.
Asiakirjat, joista osa oli redusoitu tai kokonaan salattu, saatiin haltuun tiedonvapauslakia (FOIA) koskevan kanteen kautta, jossa haettiin tietoja yhteydenpidosta, sopimuksista ja sopimuksista Kiinassa sijaitsevan Wuhanin virologian instituutin kanssa (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (nro 1:21-cv-00696)). Virasto käsittelee vain 300 sivua asiakirjoja kuukaudessa, mikä tarkoittaa, että kestää marraskuun loppuun asti, ennen kuin asiakirjat on täysin tarkastettu ja julkaistu FOIA:n nojalla.
Tietueisiin kuuluu NIAID:n Chase Crawfordin 21. huhtikuuta 2020 lähettämä kaavio NIAID:n rahoituksesta Wuhanin virologian instituutille, jonka NIAID:n apulaisjohtaja Hugh Auchincloss ja muut NIAID:n virkamiehet lähettivät 21. huhtikuuta 2020. Wuhanin virologian instituutille vuosina 2014-2019 suunnatut viraston varat ovat yhteensä 826 277 dollaria. Kaikkien taulukossa lueteltujen hankkeiden otsikko on ”Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence”.
Sähköpostien lisäksi julkisuuteen tuli syyskuussa 2021 whistleblowerin myötä Pentagonin puolustusministeriön edistyneen tutkimuksen yksikölle DARPA:lle (Defence Advanced Research Agency) vuonna 2018 toimitettu rahoitusehdotus, jonka tavoitteena oli ”lisätä koronaviruksiin erityisesti ihmisiä varten tarkoitettuja liittymäkohtia, jotta viruksia voitaisiin tartuttaa ihmissoluihin” (*human-specific cleavage sites into coronaviruses in order to increase their ability to infect human cells). The Epoch Timesin artikkeli aiheesta toteaa asiakirjan olevan mielenkiintoinen etenkin siksi, että tämän koronaviruksen aiemmista ”samaan haaraan” kuuluvista viruksista erottaakin juuri sen erityinen kyky tarttua ihmissoluihin. Rahoitusehdotus on todettu aidoksi liittovaltion edellisen hallinnon virkailijan toimesta, artikkeli kertoo.
Virallisen tarinan mukaan DARPA kieltäytyi rahoittamasta hanketta, koska piti sitä liian riskaabelina. Myöhemmin myös Project Veritas sai käsiinsä kyseiseen aiheeseen liittyvää materiaalia whistleblowerilta, taannoin DARPA:ssa työskennelleeltä majuri Joseph Murphylta. Aiheesta lisää alla:
Project Veritas sai uusia vuodettuja asiakirjoja (10.1.2022):
Ryhmän käsiinsä saamat dokumentit ovat USA:n puolustusministeriön / Pentagonin alaosaston DARPAN (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) materiaalia. DARPA keskittyy ”Pitkälle vietyihin tutkimusprojekteihin” puolustuksen saralla.
Veritaksella on:
– projektin hylkäyspäätös
– projektihakemuksen yhteenveto
– Tapauksesta puolustusministeriön päätarkastajalle kirjoitettu erillinen varoittava raportti
Mitä Veritaksen juttu sitten kertoo? Mm. seuraavaa:
Eco Health Alliance ja Peter Daszak yrittivät hakea rahoitusta lepakkovirusten tutkimusprojektiin DARPAlta
DARPA hylkäsi dokumenttien mukaan anomuksen, koska siinä ei oltu lainkaan arvioitu mm. turvallisuusriskejä
Fauci:n ikioma instituutio NIAID* (Tartuntatautien ja allergioiden instituutti) päätti kuitenkin jatkaa tutkimusta projektin kanssa
Puolustusministeriön/ DARPA:n syynä projektin hylkäämiselle olivat mm. seuraavat seikat:
rokotteiden kyseisenlaisia viruksia vastaan tiedettiin olevan tehottomia
Gain of Function -tutkimukseen liittyen uusien varianttien luomista piikkiproteiinia hyväksikäyttäen pidettiin liian vaarallisena
Gain of Function -tutkimusta ei tehty pelkästään Wuhanissa
Mielenkiintoisena lisänä Asiakirjoissa mainitaan mm. sekä ivermektiinin että hydroksiklorokiinin toimivuus lääkkeenä tällaisissa viruksissa – eli tieto tästä on ollut olemassa jo mm DARPA:lla
Lokakuussa 2021 ollaan edetty tilanteeseen, jossa jopa valtamedian karikatyyriesimerkki Washington Post vaatii Peter Daszakin kutsumista kongressin kuultavaksi mielipidekirjoituksessaan One person who might know what really happened in Wuhan.
Eläinperäinen leviäminen on uskottava selitys, joka perustuu historialliseen kokemukseen, ja tutkijoiden olisi pyrittävä siihen tarmokkaasti. Samanlaisia ponnisteluja on kuitenkin tehtävä sen selvittämiseksi, johtuuko pandemia laboratoriossa tapahtuneesta tartunnasta tai vuodosta. Peter Daszak, New Yorkissa sijaitsevan voittoa tavoittelemattoman EcoHealth Alliance -järjestön puheenjohtaja, koordinoi viisivuotisen tutkimusohjelman, jota Yhdysvaltain kansallinen terveysinstituutti (National Institute of Health) rahoitti ja jonka tarkoituksena oli tutkia lepakoiden koronaviruksia ja niiden mahdollista leviämisriskiä ihmisiin, ja johon WIV ja sen tutkija Shi Zhengli osallistuivat merkittävästi. Kiinan hallitus, Shi ja Daszak väittävät, että laboratorio ei voi olla pandemiakannan lähde. Daszak on ollut erityisen aggressiivinen puolustaessaan eläinperäisen leviämisen hypoteesia ja hyökätessään laboratoriovuodon kimppuun ”salaliittoteoriana”.
Juuri Daszakin roolista on tullut viime viikkoina julkisuuteen jatkuvasti uutta materiaalia. Eräällä videolla hän mm. kehuskelee ”kuinka hänen kiinalaiset kollegansa kehittävät tappajaviruksia manipuloimalla proteiineja. Alla vielä yksi esimerkki eräästä rahoitetusta projektista:
Toinen GoF- tutkimukseen ja Wuhanin virologiseen instituuttiin kytkeytyvä henkilö on tri. Ralph Baric, joka on tunnettu toimija GoF- tutkimuksen kentällä. Baric oli keskeinen ääni lobbaamassa GoF- rahoituksen jäädyttämistä vastaan vuonna 2014 ja hän on tehnyt kiinteää yhteistyötä Wuhanin instituutin kanssa. The National Pulse käsittelee Baricin tekemisiä ja lausuntoja artikkelissaan WATCH: 2018 Video Shows Wuhan Lab Partner Scheming on How to Make Money from a Pandemic. Videolla Baric nähdään pitämässä esitelmää yleisölle. Hän pyrkii siinä havainnollistamaan mm. sitä, kuinka loistavia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia pandemiat tarjoavat niille, jotka osaavat niitä hyödyntää. Lisäksi Baric on toimut myös GoF- tutkimusrahoituksen väylänä NIAID:n ja Wuhanin välillä. Baricin nimi on myös vaitiolosopimuksessa, joka on kirjoitettu samassa yhteydessä, kun mahdollisia koronavirusrokote- ehdokkaita siirrettiin lääkevalmistaja Modernalta Pohjois- Carolinan yliopistolle – 19 päivää ennen kuin virus edes virallisesti ilmeni Wuhanissa.
Voi myös olla, että näin suuren määrän informaatiota ollessa jo julkista, kyseessä on käytännössä käsienpesun lopputurnaus, jossa erinäiset toimijat yrittävät vierittää syytä toistensa päälle. Anthony Fauci on asiassa hankalassa tilanteessa, koska hän vakuutti toistuvasti kongressin edessä, että GoF- tutkimukseen ei oltu osallistuttu NIH:n & NIAID:n taholta. Hän oli tiukassa sananvaihdossa etenkin kongressiedustaja Rand Paulin kanssa, joka on ammatiltaan lääkäri:
Lokakuussa 2021 kansallinen terveysinstituutti NIH oli pakotettu vetämään matto Faucin ja samalla myös Daszakin jalkojen alta. Instuutti ilmoitti virallisesti, että se joutuu oikaisemaan aiempia Anthony Faucin ja entisen NIH:n johtajan Francis Collinsin (joka sitten erosi) antamia lausuntoja, joissa nämä olivat vakuuttaneet, ettei instituutti ole rahoittanut GoF- tutkimusta Wuhanissa. NIH:n mukaan rahoitusta on mahdollisesti tapahtunut, mutta se johtuu instituutin mukaan siitä, että Daszakin Ecohealth Alliance on rikkonut rahoitukselle määrättyjä ehtoja.
NIH oli pakotettu oikaisuun siinä vaiheessa, kun media oli saanut selville, että Ecohealth Alliance oli toimittanut rahoitusraporttinsa poikkeuksellisesti kaksi vuotta myöhässä määräajasta. The Intercept kirjoittaa aiheesta vielä lisää:
The Intercept -lehdelle julkaistuista asiakirjoista puuttuu myös viiden vuoden edistymisraportti, joka kattaa ratkaisevan tärkeän ajanjakson kesäkuusta 2018 toukokuuhun 2019 ja jonka piti NIH:n ohjeiden mukaan valmistua syyskuussa 2019. Tutkijat sanoivat, että NIH:n ohjelmavastaavat jättävät joskus huomiotta viimeisen raportointijakson raportit, mutta yhdessä vuoden neljän raportin oudon päivämäärän kanssa puute herättää kysymyksiä, joihin viraston pitäisi vastata.
Yhdysvaltalaisten toimijoiden roolin selvittämisessä Wuhanissa tehdyn GoF- tutkimuksen osalta tullee viemään vuosia ja kokonaiskuvaa ei välttämättä ehkä koskaan saada selville. Oikeusministeriö on kuitenkin säännöllisesti asettanut syytteeseen henkilöitä etenkin akateemiselta kentältä Kiinan laskuun toimimisesta – myös nyt pandemian aikana. Yksi mielenkiintoisimmista tapauksista lienee nanoteknologiaan erikoistuneen tohtori Charles Lieberin tapaus. Lieber osallistui Kiinan ”Thousand Talents Plan” -ohjelmaan ja teki yhteistyötä Wuhanin teknillisen yliopiston kanssa ’strategisen tutkijan’ nimikkeellä. Lieberin mahdolliset kytkökset virustutkimukseen ovat vielä auki, mutta hänen osaamisalueensa, nanoteknologia on herättänyt paljon spekulaatioita asiasta.
”Lieber”, kirjoitti eräs lääketieteen ammattilainen, ”on tehnyt valtavan harppauksen ultrajoustavan verkkoelektroniikan saralla, minkä hän lupaa mahdollistavan niin sanotun ’tarkkuuselektronisen lääketieteen’. Teknologia ei juurikaan aktivoi immuunivastetta, mutta pysyy hyvin lähellä soluja, joita niiden on tarkoitus vakoilla.”
Kaiken kaikkiaan viitteet – tai edes mahdollisuus siihen, että yhdysvaltalaisten veronmaksajien rahoja käytettiin rahoittamaan mahdollisesti tämänhetkisen pandemian aiheuttaneen viruksen kehittämistä, on kaikessa banaaliudessaan hyytävä ja samalla mielipuolisen absurdi vaihtoehto – se ei kuitenkaan nykytiedon valossa ole missään tapauksessa poissuljettua.
Gain of function research explained
– ”Many have the impression that GoF research involves making an organism more deadly – for example, increasing the capacity of a virus to cause disease. That impression is incorrect. Certainly GoF research might lead to a more dangerous organism, but most of the time that is not the goal” – artikkeli
Tekstiin sisältymättömät:
Rebuilding Americas Defenses | Project for the New American Century/Foreign Policy Initiative/ – “Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” (p. 60) | – asiakirja (lisätty 3.4.2022)
Veritas lätkäytti uusia vuodettuja asiakirjoja (10.1.2022):
Video- tiivistelmä:
Ryhmän käsiinsä saamat dokumentit USA:n puolustusministeriön / Pentagonin alaosaston DARPAN (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) tavaraa. DARPA keskittyy ”Pitkälle vietyihin tutkimusprojekteihin” puolustuksen saralla.
Veritaksella on:
– projektin hylkäyspäätös
– projektihakemuksen yhteenveto
– Tapauksesta puolustusministeriön päätarkastajalle kirjoitettu erillinen varoittava raportti
Mitä Veritaksen juttu sitten kertoo? Mm. seuraavaa:
-1) Eco Health Alliance ja Peter Daszak yrittivät hakea rahoitusta lepakkovirusten tutkimusprojektiin DARPAlta
2) DARPA hylkäsi dokumenttien mukaan anomuksen, koska siinä ei oltu lainkaan arvioitu mm. turvallisuusriskejä
3) Fauci:n ikioma lafka NIAID* (Tartuntatautien ja allergioiden instituutti) päätti kuitenkin jatkaa tutkimusta projektin kanssa
4) Asiakirjoissa mainitaan mm. sekä ivermektiinin että hydroksiklorokiinin toimivuus lääkkeenä tällaisissa viruksissa – eli tieto on ollut
5) Puolustusministeriön/ DARPA:n syynä projektin hylkäämiselle olivat mm. seuraavat seikat:
rokotteiden kyseisenlaisia viruksia vastaan tiedettiin olevan tehottomia
Gain of Function -tutkimukseen liittyen uusien varianttien luomista piikkiproteiinia hyväksikäyttäen pidettiin liian vaarallisena
6) Gain of Function -tutkimusta ei tehty pelkästään Wuhanissa
–> The Crumbs in Latest Project Veritas Release | The Major Murphy (USMC) Report – ”This is Part I of a series dedicated to the investigation of the documents that were released by Project Veritas on January 10, 2022. The main document is a report written by Major Murphy, Joseph P. The report is an analysis of documents and intelligence reports that act synergistically in supporting the theory that SARS-COV-2 was genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)”
– Part I (päivitetty 18.1.2022)
– Part II (päivitetty 22.1.2022)
– Part III (päivitetty 26.1.2022)
-> Project Veritas: Former DARPA Fellow Pens Letter Exposing Gov’t Secrets – ”One of the more disturbing confirmations in Murphy’s letter—obtained by Project Veritas—centers on his discussion of the known therapeutics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to inhibit viral replication and modulate the immune response. He appears to confirm that effective therapeutics were known and suppressed for reasons that are yet unclear. There is certainly plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that therapeutics were purposely withheld at great cost to hundreds of thousands of Americans” – artikkeli (päivitetty 13.1.2022)
–> Project DEFUSE – DARPA – PREEMPT (HR001118S0017) | *tuntemattomasta lähteestä* peräisin oleva asiakirja; Project Veritaksen paljastaman Eco Health Alliancen ajaman ”lepakkorokotehankkeen” (oletettu) hankedokumentti kokonaisuudessaan: – asiakirja (päivitetty 15.1.2022)
-> ”We’ve released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the Wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory” | GOP Oversight committee: ”We write to request a transcribed interview of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Excerpts of emails we are making public
today (see enclosed Appendix I) reveal that Dr. Fauci was warned of two things: (1) the potential that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute Virology (WIV) and (2) the possibility that the virus was intentionally genetically manipulated. It is imperative we investigate if this information was conveyed to the rest of the government and whether this information would have changed the U.S. response to the pandemic” – Twiitti ja kirje (lisätty 11.1.2022)
Linkkejä artikkelin aineistoon:
Wuhan, viruksen alkuperä; laboratoriovuoto?
Fauci, sähköpostit ja paljastuneet asiakirjat
Gain of Function & Wuhan – läntiset toimijat
Myöhemmin lisättyjä linkkejä
Dangerous Pathogens and Lab Leaks: What Are the Odds? – ”Amid concerns that a laboratory accident led to the COVID-19 pandemic, some scientists argue the odds that a virus could escape from a high-containment lab and spark a global pandemic are just too high.” – artikkeli
Ralph Baricin CV – asiakirja (lisätty 17.1.2022) (alla olevat kuvat CV:stä @ChiefNerd)
CV:n virallinen lähde: North Carolina University
Emails reveal scientists suspected COVID leaked from Wuhan lab – then quickly censored themselves – ”Now, a string of unearthed emails — the most recent being a batch viewed by the House Oversight and Reform Committee and referred to in its Jan. 11 letter — is making it seem increasingly likely that there was, in fact, a conspiracy, its aim being to suppress the notion that the virus had emerged from research funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Anthony Fauci” – artikkeli (päivitetty 26.1.2022)
The Lab Leak: The Plots and Schemes of Jeremy Farrar, Anthony Fauci, and Francis Collins – ”Sounds like a thriller movie! A burner phone? Clandestine meetings? What the heck is going on here? If there really was a virus on the loose and a looming crisis of public health, why would your first impulse be, as a famous guy and so on, to write about it, tell the public everything you know, inform every public health official, open up and prepare people, and get to work finding therapeutics that can save lives? Why would you not immediately investigate the demographics of risk and inform people and institutions of the best-possible response?” – artikkeli (lisätty 17.1.2022)
Thunder Out of China | Yuri Deigin – ”The emails obtained under the FOIA revealed that, three days after the call with Fauci, Andersen and Baric assisted Daszak in drafting the letter that subsequently appeared in The Lancet denouncing what, in an email, Andersen would call the “crackpot” and “fringe” hypotheses that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered.50” – artikkeli (päivitetty 8.2.2022)
A new report from DARPA shows that the U.S. government has lied to the American people about everything related to COVID – ”The documents outline how Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 with a request for funding “gain of function” (bioweapons) research using bat coronaviruses. The proposal was ultimately rejected by DARPA over safety concerns — though DARPA did not voluntarily share these documents with the American public while Daszak and Fauci misrepresented their research work on a daily basis in the national media for two years” -artikkeli (lisätty 12.1.2022)
Pentagon tasks Pfizer with radically rethinking vaccine development (2013) – ”News of the project emerged after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)–the research arm of the Pentagon–awarded Pfizer a three-year, $7.7 million contract. Details of the research are scarce, but what DARPA has revealed implies it wants to cut response times to pandemic or bioterrorism threats by eliminating several of the steps currently needed to confer immunity. ”Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual,” the Department of Defense wrote in its roundup of recent contracts.” – artikkeli (lisätty 11.1.2022)
EcoHealth Alliance wanted to block disclosure of Covid-19-relevant virus data from China – ”EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak opposed the public release of Covid-19-related virus sequence data gathered from China as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) PREDICT program, according to emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know” – artikkeli (lisätty 11.1.2021)
EXCLUSIVE: Fauci Staffers Flagged Potential Gain-Of-Function Research At Wuhan Lab In 2016, Records Reveal – artikkeli (lisätty 4.11.2021)
NIH knew Wuhan lab enhanced bat coronavirus years earlier than officials testified, grantee says – EcoHealth Alliance documentation of 2018 submission casts doubt on agency’s representation to Congress – artikkeli (lisätty 11.11.2021)
Felony Crimes End Pharma Immunity: US Criminal Conspiracy Strikes Root of Covid Nightmare – dr. David Martin: – video (24.11.2021)
To Deny the ”Lab Leak” COVID Theory, the NYT and WPost Use Dubious and Conflicted Sources – artikkeli (lisätty 6.12.2021)
NIH: No Documents Available on Removal of ‘Gain-of-Function’ Definition From Website – artikkeli (lisätty 10.12.2021)
Crimes or Cover-Up? Exposing the World’s Most Dangerous Lie – video- dokkari (lisätty 10.12.2021)
New Documents Suggest U.S Funded Gain-of-Function Research In Wuhan – artikkeli (lisätty 11.12.2021)
Glenn Beck joined Tucker Carlson to review a newly released ‘confidential agreement’ suggesting that the US government co-owns the Moderna Covid vaccine – video (lisätty 10.12.2021)
Secret Agreement Formed by US Government to Own ‘Vaccine’ During COVID-19’s First Origins – artikkeli (lisätty 14.12.2021)
Charles Lieber | Harvard Professor Charged With Lying About China Ties Faces Trial – artikkeli (lisätty 15.12.2021)
Charles Lieber | Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases – oikeusministeriön tiedote (lisätty 15.12.2021)
Moderna | Moderna was working on the vaccine before the virus ever even came out of the lab. There is strong evidence that this was premeditated, coordinated and utilized ”to railroad the population into mass vaccination.” | Joe Rogan & Peter McCullough – videoklippi (lisätty 15.12.2021)
Wuhan lab leak ’now the most likely origin of Covid’, MPs told – Dr Alina Chan says there is also a risk that Covid-19 is an engineered virus | Telegraph: – artikkeli [alkuperäinen maksullinen] (lisätty 15.12.2021)
Lancet Editor Admits Politics Led to Dismissal of Lab Leak Theory – The editor of The Lancet admitting today to UK Parliament that US-China politics and anti-Asian sentiment influenced their decision to publish a 2020 letter dismissing the lab leak theory as a “conspiracy theory” — despite there being “[no] evidence one way or the other” – video (lisätty 17.12.2021)
Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The Wuhan Lab Research – ”The CIA through USAID was the biggest funder, even bigger than Tony Fauci, of gain of function studies in Wuhan, the Pentagon was second, Tony Fauci was third… The Pentagon began funnelled the money through Tony Fauci to Wuhan, $1.7 billion a year. Now it’s $2.2 billion. They also gave Fauci a 68% raise attached to his bioweapons research. That’s one of the reasons why he had to continue to do this gain of function research even when Obama told him to stop in 2014. He didn’t… Ralph Baric with funding from Tony Fauci developed the system for hiding the evidence of engineering” – artikkeli (lisätty 17.12.2021)
Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing – ”In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 21.12.2021)
Harvard Professor Charles Lieber Found Guilty of Lying About China Ties – ”During the same interrogation, investigators presented Lieber with a contract he had signed with the TTP stipulating payments of $50,000 per month for his work with the Wuhan Institute of Technology. He had previously said in the same interview that he did not take a salary from the Chinese university.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 22.12.2021)
Harvard professor Charles Lieber convicted of hiding ties to China – Federal prosecutors say Lieber signed a contract with the Wuhan University of Technology for $50K a month and over $150K in living expenses – artikkeli (päivitetty 22.12.2021)
The Reckoning Has Begun For US Scientists, Contractors and Others Who Helped The CCP Military Do Gain-of-Function Research on Coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – ”While there was plenty of evidence – chiefly from the nature of the virus and it’s variants themselves, because they appear to have been designed – that these viruses are of human origin, an incredible amount of concentrated effort was expended early on in the pandemic to discount the lab leak theory and instead proffer a natural jump from animals to humans as the true origin.” – artikkeli (tilaajille) – (päivitetty 22.12.2021)
Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process Written Public Comments – Oct. 19, 2014 – Jun. 8, 2016 – asiakirja (päivitetty 27.12.2021)
Oracle Supercomputer: COVID-19 ‘Highly Adapted’ for Human (Not Bat or Pangolin) Infection – ”Petrovsky’s findings, which appear to identify humans as the original host of COVID-19, undercut the theory that the virus was transferred from animal to human but rather originated in humans independent of an animal.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 30.12.2021)
THE SAGA OF DR. CHARLES LIEBER WITH MARYAM HENEIN | RP78 – ”Maryam Henein joins us to discuss the saga of Dr. Charles Lieber, the former Harvard Professor who did an incalculable amount of damage to American scientific progress by stealing American intellectual property and transferring it to China’s Thousand Talents program” – video (päivitetty 3.1.2022)
Lab Leak 2.0 – “If a $1000 PhD side project could kill millions of people, we must end viral [gain-of-function research], or it may end us.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 6.1.2022)
Was Peter Daszak Working For The Central Intelligence Agency? – ”Daszak, who received more than $118 million in grants and contracts from federal agencies, including $53 million from USAID, $42 million from DOD, and $15 million from HHS, appeared to boast about the manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China” at the now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology” – artikkeli (päivitetty 19.1.2022)
*) COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle – ”Yet, how exactly was Moderna’s “Hail Mary” moment realized, and what were the forces and events that ensured it would make it through the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) process? In examining that question, it becomes quickly apparent that Moderna’s journey of saving grace involved much more than just cutting corners in animal and human trials and federal regulations.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 31.1.2022)
Could This Anthony Fauci Conspiracy Theory Actually Be Real? Just Look At The Dates – ’Emails to and from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Francis Collins, former director of the National Institutes of Health, show that the two men were engaged in efforts to suppress the lab-leak theory and portray it as a “conspiracy.”’ – artikkeli (päivitetty 1.2.2022)
Fauci Knew About Virus Lab Origin From Secret Teleconference, Pushed Alternate Narrative: Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke – ”Dr. Anthony Fauci was told in a secret teleconference that the CCP virus had very likely leaked from a laboratory in China, yet still pushed the alternate narrative that it had originated naturally, new evidence allegedly shows.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 2.2.2022)
House Republicans say NIH, HHS ’stonewalling’ on handling of COVID lab leak theory, demand more info – ”To date, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and NIH have refused to produce any responsive documents or information not previously or immediately thereafter made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. This request is urgent as no one disputes the necessity of understanding the origins of the ongoing pandemic,” reads the letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and acting NIH Director Lawrence Tabak. – artikkeli (päivitetty 4.2.2022)
ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19 – ”Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appears on four U.S patents for a key glycoprotein that seems to have been inserted into the SARS virus to create COVID-19., a legal portal, lists patents by inventor Anthony Fauci involving a glycoprotein in HIV-1.” – artikkeli June 29, 2021 (päivitetty 9.2.2022)
Dr. Andrew Huff, the former VP of EcoHealth Alliance, has submitted a whistleblower complaint to Senator Roger Wicker alleging EcoHealth Alliance ”funded the development of SARS-COV2”, ”engaged in fraud against the US government”, and that EcoHealth Alliance CEO Dr. Peter Daszak was ”working with the CIA” – valitus (päivitetty 9.2.2022)
EcoHealth Alliance: Whistleblower Exposes Corruption – ”UncoverDC spoke with Huff’s publicist on Tuesday, who provided the Feb. 8 letter from Huff to Senator Roger F. Wicker (R-Mississippi), the Ranking Member of the Whistleblower Committee for the United States Senate. Huff says he was privy to information from all manner of operations and management at EcoHealth. He consulted on and reviewed proposals, including those associated with gain-of-function research on the development of SARS-COV2 and the EcoHealth Alliance partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 10.2.2022)
’Early version of Covid-19’ is discovered in Chinese lab, fuelling fears that scientists were studying the virus prior to outbreak – ”Viscount Ridley, author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, suggested the latest evidence may support the lab leak theory due to the presence of ’three key [Covid] mutations’ that are characteristic of the earliest sequences of the virus.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 11.2.2022)
Was Our Intelligence Community Involved in Creating the Virus? | Guest: Dr. Andrew Huff | 2/10/22 – ”Who is responsible for creating this virus? That matters now more than ever because we need to make sure all gain of function research is terminated. On today’s special show, we are joined by Dr. Andrew Huff, a whistleblower who worked with Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance, the man and the company at the center of the gain of function scandal. Huff believes that Daszak was working for the CIA, and that the defense and intelligence community is responsible for the Chinese leaking the virus. He also believes federal officials have been monitoring his communications, and that his house has been broken into recently. What is our government hiding, and why wouldn’t they want to speak to a man who was involved in this research?” – podcast (päivitetty 11.2.2022)
This is time line of research on Coronavirus from 2005. To say the possibility of this was not lab created is just false – Postaus (päivitetty 11.2.2022)
– Dr. Brian Tyson
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? | (5.5.2021) – ”I’ll describe the two theories, explain why each is plausible, and then ask which provides the better explanation of the available facts. It’s important to note that so far there is no direct evidence for either theory. Each depends on a set of reasonable conjectures but so far lacks proof. So I have only clues, not conclusions, to offer. But those clues point in a specific direction. And having inferred that direction, I’m going to delineate some of the strands in this tangled skein of disaster.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 13.2.2022)
Gain-Of-Function Research: The EcoHealth Alliance Intelligence Collection Scam – ’The highly dangerous gain-of-function (GoF) research and funding managed by EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), “began before Fauci’s NiH or NIAID became involved,” says whistleblower, Andrew Huff, Ph.D., MS who is the former VP of Data and Technology at EcoHealth Alliance (EHA). Moreover, says Huff, EcoHealth Alliance under the direction of its “President, Peter Daszak, was not adhering to its mission of conservation work…EcoHealth was not collecting the right data nor was it employing the methods or models necessary to forecast or prevent pandemics as it states in its mission,” says Huff.’ – artikkeli (päivitetty 18.2.2022)
Lab Leak Theory – New article shows link to patented gene in SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage site – ”This paper gives further teeth to the lab leak theory and raises questions that should and could have been answered right at the beginning of this pandemic, probably saving countless lives. Why is Moderna’s patented sequence in SARS-CoV-2?” – artikkeli (päivitetty 22.2.2022)
Newly Published Paper Shows Genetic Sequence in SARS-CoV-2 Patented by MODERNA in 2018 – ”There is a new paper just published in Frontiers in Virology that showed that there is a genetic sequence in the SARS-CoV-2 genome that was patented by Moderna in 2018 and has a likelihood of 0.000000000032 of appearing in the genome randomly. See reference to “proprietary sequence SEQ ID11652” .. ” – artikkeli (päivitetty 23.2.2022)
“Spartacus” is back again – COVID-19: A Web of Corruption – ”On December 12th, 2019, before anyone even knew an outbreak had occurred in Wuhan, Ralph Baric signed a material transfer agreement (seen on Page 105 of this document) to take delivery of “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna”. – Wait, NIAID and Moderna co-own an mRNA vaccine? – Who is the director of NIAID again? Oh, right…” – artikkeli (päivitetty 26.2.2022)
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19 – ”In theory nothing is impossible in science, medicine or genomics. A SARS virus emerging naturally with 3 HIV inserts at its binding sites and also containing a furin cleavage site that doesn’t exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent… that’s seriously crazy talk. It doesn’t exist. A flying pink elephant would be a million times more likely.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 26.2.2022)
On the Pentagon’s Biological Laboratories in Ukraine [2014] – ”In Ukraine in 2013 alone, biolaboratories were opened in Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Uzhhorod, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Simferopol, Kherson, Lviv (three laboratories at once in this town!) and Lugansk with the support of the US. ” – artikkeli (päivitetty 28.2.2022)
U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine: Deadly viruses and threat for population [2020] – ”America has allocated more than $ 2 billion to finance secret biological laboratories in Ukraine. And only the Americans have the exclusive right of access to the experiments carried out there … The Ukrainian authorities stubbornly hide even the existence of these laboratories. And people panic because of outbreaks of unknown diseases … So how protected are these premises from the leakage of dangerous viruses?” – artikkeli (päivitetty 28.2.2022)
”Spartacus” on palannut – COVID-19: Korruption verkko – ”SARS-CoV-2 on ihmisen luoma. Se tuotettiin Wuhanin virologian instituutissa Yhdysvaltain hallituksen rahoituksella. Se on häikäilemättömän eliitin suunnitelman kulmakivi, jonka tarkoituksena on vallata koko maailma. On olemassa riittävästi aihetodisteita, jotka yhdistettyinä viittaavat siihen, että monet hallituksen virkamiehet ja tiedemiehet ovat osallisina tässä juonessa.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 1.3.2022)
Fauci Agency Knew Chinese Authorities Were Withholding COVID-19 Data in January 2020, Documents Show – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said he believes the 90 pages of communication records between the NIH and the Wuhan lab show that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, NIAID, has been “hiding information on China’s failure to provide essential data on COVID-19.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 4.3.2022)
Two Mutations Were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus – ”To understand how Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) transmitted from bats to humans, we compared the virus surface spikes of MERS-CoV and a related bat coronavirus, HKU4. Although HKU4 spike cannot mediate viral entry into human cells, two mutations enabled it to do so by allowing it to be activated by human proteases. These mutations are present in MERS-CoV spike, explaining why MERS-CoV infects human cells. These mutations therefore played critical roles in the bat-to-human transmission of MERS-CoV, either directly or through intermediate hosts.”– tutkimus (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
Forty-three telltale signs Covid is a bioweapon operation – ”Abundant circumstantial evidence points to the Covid pandemic being part of an ethnic bioweapon operation whose apparent aims are death, disability, submission to irrational orders, coerced vaccination, travel restrictions, supply chain disruptions, asset stripping, and vaccine passports using social credit scores to control and harm select persons and groups. Lockdowns, masks, business closures, variants, and vaccine booster policies are part of it, too.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 17.3.2022)
Dr. David Martin’s Lawsuit Against Biden: The COVID Injection is a Bioweapon – ”The lawsuit, Griner v. Biden et al., was filed on Mar. 4, 2022, in the U.S. District Court in Utah on behalf of Devan Griner, MD, a double-board certified surgeon and widely published author who has transformed the lives of hundreds of children in Utah and beyond. Besides naming Joe Biden, defendants include Xavier Becerra of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as well as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its leaders.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 23.3.2022)
COVID-19 – A Biological Weapon Targeting Ethnicity and Body Systems – ”There was something even more startling. In the first wave, Dr. Chetty had only black people as patients. In the second wave it was mostly patients of Indian descent who came to him. He said, “No black patients any more, all Indians”. It was the second wave that severely ravaged India, and in Dr. Chetty’s second wave he had mostly Indian patients, presumably the same strain. In the third wave, there were almost no black or Indian patients; instead, they were “all white and Muslim”. You can recall that in the US, the first wave especially affected blacks. With China, COVID was initially 100% Chinese-specific until the virus mutated” – artikkeli (päivitetty 24.3.2022)
The controversial quest to make a ’contagious’ vaccine | National Geographic – ”A new technology aims to stop wildlife from spreading Ebola, rabies, and other viruses. It could prevent the next pandemic by stopping pathogens from jumping from animals to people.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 24.3.2022)
Lab accident is ‘most likely but least probed’ COVID origin, State Dept. memo says – ”State Department officials considered a lab accident to be the most likely cause of COVID-19 in the pandemic’s early months and worried that international virologists may help with a coverup, according to a 2020 memo obtained by U.S. Right to Know. “Origin of the outbreak: The Wuhan labs remained the most likely but least probed,” reads the topline. – artikkeli (päivitetty 29.3.2022)
Confidential Documents suggest Moderna created its Coronavirus Vaccine BEFORE Covid-19 was known to exist; & further evidence suggests Moderna actually made SARS-CoV-2 in a Lab – ”The confidentially agreement which can be viewed here states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019. – artikkeli (päivitetty 29.3.2022)
Just-Released Docs Reveal NIH Deleted COVID Data For Wuhan Researcher – ”An eye-opening 238 pages of just-released documents from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) disclose that in June 2020—at the request of researchers at China’s Wuhan University—the NIH deleted information about COVID-19 genetic sequencing. The tranche of emails, obtained by the non-partisan group Empower Oversight following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, reveal the frenzy of activity at the NIH following the deletions and show that an expert advised then NIH Director Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci that the coronavirus driving the global pandemic originated outside of the Wuhan food market as asserted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).” – artikkeli (päivitetty 30.3.2022)
NIH Deleted Info From Wuhan Lab on CCP Virus Genetic Sequencing, Watchdog’s FOIA Finds – artikkeli (päivitetty 30.3.2022)
Look Here, not There – The misdirection ploy of ”look here, not there” has been used many times since 2020 to direct your attention away from the critical questions. Did you know about the document linked to here? Why not? – ”Go back and read this GitHub article [kaappaus artikkelista alla] now and understand why its suppression provokes white hot rage among those of us who know. This kind of information should have been all over the airwaves, on the front page of the New York Times, on the tickers of CNN and MSBNC. It should have been talked about in all the coffee shops and around all the work water coolers. But it wasn’t. And we all have to come to grips with WHY IT WASN’T.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 5.4.2022)
Fauci’s Colleague Offered to Secretly Erase a COVID-19 Paper Containing Data Hidden By China. It Happened During an ‘Extremely Contentious’ Zoom Call Which Saw Scientists ‘Yelling at Each Other’ – ”Andersen’s reported efforts to halt the publication of a paper providing insight into the origins of COVID-19 comes amidst a massive campaign by mainstream media outlets and public health officials – often those with ties to the Chinese Communist Party – to discredit the “lab leak” theory.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 5.4.2022)
NIH Admits it ‘Suppressed’ Wuhan Lab Genetic Data, But Disputes Watchdog’s ‘Deleted’ Label – artikkeli (päivitetty 5.4.2022)
State Department Memo In Early 2020 Assessed That Lab leak Was Most Likely Origin Of COVID-19 – ”A newly released memo from the U.S. State Department reveals that government officials knew early on that the COVID pandemic likely originated at a lab in Wuhan, China.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 9.4.2022)
Over 100,000 Released Documents Expose COVID Origin Fraud – Vanity Fair’s Katherine Eban answers Ryan Grim and Robby Soave’s questions about her new lab leak reporting. – video (päivitetty 11.4.2022)
Putting the Shanghai Lockdown into Context: China Sees this as a Bioweapon | Matt Ehret – ”For anyone who would find themselves instinctively inclined to brush aside such claims as “conspiracy theorizing”, I would encourage a brief review of Sir Henry Kissinger’s infamous NSSM-200 report: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests published in 1974.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 12.4.2022)
Surveying the Biological Warfare Landscape – ”It is alleged that the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is just a cover for the research and development of Chinese bioweapons. Could SARS-CoV-2 have been bioengineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?” – artikkeli (päivitetty 19.4.2022)
GOP to Becerra: Investigate Unethical Behavior of EcoHealth’s Dr. Peter Daszak – ”The lawmakers write that eight years prior, in 2014, NIH awarded EHA a $3.7 million grant entitled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” In 2016, EHA and Dr. Daszak failed to file a timely annual report, falling out of compliance with the terms of the grant. Documents provided to the Committee show that when Daszak did file the report, it became evident that EHA, in collaboration with WIV, had engaged in gain-of-function research in violation of the moratorium.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 21.4.2022)
Wuhan Lab Allowed to Destroy ‘Secret Files’ Under Its Partnership with US National Lab, Agreement Shows – artikkeli (päivitetty 21.4.2022)
The Biological Weapons Convention does not prohibit biological weapons – An overlooked loophole allows development, manufacture and stockpiling for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes | Dr. Robert Malone – ”Any government could drive a train through this loop-hole. As long as a signatory of this convention is developing, stockpiling, acquiring or retaining biological or toxin weapons for PROTECTION (undefined what constitutes defensive versus offensive bioweapons), they are not breaking the convention. Wow. As someone who has spent much of my (post 9-11) professional life in this sector of biodefense, I had never examined or really thought about the actual wording of the treaty. And I have no clear idea of what a “defensive” bioweapon would be. The term seems to be a non-sequitur. If a bioweapon exists, to my mind it is intrinsically capable for offensive use.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 24.4.2022)
Anthony Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance and Lugar Center Collaboration Part 1: Creation of Coronavirus-based Weapon of Mass Destruction – ”In October 2017, EcoHealth was granted USA Award HDTRA1170064 9761 to “combat weapons of mass destruction.” The term ”combat” in this award means to develop a vaccine or medicine to combat the weapons of mass destruction. The term ”weapons of mass destruction” in this award refers to coronavirus enhanced by man to be a weapon.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 29.4.2022)
Anthony Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance and Lugar Center Collaboration Part 2 : Testing of Medicine or Vaccine against Coronavirus-based Weapon of Mass Destruction (Likely Remdesivir and SARS2) – ”Remdesivir was developed by the NIH, Gilead Sciences, Vanderbilt University, and North Carolina University around 2007. Remdesivir proved to be a deadly and ineffective ”drug” on everything that it has been tested on. First they tried it on Hepatitis C. It failed so badly, you can’t even find information on those trials. Then the tested it on Ebola. It killed a staggering 53% of all patients and 85% of patients with a high viral load.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 29.4.2022)
E&C Republicans Demand NIH Investigate Daszak for Cover-Up & Fraud – ”On Monday, Republican leaders of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce (E&C) sent a letter to National Institute of Health (NIH) Acting Director Lawrence Tabak demanding the agency investigate Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance for a cover-up and possible fraud related to research at the Wuhan Lab while using funds from the NIH.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 30.4.2022)
Letter from US Congress oversight committee to Department of Health – questions about virus origins and gain of function | – “I really can’t think of a plausible natural scenario where you get from the bat virus or one very similar to it to nCoV where you insert exactly 4 amino acids 12 nucleotide that all have to be added at the exact same time to gain this function – that and you don’t change any other amino acid in S2? I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature.” – Bob Garry, Ph.D. Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Tulane School of Medicine. | – viranomaiskirje (päivitetty 3.5.2022)
Natalie Winters: Texas Lab Agreed to Destroy Records If Asked by Wuhan Institute of Virology – “I had never seen a clause like this, and it basically stipulated that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could demand that the Galveston National Laboratory—again, a taxpayer-funded U.S.-based lab—would have to delete files, pathogens, materials.” National Pulse investigative reporter Natalie Winters recently broke the story of the Galveston National Laboratory’s memorandum of understanding with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. – haastattelu (päivitetty 4.5.2022)
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program – Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents and HHS secretaries for treason under 18 USC 2381 | – ”The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 13.5.2022)
Top US Scientist Tried to Help Wuhan Lab Counter Virus Leak Concerns – Efforts coincide with push to deepen collaboration with China – ”As the pandemic engulfed the world in 2020, a top U.S. scientist that had for years worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) actively tried to help Chinese researchers at the lab counter concerns that the virus might have originated from the facility, newly released emails show. These efforts include alerting Chinese scientists of U.S. investigations into the lab and providing them with a list of questions to answer to help respond to outside concerns.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 14.5.2022)
The company Battelle is mentioned specifically by Russia. “The private company performs work for the Pentagon’s DTRA bio laboratories in Afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, Uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam – ”Battelle conducts research, development, testing, and evaluation using ( both highly toxic chemicals and highly pathogenic biological agents for a wide range of US government agencies ( It has been awarded some $2 billion federal contracts in total and ranks 23 on the Top 100 US government contractors list.” – postaus (päivitetty 14.5.2022)
Something ‘Rotten’ With NIH Funding CCP-Controlled Labs: Natalie Winters – artikkeli (päivitetty 16.5.2022)
DIA: Intel suggests COVID virus was lab-engineered | Washington Times – ”Army Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, revealed in prepared Senate testimony this week that some U.S. intelligence agencies — not identified by name — believe the virus behind the COVID-19 pandemic may have been genetically modified in a laboratory and not transmitted naturally from an animal host in China, where it was first identified.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 17.5.2022)
Question for Scientists about Ralph Baric’s ”Methods for Producing Recombinant Coronavirus” – ”Now to the potential for a recombinant coronavirus. In April 20, 2001, Ralph Baric filed a provisional application for “METHODS FOR PRODUCING RECOMBINANT CORONAVIRUS” – My question is: Is it possible that the spike proteins and other unknown coronavirus elements generated by the mRNA in the so-called “vaccines” can combine with other elements of virus which may be already in human populations, and emerge after a period of time as an infectious virus? – Viruses such as Delta and Omicron waves, which clearly followed injection campaigns?” – artikkeli [patentin kuvankaappaus alla] (päivitetty 18.5.2022)
United States D.O.D issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed – artikkeli (päivitetty 19.5.2022)
Covid-18, Omicron and Some Things That Need Explaining – Was SARS-CoV-2 made in a lab? Was it active prior to December of 2019? Is Omicron older than the Wuhan strain? | – ”My objective here is to provide a framework that allows for the average person to understand one of the key Covid hypotheses: that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab PRIOR to 2019.” .. ”Add all these things up and it is just not mathematically possible that all these genetic anomalies happen together naturally. The Ethical Skeptic puts it at 4 Unvigintillion to one.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 20.5.2022)
EXC: The Infamous Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Using Methods Flagged For Creating ‘Contagious Pathogens’ – ”The study was first published in February 2022, just months before the latest international outbreak of monkeypox cases which appear to have now reached the United States. The paper, which was authored by nine Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers and published in the lab’s quarterly scientific journal Virologica Sinica, also follows the wide-scale use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests to identify COVID-19-positive individuals. Researchers appeared to identify a portion of the monkeypox virus genome, enabling PCR tests to identify the virus, in the paper: “Efficient Assembly of a Large Fragment of Monkeypox Virus Genome as a qPCR Template Using Dual-Selection Based Transformation-Associated Recombination.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 23.5.2022)
Wuhan Laboratory Found to Have Conducted Novel Monkeypox Research One Year Before Global Outbreak – ”In a scientific article in Virologica Sinica, the official journal of the Chinese Society of Microbiology, the authors explained the process for artificially engineering a monkeypox virus. The journal article was submitted by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, the State Key Laboratory of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 24.5.2022)
Stunning New Emails Reveal Ongoing Pattern of Lying From Government Officials Regarding Wuhan Lab | Truth Over News – ”We know that James Le Duc, director of the Fauci-funded Galvelston lab—which trained Wuhan lab staff—was very concerned that the virus came from the Wuhan lab. We also know that Le Duc relayed these concerns to both the director of the Wuhan lab and to a shadowy governmental official who was connected to both Peter Dazsak’s EcoHealth Alliance and to Le Duc himself. A new batch of Freedom of Information emails from Le Duc’s lab now sheds additional light on the fact that all major players knew very early on that the virus had come out of the lab.” – video
(↑ päivitetty 8.6.2022)
*) Lab Origins of SARS-COV2 – ”I decided to collect together some material and links that I had saved and put them here so that you can easily reference them (and so can I.)” – artikkeli
SARS-COV2: It. Was. Made. In. A. Lab.
Here are the links.
SARS-COV Chimeric virus paper, 2007; some authors on this paper were from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They experimented—as far back as 2007—with adding HIV proteins to SARS-COV to create chimeric viruses to test ACE2 binding. (more detail and clip below)
This article, which hints at an emergency shutdown in the Wuhan Lab in October of 2019.
This Epoch Times article, which lays the background for the CCP’s involvement in biological weapons research over many decades.
This article, published on GITHUB in April of 2020 by researchers who wished to remain anonymous so that their careers wouldn’t be destroyed. It also presents historical evidence of many biological research accidents around the world over decades that most people are blissfully unaware of.
The Spartacus letter, revised in September of 2021.
This article by EthicalSkeptic, who makes the claim that analyses of the “Genetic clock” of mutations on the strains of SARS-COV-2 yield surprising contradictions about the sequential origin of various strains, including Omicron. His claim: the Wuhan strain may extend as far back as 2018 and Omicron possibly earlier still. His twitter account EthicalSkeptic is a national treasure, in my opinion, as he is one of the sharpest minds in data analytics I have ever known.
This article by “ClownBasket” on substack, which summarizes a number of other articles and findings pointing to lab origins of SARS-COV2.
This article by Dr. Ah Kahn Syed, who uses the gene sequence comparison and analysis tool known as BLAST to find interesting correlations between the sequence(s) for SARS-COV2 and existing sequences that were already stored in GENBANK and other repositories. His conclusion: lab originated.
This tweet thread from Jessica Rose, when she first read the Pradhan paper whose results are summarized here. Jessica’s Substack is also chock full of reference material relating to the virus, pandemic policies, and the shots. Jessica’s Twitter bio is impressive: “Applied Mathematician | Immunologist | Computational Biologist | Molecular Biologist | Biochemist | Musician | Writer | Logger”
For 2 Years, WHO Claimed COVID-19 Had a Natural Origin—Now It Isn’t so Sure – ”In a sudden reversal, the World Health Organization (WHO) now admits that the COVID-19 virus might well have come out of a Wuhan lab. In a lengthy new report, the organization claims that the lab leak theory is plausible and needs to be studied. The U-turn comes after two previous WHO reports roundly dismissed the lab leak theory.” – video
WHO and Lancet Commission Chiefs Come Out in Support of Lab Leak Theory – ”World Health Organization (WHO) Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reportedly admitted to a senior European politician that the virus that causes COVID-19 most likely came out of a Wuhan lab. The Daily Mail reports that Tedros made the admission citing a catastrophic lab accident. The disclosure comes on the heels of a WHO investigative report that was published earlier this month, concluding that the pandemic may have started at a Wuhan lab and that Chinese authorities have been blocking access to crucial data. At the same time, Jeffrey Sachs, leader of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19, now says that he is convinced that the pandemic started in a lab and that SARS-CoV-2 was created with the aid of U.S. biotechnology.” – artikkeli (↑päivitetty 26.6.2022)
Newly Released Emails Reveal Crucial Details of Fauci’s Efforts to Cover Up the Origins of the Pandemic – ”What we did not know is that the same scientists continued having secret teleconferences to discuss the virus’s origins even after they wrote their paper. At least two of those conferences were attended by Fauci himself. The new emails were obtained by the transparency group US Right to Know, but—as is now the norm for Freedom of Information Act requests from the federal government—the emails are almost completely redacted.” – video (↑päivitetty 28.6.2022)
NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials – ”In a letter to Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) on Wednesday, a top NIH official blamed EcoHealth Alliance — the New York City-based nonprofit that has funneled US funds to the Wuhan lab — for not being transparent about the work it was doing.” – article (↑Updated 2. July 2022)
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Chair of comission in Lancet about C19 origins – ”I chaired the commission for the Lancet for 2 years on Covid. I’m pretty convinced it came out of a US lab of biotechnology […] We don’t know for sure but there is enough evidence. [However] it’s not being investigated, not in the US, not anywhere.” – Tweet & Video (↑Updated 3. July 2022)
House Committee Approves Ban on Funding Wuhan Lab at Heart of Leak Controversy – article
(↑Updated 3. July 2022)
”SARS-CoV-2 was not the product of natural zoonosis. It was not the product of an accidental lab leak, either..” | Spartacus – ”It was not the product of an accidental lab leak, either. It was the product of deliberate, willful bioterrorism by what I’ve come to call the Biodefense Mafia.” – podcast (↑Updated 4. July 2022)
Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19 – ”So I can confirm, and the reader can confirm using the links above, that Moderna did apply for a Patent not only on the reverse compliment of the 12 nucleotide Furin Cleavage Site in Covid-19 but actually on the 19 nucleotide sequence containing it as described above.” – artikkeli (↑Updated 5. July 2022)
Emails show NIH officials repeatedly warned EcoHealth about gain-of-function research violations
”The emails additionally show the FBI had opened an inquiry into the GOF research tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In a tweet announcing their reception of the emails, Judicial Watch noted, “The disclosure of an FBI inquiry shows that Fauci/others involved in this scandal were being dishonest in dismissing the seriousness of questions about their cover-up of their funding of dangerous gain-of-function research in China.”
(↑Updated 16. July 2022)
The Reckoning Has Begun – For US Scientists, Contractors and Others Who Helped The CCP Military Do Gain-of-Function Research on Coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
”Only much later did it emerge that the same fellow who was taking all that sweet, sweet US government grant money for his EcoHealth Alliance group and funneling into the WIV was the organizer of the Lancet letter. At the time the Lancet’s letter was published in February of 2020, very few people outside of top scientific research circles knew about Daszak’s glaring conflict of interest.”
(↑Updated 20. July 2022)
The Wuhan ‘Disinformation’ | Great Game India
The key points made by my source on January 24, 2020, have proven to be totally accurate. With the recent admissions by Tedros and Sachs and the organizations they represent, the prevailing origin theory now rests on the Wuhan laboratory. The virus has proven to be more deadly than the Chinese have ever let on, and to this day, the Chinese Communist Party government has not cooperated with international organizations to contain the virus or determine its exact origins.
(↑Updated 22. July 2022)
They are desperately trying to make you believe the virus came from nature. No way. | Steve Kirsch
It is 2.5 years later and two papers appear on the same day?!? Should you believe it? I do not. Neither does Robert Malone or Chris Martenson. Here’s why.
(↑Updated 28. July 2022)
What If COVID Outbreak Is Part Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Plan?
According to Sachs and Harrison, “the full story of the outbreak could involve America’s role in researching coronaviruses and in sharing its biotechnology with others around the world.” The professors pointed out that “US scientists who work with SARS-like coronaviruses regularly create and test dangerous novel variants” to develop drugs and vaccines against them. These experiments, also known as “gain-of-function” research, have been conducted for decades prompting concerns that one day they could lead to an accidental outbreak or end up in the wrong hands, the scholars highlighted.
– ARTICLE 3.8.2022
American lab says its contract with Wuhan Institute of Virology may have violated the law
Now UTMB has revealed that the Galveston lab drafted legal agreements with two other labs — the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Medical Biology in Kunming — containing the same provision empowering each to ask the other party to destroy any files and any backup files. The Institute of Medical Biology in Kunming — which recently certified its maximum biocontainment lab — had apparently not yet signed the agreement.
– ARTICLE 3.8.2022
Head of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission discusses the likely Lab Origins of SARS-CoV-2 – And how he sacked Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance for lying.
COVID-19 Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline: Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation
This timeline is extracted from a larger one, contains most of the relevant major dates, events, entities and legislation for the COVID-19 enterprise fraud construct, and contains links to the sourced and cited work in evidence. The search function can help to sift those articles.
It is sourced with original work that includes links to cited sources.
It is a COVID linear chronology with the purpose of demonstrating evidenced events and patterns of events.
It will continue to be updated over time.
– ARTICLE 12.8.2022
RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company
However, unlike the company’s original COVID-19 vaccine, the genetic material, or messenger RNA (mRNA), for this new vaccine, including the newly formulated genetic material meant to provide protection against the Omicron variant, is being manufactured, not by Moderna, but by a relatively new company that has received hardly any media attention, despite its overt links to US intelligence. Last September, it was quietly announced that a company called National Resilience (often referred to simply as Resilience) would begin manufacturing the mRNA for Moderna COVID-19 vaccine products.
(↑Updated 19. August 2022)
Patent network analysis of mRNA- based Covid-19 vaccine candidates | Bruce McGonigal
(↑Updated 19. August 2022)
Analyzing the potential for future bat coronavirus emergence in Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam | NIAID & EcoHealth Alliance
”..The overarching goal of our work is to analyze 11 the behavioral and environmental risk factors for spillover of novel CoVs, identify wildlife-to-human spillover 12 events, assess the risk and drivers of community transmission and spread, and test potential public health 13 interventions to disrupt spillover and spread..”
– ARTICLE 2.10.2022
It turns out that the “PRRARSV” motif is more than a furin-cleavage site – More evidence to support the construction hypothesis? | Dr. Jessica Rose
All four of these inserts had sequence similarity to motifs found in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). It was my impression that most people bought the idea that there was no possible way that function could be ascribed to these tiny little peptides. But then again, the fact that they were all so beautifully situated on the spike protein for easy access as binding sites (potentially functional), does indeed raise some furry eyebrows. The manuscript was very rapidly withdrawn from pre-print by the authors themselves. Someone did not want this paper being read. So, please read it. It’s not long and it’s not complicated.
(↑Updated 2. October 2022)
Investigation: In 2018, the US Deep State funded Daszak to create Covid-19 for Moderna’s Vaccine Platform
So we know that a human called Peter Daszak proposed the insertion in early 2018. We know that only a human could have achieved it. And we know that said insertion was achieved in late 2019. And we know that said insertion was the only difference between SARS-CoV-2 (causing Covid-19) and the bat coronavirus RaTG13, longer than one Codon (3 bases). And we know that the insertion occurred at the place where Daszak had proposed to insert it. And we know that the insertion was a humanised furin cleavage site as Daszak had proposed. In other words, SARS-CoV-2 was the fulfilment of the 75-page project DEFUSE proposal.
(↑Updated 9. October 2022)
SARS-CoV-2-like Spike Protein Sequences with Affinity to hACE2 Were Present in the Public Databases in 2005. Plus, a Hint on SARS-CoV-2 Laboratory Origin
In 2020, I published an analysis of all of the available SARS-CoV-2 and SARS sequences at the time in search of a specific relationship. If any SARS sequences published prior to 2020 were similar to SARS-CoV-2 with respect to functional motifs, then the question of origins of SARS-CoV-2 would have to address how a SARS-CoV-2 like spike protein made its way back through time to when the older SARS sequences were being published.
(↑Updated 12. October 2022)
The Most Important Whistleblower In America: Dr. Andrew Huff
The most important whistleblower in America right now is Dr. Andrew Huff. He is responsible for exposing several scandals unfolding inside our national security state related to the COVID pandemic.
Tony Fauci. Peter Daszak. Ralph Baric. Hunter Biden. The CIA. The FBI. DHS. Dr. Huff has receipts on everybody involved in the COVID pandemic — and they know it.
– ARTICLE 17.10.2022
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | EXCLUSIVE: ’This is playing with fire – it could spark a lab-generated pandemic’: Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate revealed the team had made a hybrid virus — combining Omicron and the original Wuhan strain — that killed 80 per cent of mice in a study.
The revelation exposes how dangerous virus manipulation research continues to go on even in the US, despite fears similar practices may have started the pandemic.
Professor Shmuel Shapira, a leading scientist in the Israeli Government, said: ’This should be totally forbidden, it’s playing with fire.’
(↑Updated 18. October 2022)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | EcoHealth Whistleblower Says SARS-COV-2 Was Created In A Lab & Funded By The NIH
According to Huff,
(↑Updated 18. October 2022)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | New Evidence for SARS-CoV-2 Lab Origins
Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2, a preprint by Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne and Antonius VanDongen, is probably the most important research to date on the artificial origins of SARS-2. There’s a Twitter summary by Washburne here, and a reader-friendly Substack writeup by Washburne here.
(↑Updated 23. -24. October 2022)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | New Analysis of COVID Virus Suggests Fauci and Baric’s Fingerprints on Pandemic Bug
Now a new study, “Endonuclease fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV2,” published on the preprint server bioRxiv, shows that — apparently unbeknownst to Baric — the “seamless ligation” concealment gimmick leaves its own minute but legible signature.
Most momentously, these same researchers have discovered that damning signature in the genome of the virus that causes COVID-19.
(↑Updated 26. October 2022)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Miksi joku olisi kehittänyt koronaviruksen laboratoriossa? Virusopin professorin tyly arvio
Tähän mennessä suurin osa tutkijayhteisön jäsenistä on ollut sitä mieltä, että merkit viittaavat eniten siihen, että pandemian aiheuttanut virus levisi ihmisiin niin tarttumalla ensin kiinalaiselta eläintorilla myynnissä olleesta eläimestä.
Jostain syystä juuri tuo virus löysi ihmisestä oivan paikan lisääntyä. Virus oli myös sellainen, että sillä oli keinonsa levitä herkästi ihmisestä toiseen eli lisääntyä lisää.
(↑Updated 27. October 2022)
*) An Analysis of the Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Interim Report | Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions
– report 28.10.2022
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Who Created SARS-CoV-2? – A lawsuit against Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak (the prime suspects)
(↑Updated 28. October 2022)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Labyrinth Connects New ARPA-H Director to a Big Disease – Renee Wegrzyn is Biden’s New Chief of the Bio-Economy
An Eco October 2017 grant from the DoD for $6.5M was awarded for, “Understanding the Risk of Bat-borne Zoonotic Disease Emergence in Western Asia.”[63] The CFDA program on the grant lists: “Scientific Research – Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction.”[64]
Digging deeper, several subcontracts for this Eco grant tied to Georgia (in West Asia), but also to: “L. Sakvarelidze National Center for Disease Control and Public Health [with former U.S. Senator] Richard Lugar Public Health Research Center.” [65] A Turkish university is Eco grant-connected.[66]
(↑Updated 1. November 2022)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | CORONA ORIGIN – New tracks into the China laboratory | Bild
The suspicion is not new: the corona virus comes from a Chinese state laboratory in Wuhan.
A major investigation by the independent US research organization ProPublica now shows that the Wuhan Institute – where scientists also handled corona viruses – was sloppy.
(↑Updated 1. November 2022)
*) #the_great_deception | #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Government’s National Security Arm Took Charge During the Covid Response
FEMA replaced HHS as the Lead Federal Agency, with no warning or preparation
What Zimmerman is saying here is that, in the PanCAP-A org chart, where the NSC is in charge of policy and the HHS is in charge of almost everything else – actually, FEMA is in charge of everything else.
This means that, in effect, starting on March 18, 2020, the HHS –which comprises the CDC, NIAID, NIH and other public-health-related agencies – had NO OFFICIAL LEADERSHIP ROLE in pandemic response – not in determining policy and not in implementing policy.
This is a staggering piece of information, considering that all pandemic preparedness plans, as Zimmerman notes, placed the Health and Human Services Agency (HHS) at the helm of pandemic response.
(↑Updated 4. November 2022
*) A good starting question is ”when did Peter Daszak get looped in?”
I’ve been researching the origins of the Lancet letter, published Feb 19, 2020 for a while.
I’ll lay out the timeline I have in this , mostly to clarify my own thinking as I’m getting lost in various threads.
A good starting question is ”when did Peter Daszak get looped in?” – Alexandros Marinos
(↑Updated 7. – 8. November 2022)
*) Fauci ‘Deliberately Conspired’ to Suppress COVID Lab-Leak Theory, Emails Reveal
Those details were made public last week because of a successful FOIA lawsuit by independent journalist James Tobias.
It was known from the earlier Fauci email release that a group of scientists who receive funding from Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases believed that the virus might have leaked from a Chinese lab.
One leading scientist, Kristian Andersen, had told Fauci in a Jan. 31, 2020, email that “some of the features (potentially) look engineered.”
Another scientist, Robert Garry, wrote on Feb. 2, 2020, “I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature.”
However, immediately after the Feb. 1 teleconference, the entire group, including Andersen and Garry, publicly aggressively pushed the opposing natural origin narrative. On Feb. 4, at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, Andersen ridiculed claims that COVID-19 came out of a lab as “crackpot theories.”
(↑Updated 1. December 2022)
*) COVID origins ’may have been tied’ to China’s bioweapons program: GOP report
The information was released in a minority staff report by members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Wednesday night.
”Contrary to the implication of the [Intelligence Community’s] declassified report, based on our investigation involving a variety of public and non-public information, we conclude that there are indications that SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s biological weapons research program and spilled over to the human population during a lab-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” a summary of the report states. ”The IC failed to adequately address this information in its classified Updated Assessment. When we attempted to raise the issues with the IC, it failed to respond.”
Full report is available here.
(↑Updated 15. December 2022)
*) DARPA Memo: United States Created SARS-CoV-2?
We note that it is written to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense from US Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy, Commandant of the Marine Corps Fellows, DARPA. But was the document authentic? Could it have been a forgery?
In an attempt to verify this document, TrialSite communicated with DARPA. In the email, this media explains that we sought to determine the validity and veracity of the document in circulation from Project Veritas on DARPA formal letterhead purportedly discussing the origins of SARS-CoV-2 as the U.S. government.
DARPA did respond. Tabatha Thompson, Chief of Communications for DARPA, wrote back:
“The agency is precluded by Federal Acquisition Regulations from discussing who may or may not have bid on a DARPA program, and we are unable to confirm the authenticity of the documents Project Veritas has published.
– ARTICLE 7.1.2023
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | U.S. Government Identified as Original Source of Lab Leak Theory. What’s Really Going On?
Why did Radio Free Asia and the Washington Times introduce and promote the idea of Covid as a Chinese bioweapon? RFA appears to have done so in order to counter the Chinese lack of concern about the virus, hence the heading: “Experts Cast Doubts on Chinese Official Claims Around ‘New’ Wuhan Coronavirus.” The Washington Times report indicates at one point it is in response to rumours “circulating on the Chinese Internet claiming the virus is part of a U.S. conspiracy to spread germ weapons”, citing an unnamed “U.S. official”
The plot thickens when you realise that Radio Free Asia is a U.S.-Government-funded media outlet that is essentially a CIA front, once named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network”. As Whitney Webb pointed out right back in January 2020, though RFA is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is managed by the Government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers directly to the Secretary of State – who, at the outset of the pandemic was Mike Pompeo, whose previous job was as CIA Director.
This means we can see that the Covid lab origin narrative originated with the U.S. Government’s security services, and did so very early, prior to the first death, as part of a deliberate effort to increase alarm in China and elsewhere. It was also designed to counter the anticipated claims, which had not yet been made (though the anonymous U.S. official falsely claimed they had been), that the virus was a U.S. biological attack.
(↑ updated January 11. 2023)
*) Republicans React To Energy Department’s Reported Finding That COVID ’Likely’ Leaked From Wuhan Lab
A Wall Street Journal article on Feb. 26 reported that a classified intelligence report by the Energy Department said that the virus likely leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
“So the government caught up to what Real America knew all along,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) wrote in a Twitter post on Sunday.
The responses came as GOP lawmakers ramp up investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and allegations of government-big tech censorship of the debate.
The Energy Department was previously undecided on the issue but now joins the FBI in corroborating the lab leak hypothesis, according to the report. Several people who have read the report said the Department’s judgment was made with “low confidence,” the Journal reported.
Responding to the report on Sunday, White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan told CNN that the intelligence community does not have a “definitive answer” on the matter at this point.
– ARTICLE 28.2.2023
*) #narrative_turning? | #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | DOE Finds COVID Likely Emerged From Wuhan Lab, Sparks Congressional Investigation
A U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) report has concluded that COVID-19 emerged from a laboratory leak in Wuhan, China, and the agency — along with the FBI and the U.S. Department of State — is now under the microscope of a Congressional committee investigation.
The DOE’s revelations come from a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and members of Congress.
The DOE’s conclusion was first reported Sunday in the Wall Street Journal, which said the classified report was based on new intelligence and noted in an update to a previously classified 2021 document from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
According to that report, the intelligence committee was divided as to the origins of COVID-19.
Four intelligence agencies had “assessed with low confidence that the virus likely jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild,” and one “assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic was the result of a laboratory accident.” Three other “intelligence community elements” were undecided.
(↑ Updated 1.3.2023)
*) Senate unanimously votes to declassify Wuhan lab leak intelligence – The bill specifically seeks information relevant to the notion that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan, the pandemic’s ground zero.
The Senate on Wednesday unanimously voted in favor of a bill mandating that the Biden administration declassify intelligence materials involving the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Republican Sens. Mike Braun, Ind., and Josh Hawley, Mo., reintroduced the measure following a report from the Department of Energy concluding that the virus was likely the result of a lab leak, the Epoch Times reported.
– ARTICLE 2.3.2023
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | New WHO Chief Scientist Made Crucial Change To Paper Claiming COVID-19 Didn’t Come From Lab
the early 2020 paper, Lipkin and four co-authors claimed: “It is improbable that SARS-CoV-2 emerged through laboratory manipulation of a related SARS-CoV-like coronavirus.”
SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19.
A draft of the manuscript, published by Nature, included a different word, the House panel found.
“Sorry to micro-manage/microedit! But would you be willing to change one sentence?” Farrar wrote to Kristian Andersen, who co-authored the paper, in an email just one day before publication.
Farrar asked to insert “improbable” in place of “unlikely,” the email showed.
“Sure,” Andersen responded.
The paper also stated that “SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct” and that the authors “do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.”
“This evidence suggests that Dr. Farrar was more involved in the drafting and publication of Proximal Origin than previously known and possibly should have been credited or acknowledged for this involvement,” the panel said.
Asked for a comment from Farrar, the World Health Organization (WHO) told The Epoch Times via email he hasn’t yet started in his new position.
The British scientist was, at the time of the messages, at the helm of the Wellcome Trust, which controls millions of dollars in funding for research in the UK.
(↑ Updated 8.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Dr. Redfield’s Bombshell Testimony – While crickets chirped, the bus just ran over Fauci | Robert Malone
The actual testimony of Dr. Redfield was explosive. Yet, none of these headlines bely the gravity of Dr Redfield’s testimony. Dr. Redfield directly linked gain-of-function research and the creation of SARS-CoV-WIV to Dr. Fauci, and to the US Gov – including the DoD. He absolutely believes and gives sworn testimony to the effect that Dr. Fauci and Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust and soon be the chief scientist at the World Health Organization, covered up the lab leak information. How Dr. Redfield himself was excluded from the meetings when the processes, strategy and tactics for covering up the lab leak were developed.
(↑ Updated 10.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #The_Reckoning | To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Punish Those Who Started This One – Definition of a bioweapon revisited | Igor Chudov
There is no definitional requirement that a ”biological weapon” should kill everyone or even most infected persons. It is enough that the pathogen kills some persons. There is also no requirement that a biological weapon is part of a declared war or is released purely for military purposes.
If Sars-Cov-2 was produced deliberately to cause human disease and deaths in some individuals, it is a bioweapon. So, we need to ask, was Sars-Cov-2 produced deliberately?
While we still have a lot to learn, all indications are that Sars-Cov-2 was not a result of an unlucky random lab experiment.
Much money was asked for and spent to work on Sars-Cov-2. For some more details of its engineered features, check this out
(↑ Updated 10.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | New Wuhan Scandal: US Agencies Double-Paid Virus Research Costs
The US government may have made tens of millions of dollars in duplicate payments for virus research at the Wuhan Institute for Virology, according to a review of government records by a former federal investigator, CBS News reports.
”What I’ve found so far is evidence that points to double billing, potential theft of government funds. It is concerning, especially since it involves dangerous pathogens and risky research,” said Diane Cutler, whose services were engaged by Kansas Republican Senator Roger Marshall.
Cutler has more than 20 years of experience investigating healthcare fraud and white-collar crime, an her conclusions spring from her review of over 50,000 documents relating to US grants that financed coronavirus research in China.
(↑ Updated 15.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Part 2): From Event 201 to Dark Winter, the Pandemic Simulations That Foreshadowed Our New Reality
Previously, in part one of my interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder and chief legal counsel of the Children’s Health Defense, we discussed glaring conflicts of interest in our health agencies and what he describes as a coup-d’état against American democracy and the Bill of Rights.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Part 1): The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval ProcessNow in part two, he explains how U.S. government tools developed for influencing overseas populations were deployed on Americans.
We also take a look at the string of pandemic simulations conducted in the last few decades—detailed in his book “The Real Anthony Fauci”—and the eerie similarities he discovered.
What does Kennedy think about allegations the CIA was involved in the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy?
And at a time when many have lost faith in the American system, how do we restore power to the American people and rekindle American ideals?
(↑ Updated 17.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic | The Atlantic
Now, an international team of virologists, genomicists, and evolutionary biologists may have finally found crucial data to help fill that knowledge gap. A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019. It’s some of the strongest support yet, experts told me, that the pandemic began when SARS-CoV-2 hopped from animals into humans, rather than in an accident among scientists experimenting with viruses.
(↑ Updated 18.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Ralph Baric’s Description of the ”Perfect Bioweapon” Sounds Awfully Similar to Sars-Cov-2 | Igor Chudov
SUMMARY: The Sars-Cov-2 virus that causes COVID-19 contains genetic fragments of HIV. This post will show that numerous scientific studies created recombinant viruses containing genes from HIV. Thus, it should not surprise anyone that a lab-engineered pathogen such as Sars-Cov-2 is a recombinant carrier of HIV genes and expresses HIV peptides such as Gp120 or Gag.
(↑ Updated 26.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | When Trump’s NIH pulled Peter Daszak’s grant to Wuhan in April 2020, the pushback was unimaginable. 77 Nobel laureates begged NIH to give it back – So did 31 different ”scientific societies” — see an article in SCIENCE magazine, the journal of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science | Dr. Meryl Nass
(↑ Updated 29.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Do Politicians Ignore NIH Ties with Wuhan Lab to Protect Biodefense ”Contract Racket”? – Follow the money: lucrative lobbying gigs and billions in government biodefense contracts help NIH’s Anthony Fauci redirect focus away from US grants for virus research | Paul Thacker
When I then read the report and did key word searches, I discovered the former congressional investigator was right: There was no mention of Anthony Fauci nor gain-function research, and only passing references to the National Institutes of Health. But why? The reason, the person said, was obvious.
“You can’t trash the agency you need for lobbying contacts and contracts with, right?” explained the former congressional investigator, who describes the multi-billion dollar biodefense system as a “contract racket”, with taxpayers funding grants and contracts for virologists to find viruses hidden throughout the world; bring them back to labs for research, including gain-of-function studies that make viruses more deadly; and then partner with biomedical companies and Big pharma to create profitable therapeutics and vaccines.
(↑ Updated 29.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Uncanny Accuracy of Predictions From Virologists Manipulating Viruses in the Laboratory
The leaked proposal can be found here.
Source of the DARPA Proposal: The Intercept 9/23/2021
“We will introduce appropriate human-specific cleavage sites and evaluate growth potential in [a type of mammalian cell commonly used in microbiology] and HAE cultures”
I did not forget Bill Gate’s predictions. He’s not a scientist, so I left him out.
(↑ Updated 30.3.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | U.S. Officials Reluctant to Criticize Wuhan Lab Research For Fear of Calling Out ‘Actions We Ourselves Are Doing,’ Email Reveals
The U.S. intelligence community and health officials opposed publishing information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology because it could raise questions about research and labs supported by the U.S., according to an email obtained by U.S. Right to Know.
Officials at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of State voiced concerns that publicly questioning research at the Wuhan lab complex “called out actions that we ourselves are doing” and “demanded access that we ourselves would never provide,” the email states.
The email may offer a window into one reason the origin of a pandemic that has killed more than one million Americans remains undetermined.
The new email also supports recent claims by former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and Deputy Director of National Intelligence Cliff Sims that attempts to declassify intelligence related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology were impeded from within the intelligence community.
(↑ Updated 5.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #DoD_operation | Michael Callahan: DARPA’s Ventilator Guy in Wuhan – Michael Callahan, the Department of Defense’s virus intelligence expert in Wuhan, was key to the initial panic and ventilator guidance that killed thousands of Covid patients in spring 2020.
Callahan had also supported gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and he spoke on gain-of-function research alongside Chinese CDC Director George Gao. Gao later appeared at both the Event 201 simulation of a coronavirus pandemic weeks before the initial outbreak of Covid as well as the subsequent simulation of the first-ever global outbreak of monkeypox, the facts of which came true soon after in the exact week predicted in the simulation.
According to National Geographic, Callahan was “working with Chinese colleagues on a longstanding avian flu collaboration” sometime in November 2019 when they first mentioned the appearance of a “strange new virus,” later named SARS-CoV-2. Callahan then flew to Singapore to see patients who had symptoms of the new virus. “After Singapore, Callahan flew to Washington, D.C., where he briefed U.S. government officials on where the disease might occur next,” National Geographic recalls.
(↑ Updated 5.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #narrative_turning? | Bombshell Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research
The ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and staff reviewed more than 50,000 documents for the report, which found that the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and the outbreak was likely the result of two unintentional lab leaks.
”This report concludes most likely this was two leaks,” Marshall said during a briefing with reporters ahead of the release of the report. ”The possibility of a lab leak in the September-October [2019] time frame, even as early as July or August, was followed by vaccine development in November 2019. And then another lab leak seems to be the most sensible explanation in this retrospective review.”
The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
(↑ Updated 19.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Newly Unearthed Slides Prove Daszak Knew of High Risk of Outbreak Involving Lab-Enhanced Virus | Truth Over News
We don’t often get blown away by some newly discovered document—we’ve come to always expect the worst. But then something arose that did blow us away in terms of its sheer audacity, corruption, and dishonesty—even by today’s extremely low standards.
We are talking about the revelation that Peter Daszak—the man who operated as Anthony Fauci’s conduit to the Wuhan Institute of Virology—was saying something completely different before the pandemic than after. And we don’t mean just the usual hypocrisy that we see on a daily basis from Daszak and from Fauci’s group.
No, we are talking about something so fundamental that we are still pinching ourselves. This is something so incredibly dishonest and deceptive that the consequences are still sinking in.
(↑ Updated 20.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Judicial Watch: Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’
Judicial Watch announced today it received 552 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which include the initial grant application and annual reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from EcoHealth Alliance, describing the aim of its work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to create mutant viruses “to better predict the capacity of our CoVs [coronaviruses] to infect people.”
Eco Health planned to sequence the spike protein from coronaviruses obtained from bats for the purpose of “creating mutants to identify how significantly each would need to evolve to use ACE2,” which is explained as “the receptor to gain entry to human cells.”
(↑ Updated 21.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Group Sues DOE to Obtain Key COVID Origins Documents
U.S. Right to Know (USRTK), a nonprofit investigative public health group, on Monday sued the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) — a semi-autonomous agency within the DOE — for failing to respond to requests for key records related to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The DOE — which oversees a network of 17 U.S. laboratories, including advanced biology laboratories — on Feb. 26 released an updated report concluding COVID-19 most likely originated from a research-related laboratory incident in China.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Two Decades of Risky, Unmitigated Biological Threat Research – Biolaboratory Outsourcing and Lack of Security are Global Threats
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
BREAKING—This report was filed from the Insider on April 25, 2023:
“Fighters have occupied a national public laboratory in Sudan holding samples of diseases including polio and measles, creating an “extremely, extremely dangerous” situation, the World Health Organization warned Tuesday.
Fighters “kicked out all the technicians from the lab… which is completely under the control of one of the fighting parties as a military base,” said Nima Saeed Abid, the WHO’s representative in Sudan.
He did not say which of the fighting parties had taken over the laboratory.
(↑ Updated 26.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Rand Paul Asks Samantha Power: ’Did USAID Fund Coronavirus Research In Wuhan China?’
”Should we be funding the Academy of Military Medical Research in China? …Some of the research proposals in 2018 were the Wuhan Insitute of Virology asking for money to create a virus with a furin cleavage site. A SARS-like coronavirus with a furin cleavage site. That’s exactly what COVID-19 turned out to be.
So we want to know if there were other research proposals you either granted or denied that was in the same vain as creating viruses that could have become COVID-19. We can’t tell because you won’t give us information… I now have 25 Senators that have sent you a letter, and you aren’t responding… You are being dishonest.”
*) Former Harvard scientist sentenced for hiding China ties – Lieber was an avid participant in China’s Thousand Talents program, which aims to attract educated individuals worldwide to promote the development of the Asian superpower.
In December 2021, Charles Lieber was convicted on charges on making false statements, filing false tax returns, and failing to report a Chinese bank account, the Epoch Times reported. He also spent two days in jail as part of the sentence.
He further received a $50,000 fine and had to pay the IRS $33,600 in restitution.
The case was part of the Department of Justice’s China Initiative, a Trump administration effort to combat illicit operations of the Chinese Communist Party.
Lieber was an avid participant in China’s Thousand Talents program, which aims to attract educated individuals worldwide to promote the development of the Asian superpower.
He further signed a contract in 2012 with the Wuhan University of Technology for a monthly salary of up to $50,000 for which he would publish papers for the university, engage in joint research, and host WUT students at his lab at Harvard, per the Times.
(↑ Updated 27.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Lab leak ’whistleblower’ unmasked as serial fabulist – Andrew Huff has invented endless tales of Jason Bourne-like encounters with federal agents and Chinese spies. Is he telling the truth?
Andrew Huff is also responsible for uncovering “The Truth about Wuhan.” Unfortunately, his popular book does not provide any unique factual information whatsoever, just speculation about what may have happened there, given that Huff never worked on that portfolio. For Huff, however, the completion of his book is just as big a story as the book itself, because these government and Chinese agents kept trying to stop you, the reader, from being able to purchase his groundbreaking information, which again, included no new information about the alleged lab leak.
(↑ Updated 30.4.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | RFK Jr: Fauci Funded Seamless Ligation, a Technique Used for HIDING Human Fingerprints on Lab-Created Bugs
”He [Fauci] funded Ralph Baric to develop a technique called seamless ligation. And that is a technique for hiding the engineering project,” explained Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
”So, normally, when you do that kind of engineering, you can see it, and you can say, ’That bug was created in a lab,'” he attested.
”He [Ralph Baric]] developed a way of hiding all traces [of what] was developed. And he taught that to the Chinese scientists — to Shi Zhengli. There is no public health [reason for this]; it is the opposite of what you would do if you are interested in public health… To teach people how to hide that only has a nefarious purpose.”
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | US intelligence agencies have not ruled out a lab manipulated virus – Setting the record straight on scientists’ semantic sorcery.
The President signed a law recently that promises the release of more classified intelligence. What do the various intelligence agencies know? Will they tell the public? Unfortunately, given their track record, it seems unlikely that they will give us much new information. But claims that all agencies agree there was “no laboratory modification of a virus” mislead and are designed to cast a spell that silences questions over how this pandemic started.
(↑ Updated 4.5.2023)
(↑ Updated 4.5.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | ‘No One Paid Attention’: State Department Warned White House About Safety Issues at Wuhan Lab
The National Security Council received a warning about the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) two years before the deadly coronavirus pandemic, according to an email obtained by U.S. Right to Know.
Concerns about China’s first maximum-security lab and bat coronaviruses had reached the highest levels of the U.S. national security apparatus by December 2017 — two years before COVID-19 first emerged in Wuhan.
Two U.S. Department of State cables described a shortage of safety training at the WIV and the danger posed by novel coronaviruses in 2018.
The cables outlined details about the shortage of adequately trained staff, WIV senior scientist Zhengli Shi’s rejected request to study coronaviruses at the highest biocontainment level, and the discovery of novel SARS-like bat coronaviruses that bind to human receptors.
The cables generated a public outcry after The Washington Post reported them in April 2020.
They also generated quiet astonishment within the State Department, according to emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The emails also show the apparent indignation of the official who authored the cables.
According to that official, whose name is redacted, the information had been communicated to the “NSC.”
(↑ Updated 7.5.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Republican fury grows at Biden administration’s ’absolutely reckless’ decision to give another $2million taxpayer grant to EcoHealth Alliance to research bat coronaviruses – despite their links to lab leak fears
The grant was terminated under the Trump administration after it was revealed NIH funneled U.S. taxpayer dollars through EcoHealth to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which conducts risky gain-of-function research – the intentional alteration of viruses to make them more infectious or deadly. The Wuhan lab is where the COVID-19 virus likely originated from, according to U.S. intelligence assessments.
Now, three years later, the Biden administration is renewing the NIH grant, which means EcoHealth will get $2.3 million in taxpayer dollars over the next four years to work on ’bat-origin coronaviruses,’ sparking outrage from members of Congress.
Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Va., who sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee that found multiple serious violations by EcoHealth of the contractual terms and conditions of the NIH grant, slammed the ’absolutely reckless’ decision.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Trump Froze Taxpayer Funds for a Key Wuhan Lab Collaborator. Biden Just Brought it Back.
S. taxpayers will once again fund EcoHealth Alliance, a company that has collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) for over a decade, for a project that began on April 26 called: ‘Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.’
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-collaborating nonprofit, EcoHealth, has been granted an annual $576,290 for the next four years by the taxpayer-funded and formerly Fauci-led National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The Wuhan lab itself will contribute to the new project with more than 300 whole and partial genome sequences of SARS-related bat coronaviruses from its collection. EcoHealth staff will analyze various genomes and enzyme receptors to determine how SARS-CoV-2 enters human cells. Yet, the former recombinant virus research that occurred before the pandemic will not be resumed, nor will the project continue to work with live viruses, they claim.
The news will be of little comfort to those who have questions over Fauci, EcoHealth, and Wuhan lab links, with The National Pulse exposing many of these details over the course of 2020/21.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Covid Lab-Leak and the Attack on Common Sense
This denialism does more than stifle open debate. It erodes our shared empirical reality and shunts significant segments of the population into conversational spaces that will actually breed toxic conspiracy theorizing. That COVID-19 might have come from a lab was from the beginning an intuitive, even common-sense, hypothesis; in rejecting it out of hand and stigmatizing those who proposed it, many of our leading institutions have degraded our future ability to formulate a coherent public response to emergencies.
(↑ Updated 11.5.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | RFK Gives Russell Brand a History Lesson on the U.S. Bioweapons Program
“Why was the CIA so involved with gain-of-function and so obsessed with it?”
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | New NIH and State Department Emails Prove That Officials Covered Up Key Pandemic Origin Information | Truth Over News
Two new and explosive stashes of COVID origin documents were released last week—one involving Anthony Fauci’s organization, the National Institutes of Health, and the other involving the State Department, which was run by Mike Pompeo at the time.
Now we have covered previous explosive document dumps on this show, but the new ones aren’t just more of the same.
The new documents aren’t so much pieces of the puzzle as they are huge smoking guns all on their own.
The NIH emails prove that there was collusion at the highest levels to cover up the origin of the pandemic. Meanwhile, over at the State Department, officials were complaining at the start of the pandemic that if their own warnings about the Wuhan lab had been heeded, there wouldn’t have been a pandemic at all.
Yet no one said anything, and we had to wait three years for these documents to be pried out of the hands of deep-state bureaucrats.
(↑ Updated 13.5.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Great SARS-CoV-2 Charade – The U.S. government continues to ignore the crucial role of American scientists, institutions, and companies in creating the virus that causes COVID-19.
Author’s Note: The following is Chapter I in a four-part series about the true origin of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19 illness. Because of the enormous amount of research that has gone into this series, including the analysis of thousands of pages of documents, we have decided to make the full content available only to paid subscribers. For only $5.00 per month, readers can access all of our reports and support our ongoing efforts to ascertain and report the truth of what is going on our confusing world. Thank you for subscribing.
Chapter 1: Background and Context
Chapter 2: Events Between 2015 and 2020
Chapter 3: Catastrophe, Coverup, and the Great Charade.
Chapter 4: Ending the Great Charade/ A New Path to Truth & Justice
(↑ Updated 22.5.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | International Covid Summit III European Parliament, Brussels – Dr David Martin FULL SPEECH
“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.”
(↑ Updated 27.5.2023)
*) Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine
The Pentagon in June 2022 finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!
The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.
Now Russia is accusing the US of experimenting with Avian flu pathogens at a US biolab in Ukraine with a lethality rate up to 40% in humans.
(↑ Updated 29.5.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Alina Chan and Matt Ridley: The Lab Leak Hypothesis – Two of the world’s leading experts on the origin of Covid-19 discuss what may be the biggest coverup in history
As the lab leak theory becomes more widely discussed and accepted, much of Chan and Ridley’s work has been vindicated. In February 2023, FBI Director Chris Wray told Fox News, “The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident.” The Energy Department released a low-confidence report with a similar conclusion, and just last week, the head of China’s CDC said that a lab leak should not be ruled out.
So how did the media and the scientific community get the COVID origins debate so wrong?
(↑ Updated 9.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | So, COVID-19 is a Bioweapon After All, The Times Explains – Sars-Cov-2 is a result of bioweapons research, and work of Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak
The article is well-researched and is based on interviews with scientists, intelligence officers, and primary investigators.
The Sunday Times has reviewed hundreds of documents, including previously confidential reports, internal memos, scientific papers and email correspondence that has been obtained through sources or by freedom of information campaigners in the three years since the pandemic started. We also interviewed the US State Department investigators — including experts on China, emerging pandemic threats, and biowarfare — who conducted the first significant US inquiry into the origins of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Covid-19 was a product of bioweapon and vaccine research:
One of the reasons there is no published information on such work, according to all three investigators, is because the shadow project on the mine viruses at the Wuhan institute was being funded by the Chinese military.
The State Department investigators wrote in their report: “Despite presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.”
My view is that the reason Mojiang was covered up was due to military secrecy related to [the army’s] pursuit of dual use capabilities in virological biological weapons and vaccines.
A vaccine to shift power
The investigators believe the Chinese military had taken an interest in developing a vaccine for the viruses so they could be used as potential bioweapons. If a country could inoculate its population against its own secret virus, it might have a weapon to shift the balance of world power.
Mind you, a while ago, I also explained that Sars-Cov-2 is a bioweapon:
To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Punish Those Who Started This Pandemic
(↑ Updated 11.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | First People Sickened By COVID-19 Were Chinese Scientists At Wuhan Institute Of Virology, Say US Government Sources
Now, answers increasingly look within reach. Sources within the US government say that three of the earliest people to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 were Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu. All were members of the Wuhan lab suspected to have leaked the pandemic virus.
As such, not only do we know there were WIV scientists who had developed COVID-19-like illnesses in November 2019, but also that they were working with the closest relatives of SARS-CoV-2, and inserting gain-of-function features unique to it.
When a source was asked how certain they were that these were the identities of the three WIV scientists who developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the fall of 2019, we were told, “100%”
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Moderna History Part 2 – The Lead Investors
Out of Moderna’s 13 funding rounds 12 were private placements before the IPO, one post-IPO (by MSD capital, Michael Dell’s family office). Moderna has been heavily funded by the US Government and the military biodefense – in total DARPA and BARDA poured in approximately $1.5B in “research grants” out of approximately $5.1B in total funding that Moderna received prior to the IPO in 2018. The company value at IPO was $7.6B and while its stock price came down from stratosphere since then, its market cap today is still approximately $48B.
(↑ Updated 14.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Three things to watch as US intelligence prepares for Covid ‘lab leak’ reveal – No later than Sunday, America’s director of National Intelligence must make public all ’information relating to the origins of Covid-19’
No later than Sunday, and perhaps sooner, America’s director of National Intelligence must, by law, “declassify” and make public all “information relating to the origins of Covid-19”.
It could be a huge moment, or a terrible anticlimax.
By the time the deadline is reached, it will have been 1,265 days since news of a “mystery pneumonia” first emerged from Wuhan – and for much of that time a small group of US intelligence officials have anonymously been briefing that the virus came from a lab.
It would not be the first time a pandemic had been caused by a laboratory-related accident: the 1977-1979 Russian Flu pandemic is widely thought to have been sparked by the accidental release of a virus used in a US flu vaccine that had not been fully deactivated.
(↑ Updated 17. – 18.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Critic of congressional probe into gain-of-function research helped fund Wuhan gain-of-function study
Peter Hotez, dean of the Baylor College of Medicine National School of Tropical Medicine, has been a fierce critic of potential hearings next year into a possible lab origin of COVID-19 and whether the National Institutes of Health prematurely discredited the hypothesis.
Hotez decried the hearings as nothing less than “a plan to undermine the fabric of science in America” in a viral tweet thread last week. Hotez also dismissed as an “outlandish conspiracy” the possibility that a lab accident sparked the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, Hotez’s own 2012 to 2017 NIH grant for the development of a SARS vaccine had the stated aim of responding to any “accidental release from a laboratory,” in addition to a possible zoonotic spillover of the virus.
The $6.1 million NIH grant also raises the possibility of “deliberate spreading of the virus by a bioterrorist attack.”
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents |
This report responds to the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023, which called for the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) to declassify information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report outlines the IC’s understanding of the WIV, its capabilities, and the actions of its personnel leading up to and in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report does not address the merits of the two most likely pandemic origins hypotheses, nor does it explore other biological facilities in Wuhan other than the WIV. A classified annex to this report includes information that was necessary to exclude from the unclassified portion of this report in order to protect sources and methods, but the information contained in the annex is consistent with the unclassified assessments contained in this report.
– document
(↑ Updated 26.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Information ‘Missing’ From U.S. Intelligence Report on Wuhan Lab
The brief did not offer any information beyond that mandate, including possible intelligence about other coronavirus labs in the city or the intelligence that persuaded some agencies the virus has a natural origin.
The brief does not appear to include new intelligence but rather select details about intelligence the U.S. government has had for more than two years.
The brief appears to fall short of the law which called for the intelligence community to “declassify and make available to the public as much information as possible about the origin of COVID-19.”
The report confirms that the lab grappled with biosafety problems and conducted research on similar viruses.
But the intelligence community also takes pains to say that it has no hard evidence of SARS-CoV-2 or a progenitor being present in the lab before December 2019, or of a biosafety breach.
The brief confirmed that the WIV is capable of seamlessly engineering new coronaviruses. It also states that the People’s Liberation Army conducted biodefense work there.
(↑ Updated 27.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Wuhan Virologist Admits COVID Was Engineered As a ‘Bioweapon’
Wuhan researcher Chao Shan made the bombshell claim during an interview with Asian News International (ANI) reporter Jennifer Zeng.
Shan, also known as Shao Chao, provided Zeng, a member of the International Press Association, with first-hand information and unique insights about the role played by Anthony Fauci and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Zeng gave a thorough account of Shan’s “explosive admission” and called Shan’s claims “shocking” and “astonishing.”
According to Shan, the Wuhan lab’s task was to identify the coronavirus strain that would be most useful for spreading among various species, including people.
He claimed that in 2019 his supervisor in Nanjing City gave him four coronavirus strains so he could determine which was the most potent and easily spreadable. Shan used the virus to test human ACE2 receptors, bats, and monkeys.
(↑ Updated 30.6.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Wuhan Scientist Thrown Off Roof – A Wuhan Institute of Virology scientist was thrown to his death off the lab’s roof in May 2020, just three months after he filed a patent for a COVID vaccine.
According to witnesses, a Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientist by the name of Zhou Yusen was thrown to his death off the lab’s roof in May 2020, three months after he’d filed a patent for a COVID vaccine
(↑ Updated 1.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | TUCKER CARLSON AND GLENN BECK – DEPOPULATION – SOMETHING VERY WRONG IS HAPPENING HERE
Gain of fuction happened in November in 2015, the US EID and Fauci and Eco Health funding it, and it was happening with the Wuhan people We know that. The same mont in 2015 the US begins a partnership with Moderna. And the searching for corona mRNA vaccines. In 2018 DARPA gets a purpose from digesting doctors, and DARPA reject it,… and says its way to dangouros. Documents smuggled out of China say ten hospitals were involved. 2 months before the outbreak was known in the west, NIH and moderna signed a contract for the corona vaccines! After that, anyone who questioned the lab leak theory was censored and snared down. Something very wrong is happening here and the tested it on our childeren
(↑ Updated 10.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | It’s The Cover Up, Stupid: Emails Impeach Kristian Andersen’s Congressional Testimony on the Pandemic’s Origin
The testimony by Scripps Institute researcher Kristian Andersen is much more problematic and is blatantly misleading. As I previously reported, emails show that NIH officials Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins helped to orchestrate a March 2020 Nature Medicine paper, with Andersen as lead author, that concluded a lab accident was not “plausible.”
Weeks prior to the paper’s publication, Andersen emailed Fauci and Collins a draft of the manuscript, thanking them for their “advice and leadership” on the paper. Andersen also invited Fauci and Collins to comment and offer suggestions about the paper.
Fauci responded, “Thanks for the note. Nice job on the paper.”
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | RFK Jr: The U.S. Won’t Investigate the Wuhan Lab Because the U.S. Funded the Wuhan Lab
“The U.S. government, not just through NIH, but through the CIA and through USAID, was actually funding the studies in the Wuhan lab,” attested Kennedy.
“And NIH, I think, in the end, gave about $26 million in funding to the Wuhan Lab. But USAID, which was functioning as a CIA surrogate, gave over $64 million.”
(↑ Updated 17.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Genetic Variation Across Human Populations Influences SARS-COV-2 Binding Capacity for ACE2 Receptors – Once again, Mr. Kennedy has made a fool of CNN and mainstream media for not even bothering to investigate the basis of his comments.
Just in case anyone like CNN was wondering: Host susceptibility to COVID-19 varies with genetics and ethnicity usually correlates with genetics. The host susceptibility variation is based on differences in ACE2 receptors.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Genome-Specific Bioweapons – This thread will break down how humans are able to engineer pathogens that have varying levels of efficacy towards different species and ethnicities based on DNA genome sequencing.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Suppression of COVID Lab Leak Hypothesis Was Unscientific – Was it politics or science that covered-up and censored the discussion of COVID lab origins? A new hearing sheds light.
Getting Caught Up
For those who are unfamiliar, the lab leak theory states that instead of COVID-19 originating via a naturally occurring spillover from the animal kingdom, COVID-19 may have been the result of a leak during laboratory experiments—either deliberately as an act of bioterrorism or accidentally because of bad laboratory safety practice.
The lab leak theory is once again trending. On July 11, 2023, The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing titled “Investigating the Proximal Origin of a Cover Up.” This was a GOP driven hearing, but to be clear, the facts are non-political.
The purpose of the hearing was to examine conflicts of interest and suppression of scientific discourse by the National Institutes of Health surrounding the publication of the infamous “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” (Proximal Origin) correspondence.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The National Library of Medicine published a study that found SARS-CoV-2 binds more strongly to ACE2 variants in European, South Asian, and African populations than in East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews.
(↑ Updated 18.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #institutional_corruption | ”In Their Labs”: Fifteen Illuminating Passages in The Proximal Origin Chats and Emails – Communications between officials and scientists who wrote the key paper promoting a natural origin for Covid-19 show doubts, interference, politicized science, and more
Public and Racket have just published a pair of stories about a scientific cover-up and the manufacture of a major media deception, respectively, in the Covid-19 crisis. Both stories rely upon newly released documents from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which is investigating communications between the authors of the influential Nature article from March, 2020, The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, and health officials like Drs. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Jeremy Farrar.
You can read the backstory involving these documents in the two pieces linked above. The key characters are Proximal Origin co-authors Dr. Kristian Andersen, Dr. Robert Garry, Dr. Andrew Rambaut, Dr. Edward Holmes, and Dr. Ian Lipkin. Here, I thought Racket readers might benefit from a simple list of illustrations showing key exchanges. You can draw your own conclusions
(↑ Updated 19.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Biden cuts off funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology linked to COVID-19 outbreak: Report
The Biden administration has taken steps to permanently block China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology from receiving funding from the U.S. government after a review found the facility non-compliant with federal regulations.
According to a Tuesday report from Bloomberg, the United States notified the institute of the decision to suspend funding on Monday and reportedly outlined in a memo plans to block the institute from receiving any potential future support.
The institute, located in the city where the COVID-19 outbreak began in China, previously received funding from the National Institutes of Health to conduct gain-of-function research on novel coronaviruses, and some believe it to be the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, though no governing body has made that definitive determination.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | DISMANTLED: Part I – ODNI Report on COVID-19 Wuhan Origins Is an Exit Strategy
The problematic aspects of ODNI’s report begin with the word ‘potential’ in the title.
There’s no ‘potential’ when US federal dollars flowed from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID through the conduit of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
There’s no ‘potential’ when artificial HIV inserts are discovered in SARS-CoV-2 as an indicator of ‘gain of function’ work, which means the virus was weaponized.
There’s no ‘potential’ when the evidence indicates that SARS-CoV-2, which according to US patent filings attached to it and whereby federal law prohibits patenting anything that is naturally occurring, was bioengineered at the WIV.
There’s no ‘potential’ when a whistleblower and former doctor from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Li-Meng Yan, indicates that her lab developed SARS-CoV-2 as a bioweapon while she worked there.
‘Potential’ is a key word for an exit.
(↑ Updated 20.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents |
(↑ Updated 25.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | U.S. Virologists Collaborate with Chinese Research Group Identified as National Security Risk – Senators demand Department of Agriculture turn over records documenting ties to Chinese BGI Group, EcoHealth Alliance, and the Earth Biogenome Project.
As previously reported, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) official Dennis Carroll started the Global Virome Project sometime around 2019 with funds he illegally diverted from a USAID project called PREDICT. After retiring, Carroll then joined the Global Virome Project’s board along with Jonna Mazet of UC Davis, Peter Dazak of the nonprofit EcoHealth Allliance, and Jennifer Gardy of the Gates Foundation.
CBS News reported last March that USAID’s Inspector General opened a criminal investigation into EcoHealth Alliance’s billing practices and the misappropriation of federal funds to start the Global Virome Project.
(↑ Updated 28.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #inflation_of_the_science | 1,700+ Demand Retraction of Influential COVID-19 Origins Paper After Emails Reveal Authors Doubted Their Own Conclusions
More than 1,700 people have signed a petition calling for the retraction of the seminal scientific correspondence paper, “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” that claimed COVID-19 was “not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
The paper — sometimes referred to as the “Proximal Origins” paper or the “Nature Medicine paper” — was published March 17, 2020, in Nature Medicine journal.
It was used by former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, and other federal public health officials in 2020 and beyond to dismiss the possibility of a lab leak.
Biosafety Now — a nongovernmental organization that “advocates for reducing numbers of high-level biocontainment laboratories and for strengthening biosafety, biosecurity, and biorisk management for research on pathogens” — on July 19 launched the petition, stating, “It is imperative that this clearly fraudulent and clearly damaging paper be removed from the scientific literature.”
(↑ Updated 28.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | [FIN] Koronavirus – keskustelu laboratoriokarkulaisuudesta jatkuu
Tutkijat kieltävät, että SARS-CoV2 karkasi laboratoriosta, mutta eivät näytä itsekään uskovan omiin sanoihinsa?
(↑ Updated 3.8.2023)
*) #The_Reckoning | #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Dr. Anthony Fauci is caught in his biggest COVID lie yet
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has announced a criminal referral of Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Department of Justice over his apparent lying during congressional testimony in 2021.
Fauci insisted repeatedly that the National Institutes of Health had never funded any gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Paul contended at the time, in arguing with Fauci, that the research done on viruses at WIV — which got US funding — matched the NIH’s own description of gain-of-function research and accused Fauci of playing word games.
Now Fauci is damned by his own words.
A newly surfaced February 2020 email about a COVID task-force call between him, his associates and UK science big Dr. Jeremy Farrar shows Fauci not only using the term “gain-of-function” to describe the work at Wuhan, but highlighting serious misgivings about the virus being of natural origin.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | ”The Wuhan Cover Up” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – A brief review, book scheduled for release September 12, 2023
I have been aware that this sequel to RFK’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” has been in the works for quite a while, and had advanced notice of some of the scope and content. Unlike the predecessor, I was not involved in editing this one.
I was recently provided an advanced pre-print version of this current book for review, and realized that what has been produced is a potential game changer of much broader scope and depth than I had anticipated. The following is my initial assessment of the work. I just hope that people read it and pay attention.
–Robert Malone
(↑ Updated 4.8.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | US experts study over 2,500 bats in search for new coronavirus strains — Russian military
MOSCOW, August 16. /TASS/. Researchers from EcoHealth Alliance, a US-based non-governmental organization, studied over 2,500 bats in an effort to identify new strains of the coronavirus, said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Protection Troops.
”The intermediary organization EcoHealth Alliance has played a key role in implementing projects to study this pathogen. Since 2015, the organization’s researchers have been involved in studying a diverse population of bats, searching for new coronavirus strains and mechanisms for animal-to-human transmission. Over 2,500 bats have been studied,” he pointed out.
(↑ Updated 18.8.2023)
*) #the_great_deception | The pandemic wasn’t a lab accident. It was intentional mass murder, a power grab, a land grab, and so on, and the perpetrators are still out there, walking free | Spartacus
DARPA, DTRA, USAID, HHS, and the US DOS are all involved in illicit biowarfare research spun off from the Nunn-Lugar CTR program and euphemistically characterized as ”biodefense”. They massively expanded BSL-3 and BSL-4 lab capacity in the US throughout the 2000s after the false flag Amerithrax scare following 9/11. These labs came under scrutiny from watchdog organizations like Edward Hammond’s Sunshine Project. ..
(↑ Updated 21.8.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #hijacking_of_perception | WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Biden probe censored expert claims that COVID was likely genetically engineered in a laboratory
US President Joe Biden’s 90-day probe into the origins of Covid-19 censored the input of intelligence agency scientists who concluded the virus was most likely genetically engineered.
In May 2021, President Biden tasked the Intelligence Community with providing an assessment into how the pandemic began after reports, first published by Sky News, that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been hospitalised with Covid-like symptoms in November 2019 in the suspected first cluster of the pandemic.
When the report was published it concluded that most intelligence agencies assessed the virus, even if it had leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was natural rather than manipulated in a laboratory.
Sky News can reveal that this was not the assessments made by the four groups within the intelligence agencies that actually engaged in scientific analysis, who concurred that there was either a highly likely or reasonable chance the virus was genetically engineered.
(↑ Updated 26.8.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Yes SARSCoV2 was a ”novel” coronavirus planned in 2018
”Besides the furin cleavage site (FCS), SARS2 has another unique feature mentioned in DEFUSE not yet seen in any natural SARS-like viruses – an ablated N-linked glycan at position N370. This glycan was ablated via a T372A amino acid mutation that came about via a double nucleotide mutation of the original ACT codon into GCA (the latter, incidentally, is the same codon as the one coding for alanine – out of 4 possible alanine codons – in the PRRA insertion which has created an FCS in SARS2).
Importantly, the T327A mutation greatly increases SARS2 infectivity in human lung cells but, just like an FCS, this kind of a mutation seems to have selective pressure AGAINST it in ancestral bat viruses.
DEFUSE’s interest in N-linked glycans stems from a very curious observation about SARS1 whose bat progenitor seems to have temporarily lost two of its N-linked glycans in civet SARS1 progenitors before re-acquiring them, and this led virologists to hypothesize that those glycans could be relevant for host switching. This is described in DEFUSE in a somewhat convoluted way:”
Yuri Deigin
D.R.A.S.T.I.C cofounder
(↑ Updated 27.8.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The US quietly terminates a controversial $125m wildlife virus hunting programme amid safety fears
Two years after launching what officials hailed as a five year flagship project for hunting viruses among wildlife to prevent human pandemics, the US Agency for International Development is shuttering the enterprise. David Willman reports
A flagship project for the controversial practice of hunting viruses among wildlife in South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America to prevent human outbreaks and pandemics is being quietly dropped by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) after private and bipartisan criticism over the safety of such research, The BMJ has found.
For more than a decade the US government has been funding international projects engaged in identifying exotic wildlife viruses that might someday infect humans. Although critics have raised concerns over the potentially catastrophic risks of such virus hunting activities,1 hundreds of millions of dollars in unabated funding have symbolised a commitment to the effort.
The shuttering of the project, as described in a new congressional budget document and during interviews with scientists and federal policy makers, marks an abrupt retreat by the US government from wildlife virus hunting, an activity that has also been funded by the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health. The turnabout follows early warnings raised by sceptics—including officials in the Biden White House—that the $125m (£99m; €115m) “DEEP VZN” programme could inadvertently ignite a pandemic. The misgivings continue to resonate, as the cause of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the world’s deadliest such event in a century, remains unproved.
(↑ Updated 8.9.2023)
*) GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower
The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges.
A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to a letter sent Tuesday to CIA Director William Burns.
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) requested all documents, communications and pay info from the CIA’s COVID Discovery Team by Sept. 26.
“According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” the House panel chairmen wrote.
(↑ Updated 13.9.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | First global study reveals which countries perform the most gain-of-function experiments – and number one might shock you
The study, conducted by researchers at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, used artificial intelligence to scan 159,000 scientific literatures to find where and how often GOF and LOF studies are conducted.
They found approximately 7,000 studies included this type of research and randomly chose 1,000 to manually sort through, leaving them with 488 publications.
Of this literature, 25 percent involved only GOF work, 29 percent involved both GOF and LOF and 46 percent involved only LOF research.
Exploring which pathogens were most tested, the team found 64 percent were viruses. Nine percent of those viruses were those that belonged to the Coronaviridae family, which includes coronaviruses. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is a new strain of coronavirus in the family of Coronaviridae.
Other viruses studied included flu (21 percent) and herpes (14 percent).
*) [FIN] #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #Nipah | Nipah- viruksesta, josta on uutisoitu Intian osalta… Wuhan mainittu.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #hijacking_of_perception | #the_great_deception | The CIA Politicizes Intelligence on China and Covid – A whistleblower says that analysts who favored the lab-leak theory were paid to change positions | Wall Street Journal
A Central Intelligence Agency whistleblower claims that the CIA rigged a report on the origins of Covid-19 to exonerate China. According to the allegation, the most senior member of a seven-member CIA analysis team “was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.” His six colleagues thought the intelligence and science “were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment” that the disease came from a lab leak.
(↑ Updated 19.9.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | This is a quick thread about NIH Grant R01 A1139092, ’Structure-based design of coronavirus subunit vaccines’
The grant objective is to design vaccines for highly pathogenic coronaviruses by focusing on the RBDs and RBMs of a selection of these, creating chimeric coronavirus RBDs, optimising them, and then testing these as nanoparticle-carried RBD vaccines on mice, then on monkeys:
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The NIH has effectively implicated the Wuhan Institute of Virology and a US company called Ecohealth Alliance as culpable for the pandemic. Arguably, the NIH must therefore also take some responsibility.
(↑ Updated 23.9.2023)
*) Why did Peter Daszak change his mind? – New documents reveal he warned against risky research
In fact, two years before the pandemic erupted, Daszak was involved in drafting a presentation about the dangers of engineered viruses being accidentally or even deliberately released into the world.
In this newly uncovered presentation, the scientist warned that “gain-of-function” research — which boosts the transmissibility of viruses — was “elevating the risk” that “deadly novel biological agents” could be released through accident or design. The document, demanding the urgent development of counter-measures, put such risk at the same level as natural spillover from the wild. It even focused on the specific threat from coronaviruses.
Yet after the pandemic erupted in Wuhan, Daszak headed the charge against those claiming the mysterious new disease might be potentially linked to research in the city, with even the British Medical Journal branding him the leader of the campaign to label such critics as conspiracy theorists.
Little wonder the disclosure of this document has provoked angry claims of hypocrisy. Richard Ebright, an expert on biosecurity and professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, told me it meant that Daszak and his allies have spent the past three years not telling the world the whole truth. The revelations, he said, underlined “the shocking recklessness” of funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan that was being carried out at a low-level biosecurity lab “with no protections beyond a pair of gloves, a lab coat and a hood”.
Today, Daszak is the $460,368-a-year president of EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based group that channelled US research funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology until the payments were exposed and terminated by President Trump in April 2020. The former Kingston University snail researcher responded with outrage, rounding on suggestions that research in Wuhan might have sparked the pandemic. Typical was a June 2020 article in The Guardian entitled “Ignore the conspiracy theories: scientists know Covid-19 wasn’t created in a lab” that insisted claims of “frankenviruses” made in labs were “the latest chapter in a tale of blame, misinformation and finger-pointing”.
(↑ Updated 26.9.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #hijacking_of_perception | #institutional_corruption | New allegation: CIA secretly escorted Dr. Anthony Fauci into Agency Headquarters to ”influence” its COVID-19 origins investigation.
“According to information gathered by the Select Subcommittee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, played a role in the Central Intelligence Agency’s review of the origins of COVID-19. The information provided suggests that Dr. Fauci was escorted into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters—without a record of entry—and participated in the analysis to “influence” the Agency’s review. Our goal is to ensure the scientific investigative process regarding the origins of COVID-19 was fair, impartial, and free of alternative influence,” wrote Chairman Wenstrup.
Read Chairman Wenstrup’s letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General Christi Grimm here.
(↑ Updated 27.9.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #hijacking_of_perception | Fauci Was ’Smuggled’ Into CIA Headquarters To ”Influence” Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee
This allegation is even more interesting in light of a report from two weeks ago that the CIA bribed analysts to say Covid-19 did not originate in a Chinese lab.
According to a ’senior-level’ CIA whistleblower, the agency ’tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans.’
”According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” reads the letter from Wenstrup.
”The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.
”The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” the letters continue, adding that the analysts were ”experienced officers with significant scientific expertise.”
(↑ Updated 28.9.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #hijacking_of_perception | ”A CIA Front Organization”: Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci ’Influence’ Campaign Bombshell
From Huff’s book, ”The Truth About Wuhan”:
”These discussions resulted in publications indicating that Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was working with the CIA, and that the biological agent commonly known as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) had been in development at EcoHealth Alliance since 2012, and other evidence suggested that SARS-CoV-2 began earlier than 2012. The development of SARS-CoV-2 included several prominent US-based scientists and US academic institutions that received funding from numerous federal government agencies and private non-governmental organizations to complete the gain of function work on SARS-CoV-2.”
Huff also posted a document obtained by Project Veritas and published in January of 2022 purportedly authored (and not denied) by Maj. Joseph Murphy (USMC), which states ”SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine” which was ”created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).”
Huff also provided a report to Congress, under oath, which claims:
1. SARS-COV2 was created in the lab in Wuhan, China;
2. Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-COV2 and lied to Congress about funding Gain-of-Function work;
3. The US Intelligence Community was aware of and appeared to have been involved with the funding of said Gain-of-Function work;
4. A number of well-connected public and private partners were involved in the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in the creation and release of SARS-COV2;
5. Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover-up the funding of the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in SARS-COV2.
(↑ Updated 29.9.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Enter The Wuhan Clan – Part 1: An Inconvenient History of Lab Leaks
This is Part One of an investigative series that delves into the documented history of lab leaks worldwide and the research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that I contend, led to the pandemic that has upended our world. I will also examine the words and deeds of the individuals who through nothing but hubris, greed and abuse of power placed the future of our species in peril. It is my hope that even the most ardent skeptic of the “Lab Leak” theory will come away from this series with enough evidence to allow themselves to rethink their position and find the bravery to speak out.
Enter The Wuhan Clan – Part Two: An Unholy Alliance & the Birth of a Bioweapon
This is Part Two of an investigative series that delves into the documented history of lab leaks worldwide and the research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that I contend, led to the pandemic that has upended our world. I will also examine the words and deeds of the individuals who through nothing but hubris, greed and abuse of power placed the future of our species in peril. It is my hope that even the most ardent skeptic of the “Lab Leak” theory will come away from this series with enough evidence to allow themselves to rethink their position and find the bravery to speak out. Read Part One Here
(↑ Updated 2.10.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Circumstantial Evidence against Wuhan Institute of Virology | FOIA
(↑ Updated 31.10.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Wuhan Cover-Up: Scientists Lied as People Died – Four years later, we know that Anthony Fauci conspired with virologists to deceive the public and label critics as conspiracy theorists.
Noting that virologists on the call were worried that the COVID virus may have been engineered, Fauci wrote, “They were concerned about the fact that upon viewing the sequences of several isolates of the nCoV, there were mutations in the virus that would be most unusual to have evolved naturally in the bats and that there was suspicion that this mutation was intentionally inserted.”
Fauci added that researchers in Wuhan were conducting dangerous “gain-of-function” studies to make bat coronaviruses more deadly and likely to infect humans. “The suspicion was heightened by the fact that the scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments to determine the molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan,” Fauci wrote.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | China’s top spy agency warns of ‘gene weapons’ able to target specific ethnicity or race
Some countries have “armed” themselves with deadly weapons targeting human genes, China’s top spy agency alleged on Monday – the first time a Chinese state body has mentioned such a threat publicly.
In a post on its official WeChat account, the Ministry of State Security said some nations had targeted the Chinese population for “ulterior motives”.
The ministry did not name those countries or offer evidence to support the claim.
The existence of such weapons has long been dismissed by the mainstream scientific community as a conspiracy theory.
(↑ Updated 2.11.2023)
*) Why is the University of North Carolina fighting tooth and nail to prevent disclosure of Ralph Baric’s emails? Could it be because Baric has been collaborating with the Wuhan lab’s Shi Zhengli since at least 2015? Could it be because Baric gave Shi advanced Western biotechnology?
Here are the University of North Carolina’s arguments for why it should not disclose about 4500 records mostly related to Ralph Baric, and potentially related to the origin of Covid-19. #FOIA
(↑ Updated 3.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Officials With Ties to Wuhan Institute Still Conspiring to Discredit Theory That COVID May Have Leaked From Lab
According to Thacker, four years after the virus appeared, this “conspiracy to deny” the lab-leak theory continues.
In one recent example, Peter Daszak, Ph.D., president of the EcoHealth Alliance, who conducted gain-of-function research alongside scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, said at a conference that the pandemic started through zoonosis — spillover of the virus from an animal to humans.
“We know this is misleading and dishonest, and that much of the evidence points to a lab accident by Daszak’s colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” Thacker wrote.
This evidence, Thacker said, was known to scientists soon after COVID-19 appeared.
“Virologists knew within a month after the pandemic began in 2019 that the COVID virus appeared genetically manipulated and that it may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China — a lab that was funded by Anthony Fauci at the NIH [National Institutes of Health],” he wrote.
Yet, Thacker said, “Instead of explaining this to the public, these scientists launched a misinformation campaign with complicit science writers to label critics ‘conspiracy theorists’ and misdirect attention away from their research colleagues and funders as the possible cause of so many deaths and unimaginable economic catastrophe.”
As part of this misinformation campaign, Thacker wrote, the same scientists, along with complicit figures in government and the media, labeled any speech that questioned the official COVID-19 narrative as “misinformation.”
Thacker said government agencies continue to perpetuate a cover-up of the lab-leak theory. “The NIH has hidden what it knows and when it knew it, and is ignoring Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.”
The FOIA requests came from several organizations that are now suing the NIH “to force compliance with FOIA so they can gain access to public documents.” Yet even when the NIH responds, “They still hide information by heavily redacting documents,” according to Thacker.
In one instance, “The Intercept sued the NIH for documents on the pandemic’s origin and received 92 pages that were fully redacted,” Thacker wrote.
Nevertheless, Thacker said, “Multiple lawsuits against the NIH continue to move forward and uncover more and more evidence of what the government knew and when NIH officials knew it.”
Thacker, who was recently interviewed by producer Vanessa Dylyn for an upcoming documentary about the damage the pandemic caused to society, said he received “6 pages of questions” concerning the possible lab accident at Wuhan — which he decided to turn into an article.
“So much has happened since December 31, 2019, when the World Health Organization was notified of a new pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, China,” Thacker wrote. “Instead of going over how this all unfolded over four years, I decided to lay out what happened, based on what we now know. It’s been a long, tough journey.”
(↑ Updated 5.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | DRASTIC Analysis of the DEFUSE Documents
The DRASTIC analysis follows below:
DRASTIC was recently made aware of documents provided by a whistleblower, which show that EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) in concert wIth the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) attempted to carry out advanced and dangerous human pathogenicity Bat Coronavirus research that would clearly qualify as Gain of Function (GoF), in a grant proposal submitted to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2018.
The grant proposal includes some elements of research that are already public via scientific papers, as well as other elements that have never been made public, including vaccinating wild bats using aerosolized viruses and further work on published and unpublished strains that could have directly produced SARS-CoV-2.
These grant proposal documents also show a staggering level of deep involvement of EHA with the WIV, on matters of national interest (such as DURC), for instance by proposing that the DARPA grant pays a good chunk of key WIV researchers salaries, or that some of these researchers should be invited to DARPA headquarters in Arlington. All the while without proper risk assessment and considerations for ethical and social issues and incorrect evaluation of what constitutes GoF research.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Why US outsourced bat virus research to Wuhan
US-funded $3.7 million project approved by Trump’s Covid-19 guru Dr Anthony Fauci in 2015 after US ban imposed on ‘monster-germ’ research
The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.
Back in October 2014, the US government had placed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research – altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious – as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by an accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.
This was in part due to lab accidents at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July 2014 that raised questions about biosafety at US high-containment labs.
At that time, the CDC had closed two labs and halted some biological shipments in the wake of several incidents in which highly pathogenic microbes were mishandled by US government laboratories: an accidental shipment of live anthrax, the discovery of forgotten live smallpox samples and a newly revealed incident in which a dangerous influenza strain was accidentally shipped from the CDC to another lab.
A CDC internal report described how scientists failed to follow proper procedures to ensure samples were inactivated before they left the lab, and also found “multiple other problems” with operating procedures in the anthrax lab.
As such in October 2014, because of public health concerns, the US government banned all federal funding on efforts to weaponize three viruses – influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
(↑ Updated 7.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #institutional_corruption | Anthony Fauci’s Deceptions – A trove of emails, Slack messages, and other documents reveal Fauci’s behind-the-scenes involvement. ‘Tony doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories.’
Fauci, who was the face of the public health community during the crisis, pushed the idea that the evidence strongly indicated that the virus was just a tragic, natural occurrence. He insisted, repeatedly, that an epidemic that started in Wuhan was unlikely to have been the result of an escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
But Fauci had an incentive to arrive at his conclusion about the deadly pandemic that started in Wuhan. The WIV was known for doing high-risk virology research studying and manipulating coronaviruses. Fauci, as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for almost 40 years, had funded such research at the WIV.
(↑ Updated 9.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Architect Of Cash Transfers To Wuhan Lab Silent When Pushed On COVID-19 Record
EcoHealth Alliance had previously collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including funding its research with U.S. taxpayer dollars received via grants from the National Institutes of Health.
In February of 2020, Daszak was a co-signatory of a letter with other health experts published in The Lancet, a prominent medical journal, that dismissed the notion that COVID-19 emerged from a lab. “We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health during the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak,” the letter read, also stating “[w]e stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published and analyzed genomes of the causative agent…and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.”
Daszak later joined a team of scientists, under the World Health Organization (WHO), that traveled to Wuhan in China to investigate the virus. Daszak’s team “discounted claims that the virus originated in a lab, saying that possibility was so unlikely that it was not worth further investigation,” according to an interview of Daszak by The New York Times after his trip, a finding that was supplemented by his team’s report.
However, many observers raised concerns over Daszak’s possible conflict of interest due to Daszak’s organization, EcoHealth Alliance, previously working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
(↑ Updated 15.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | New Email Shows Fauci Adviser Suggesting He Destroyed Records – Dr. David Morens sent the email to a group including a scientist who funneled money to a laboratory in China
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) obtained the email and included it in a letter to Health Secretary Xavier Becerra.
Dr. Morens wrote to colleagues after senators, including Mr. Johnson, wrote to then-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins asking for documents on how the NIH handled the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in a city that features a laboratory that ran risky tests with funds from the NIH.
”Based on this email, it appears that Dr. Morens may have intentionally deleted or destroyed records relating to the origins of COVID-19 given his admission that he has ’retained very few emails or documents on these matters,” Mr. Johnson told Mr. Becerra. ”Further, Dr. Morens’ stated preference to receive correspondence on ’sensitive issues’ through Gmail shows an apparent evasion of federal record keeping requirements and a complete disregard for transparency.”
(↑ Updated 18.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | SARS-CoV-2: lab-origin hypothesis gains traction [2020]
More than a year after SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a global threat, there is still no clarity about its origins. Those who suspect that the virus was developed in a laboratory are frequently dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but there is growing evidence to support the suggestion that gain-of-function research has made SARS-CoV-2 particularly virulent.
While some scientists still argue that SARS-CoV-2 is a product of natural evolution, others consider an accidental or deliberate leak from a laboratory to be a valid hypothesis that merits further investigation.
For decades, gain-of-function research, which alters viruses to increase their transmissibility, pathogenicity, virulence or lethality, has been carried out by American and Chinese scientists working in collaboration. There have been numerous ‘leaks’ of viruses from laboratories, including during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak that occurred in 2003–2004.
(↑ Updated 21.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Secret Warnings About Wuhan Research Predated the Pandemic | Vanity Fair
From 2009 to 2021, the NIH was led by the renowned geneticist Francis Collins, whose many achievements include discovering the gene that causes cystic fibrosis. In March 2012, Collins wrote an email to members of the ferrets committee in which he acknowledged, “I am not familiar with the Biologic and Toxic Weapons Convention. Can our crack legal staff offer any opinions on this question?” The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, enforced since 1975, is the most significant treaty that governs the development and use of biological agents.
In response, a staffer emailed her supervisor: “I can’t believe he doesn’t know what the BWC is???!!! yikes.” The supervisor replied, “It shows you how different our worlds are.”
(↑ Updated 22.11.2023)
*) Deploying once, deploying many times. Impossibly high R0 here should remind you something.
(↑ Updated 27.11.2023)
*) Steven Quay: Since 1992 the virology community has known that the one sure way to make a virus deadlier is to give it a Furin Cleavage Site precisely at the S1/S2 junction in the laboratory
(↑ Updated 28.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Dr. Kadlec Admits Covering Up the COVID-19 Origins. – Done to protect the G-O-F programs and their own asses. | Robert Malone
Dr. Robert Kadlec served as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response) from August 2017 until January 2021. He is responsible for the creation of the COVID-19 vaccine development program Operation Warp Speed. Prior to that, Kadlec was Deputy Staff Director for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Prior to this position, he has been working in the bioterror industry and by all accounts, made a fortune for his involvement in Emergent biosolutions – which he failed to disclose in his Senate hearings. For more on Dr. Kadlec, I suggest reading Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec.
So, in an interview with Sky News AU this week, Dr. Kadlec admits that he directly helped (or directed) the Fauci and Collins cover up on the origin of COVID to protect their gain of function program and their own asses.
Watch the two part (short) documentary here. The interview where he admits this can be found in the second part – towards the end.
Congress needs to hire a special prosecutor – now.
(↑ Updated 29.11.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Prohibit all Department of Defense funding for EcoHealth Alliance
On December 5, 2023, Biosafety Now sent letters to Congressional leaders urging them to support provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act that prohibit all funding for EcoHealth Alliance, and to ensure that these provisions remain in place as the House and the Senate negotiate a final version of the National Defense Authorization Act.
(↑ Updated 7.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance Has Hidden Almost $40 Million In Pentagon Funding And Militarized Pandemic Science (2020)
Following the EcoHealth Alliance’s money trail to the Pentagon
Collecting dangerous viruses is typically justified as a preventive and defensive activity, getting ahead of what “Nature” or “The Terrorists” might throw at us. But by its nature, this work is “dual use”. “Biodefense” is often just as easily biowarfare since biodefense and the products of biowarfare are identical. It’s simply a matter of what the stated goals are.
This is openly acknowledged [See below] by scientists associated with EcoHealth Alliance when talking about alleged programs in other counties — like Iraq.
For much of this year, Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance garnered a great deal of sympathetic media coverage after its $3.7 million five-year NIH grant was prematurely cut when the Trump administration learned that EcoHealth Alliance funded bat coronavirus research at the WIV.
The temporary cut was widely depicted in major media as Trump undermining the EcoHealth Alliance’s noble fight against pandemics. The termination was reversed by NIH in late August, and even upped to $7.5 million. But entirely overlooked amid the claims and counter-claims was that far more funding for the EcoHealth Alliance comes from the Pentagon than the NIH.
To be strictly fair to the media, Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance obscures its Pentagon funding. On its website EcoHealth Alliance states that “A copy of the EHA Grant Management Manual is available upon request to the EHA Chief Financial Officer at finance ( at )”. But an email to that address and numerous others, including Peter Daszak’s, requesting that Manual, as well as other financial information, was not returned. Neither were repeated voicemails.
Only buried under their “Privacy Policy,” under a section titled “EcoHealth Alliance Policy Regarding Conflict of Interest in Research,” does the EcoHealth Alliance concede it is the “recipient of various grant awards from federal agencies including the National Institute of Health, the National Science Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the US Agency for International Development and the Department of Defense.”
Even this listing is deceptive. It obscures that its two largest funders are the Pentagon and the State Department (USAID); whereas the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which accounts for a minuscule $74,487, comes before either.
Meticulous investigation of U.S. government databases reveals that Pentagon funding for the EcoHealth Alliance from 2013 to 2020, including contracts, grants and subcontracts, was just under $39 million. Most, $34.6 million, was from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which is a branch of the DOD which states it is tasked to “counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.”
Most of the remaining money to EHA was from USAID (State Dept.), comprising at least $64,700,000 (1). These two sources thus total over $103 million. (See Fig).
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | Visual timeline: ‘Proximal Origin’
Published early in the pandemic, an article in Nature Medicine titled “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” — known to many simply as “Proximal Origin” — helped push the lab leak theory of the origins of COVID-19 to the outer fringes by March 2020.
“We do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible,” the analysis stated, which had been read about three million times within weeks of publication. “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
For years, the infectious diseases community had debated whether cutting-edge virology — gain-of-function research that generates more dangerous viruses — could cause a pandemic. Once a pandemic arrived, that debate abruptly ended.
The virologists had sold the public on an irrefutably natural origin.
But emails and Slack chat messages acquired through the Freedom of Information Act and subpoenaed by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis show that the virologists who wrote the analysis privately expressed concerns that the virus could have emerged from a lab. They also reveal the depth of involvement of some of the most powerful men in science, including former pandemic response leader and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, in shaping the article. Fauci’s institute had funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology through an American research organization called EcoHealth Alliance.
The controversy over “Proximal Origin” represents years of unanswered questions about how a scientific hypothesis that some scientists and intelligence agencies now consider likely was cast as a conspiracy theory — culminating in a committee hearing this summer.
(↑ Updated 10.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Former Biden COVID Official: A Breach in a Wuhan Laboratory Could Have Triggered a Pandemic
Former White House National Security Council pandemic official Dr. Raj Panjabi has now publicly speculated that a laboratory breach in Wuhan, China, may have been the source of COVID-19.
Yesterday at the annual Forbes Healthcare Summit, Panjabi stated, “It is plausible that Covid originated in a laboratory accident in Wuhan,” as reported by The Daily Mail. “We have got to do more to keep labs safe.”
Recall that in May 2020, Biden referred to former President Donald Trump’s assertion that Covid originated from erroneous Chinese experiments as “nakedly xenophobic.” However, numerous scientists and US government officials, including the FBI and the Department of Energy, now consider it to be the most probable source of the pandemic.
Panjabi further cautioned that the likelihood of future pandemics increasing globally is expanding.
“There is a 50 percent risk one will happen in the next 25 years. This is because of globalization, or what I call the three Ps,” he said.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Biden’s Ex-Pandemic Advisor Called A Wuhan Lab Accident Plausible, But Can Writers Still Say It’s “Conspiracy Theory”?
Last week, President Biden’s former pandemic advisor to the National Security Council admitted at a Forbes health conference that a Chinese lab accident could have started the pandemic. “It is plausible that Covid originated in a lab accident in Wuhan…we have got to do more to keep labs safe,” said Dr. Panjabi.
Dr. Panjabi’s statement follows a report released earlier this year by the U.S. Energy Department concluding that the pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak. FBI chief Christopher Wray testified afterwards that his agency agrees.
But for most of the pandemic, science reporters allied with Democratic Party stalwart Anthony Fauci smeared anyone making similar statements as xenophobes or conspiracy theorists—especially if the person had any ties to the Republican Party or Donald Trump. (Question: why does party affiliation seem to guide science journalism?)
Oddly enough, some of the most incriminating evidence can be found in Anthony Fauci’s own email. Made public by Congress and freedom of information requests, these documents show that the former NIH leader knew the following by Feb. 1, 2020:
Fauci was funding Peter Daszak with the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance to collaborate with Chinese scientists on coronavirus research in Wuhan;
Wuhan researchers were doing dangerous gain-of-function research that made viruses more deadly;
The outbreak started in Wuhan;
Daszak collaborated with and funded some of the biggest names in coronavirus research;
After examining the genetic sequence, many top virologists working with Fauci and Daszak felt that the COVID virus was not natural and may have been engineered.
(↑ Updated 16.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Dispute simmers over who first shared SARS-CoV-2’s genome – Scientists suggest GISAID, a virus sequence database, is rewriting pandemic history
When GISAID, the widely used database for influenza and SARS-CoV-2 genomes, issued a statement last week about a set of controversial sequences from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China, the release explained by way of background that the repository was “an essential contributor to global health” trusted by thousands of data contributors from 215 nations and territories. But GISAID also included a claim that has been puzzling and infuriating some virologists for 3 years: It was the place where the first SARS-CoV-2 genomes were publicly shared, on 10 January 2020.
That claim challenges contemporaneous news and social media accounts, the memories of many researchers contacted by Science, and non-GISAID records that all indicate the first sequence was made available through, a forum where scientists share and discuss information, early on 11 January in Europe, which was the evening of 10 January in the United States. It had been submitted by Edward Holmes, an evolutionary biologist and virologist at the University of Sydney who had received the sequence from Zhang Yong-Zhen, a virologist at Fudan University. GISAID, various information sources suggest, didn’t actually make its first genomes of the new coronavirus public until 12 January 2020.
“I am very surprised” at GISAID’s claims, Zhang wrote in an email to Science. “I could not understand why some people attempted to rewrite the history.”
(↑ Updated 17. – 18.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Let’s be blunt: SARS2 leaked from a Wuhan lab but it’s not Chinese junk – We didn’t just fund the virus, we created it on US soil, using American lab animals
The virus was an animal vaccine created in Chapel Hill, North Carolina; developed in Hamilton, Montana; and tested in Wuhan. This is where it leaked, accidently, but the creation and coverup was not an accident.
SARS-CoV-2 was not designed to infect us humans, but to inoculate our distant mammalian ancestors. Bats are the mother of the animal kingdom when it comes to potential human disease (e.g. Rabies, Marburg, Nipah) and the source of zoonotic disease spillover events like SARS1, described by Anthony Fauci in 2003.
In 2012, interest in bat viruses increased and Fauci organized a coronavirus meeting to discuss one subject: foreign bats and American vaccines. SARS2 was designed by Western men to look natural to an Asian lab animal. This enabled the ‘virus’ to infect and inoculate the animal species SARS1 came from: Chinese horseshoe bats. It was amazing Western biotechnology (DURC) that was in the making for years, if not decades.
(↑ Updated 20.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | U.S. Researchers Deceived Pentagon With Plans to Cut Costs by Conducting High-Risk Research in Wuhan
American researchers concealed their intention to conduct high-risk coronavirus research in Wuhan under lax safety standards from the U.S. Department of Defense the year before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know.
A 2018 grant proposal called Project DEFUSE, coauthored by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and American scientists, has stoked concern that the pandemic resulted from a lab accident.
It proposed engineering high-risk coronaviruses of the same species as the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and SARS-CoV-2.
Most worrying to some scientists: The proposal involved synthesizing spike proteins with furin cleavage sites — the same feature that supercharged SARS-CoV-2 into the most infectious pandemic pathogen in a century.
Indeed, some scientists have likened DEFUSE to a blueprint for generating SARS-CoV-2 in the lab.
New documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know now show that these experiments were proposed to occur in part in Wuhan with fewer safety precautions than required in the U.S. — apparently to save on costs.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Leading Biodefense Expert Says A Science ”Cabal” Is Misdirecting America About A Wuhan Lab Accident: ”It’s like denial and deception.”
Operating mostly in the background, Kadlec has now emerged from the bureaucracy to assert that federal scientists and the virologists they funded have misdirected the public and helped to cover up evidence that the pandemic began in a Wuhan lab—a lab funded with American money.
These researchers’ motives seem clear: protect reputations, protect federal grants.
From his home office in the DC area, where he’s lived for the last 25 years, Kadlec spoke to me over the last several months to warn that another pandemic is coming and scientists have helped cover up how this one began. “It looks like an information operation to me.” Kadlec said. “It’s directing people away. And these guys did it by a variety of means.”
This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.
(↑ Updated 21.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #The_Reckoning | Science Writers Hide as New Documents Expose Virologists Dissembling About Dangerous Virus Research in Wuhan—Once Again! – Thank you, Internet, for saving those receipts….
Of course, we now know that little of what scientists told us about the DEFUSE grant was true. Virologists planned to do these dangerous virus studies in Wuhan, and they lied about it to the federal government to get funding. And then they lied to us about their intentions, after the pandemic started in Wuhan.
And science writers amplified these lies to you and the rest of the American public.
(↑ Updated 23.12.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | At the exact time of the IC’s statement that COVID was not manmade, an internal memo from the State Department revealed the exact opposite assessment
That government officials knew that Covid almost certainly originated at a Wuhan lab. The State Dept memo, dated April 2020, stated that of five possible origins for Covid, a lab leak was by far the most likely. The memo also suggested that alternative theories had been introduced to prevent a lab leak from being investigated. The memo was released by
@USRightToKnow. Read for yourself.
(↑ Updated 29.12.2023)
*) Remember Peter Daszak, who with Linfa Wang and Ralph Baric was part of the DEFUSE proposal to introduce furin cleavage sites into novel SARS-related bat coronaviruses, suggested they keep their names off the Lancet letter Daszak orchestrated saying lab leak was a conspiracy.
(↑ Updated 5.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Scientists at the Center of the ‘Lab Leak’ Controversy met with NIH, Fauci
Per the FOIA-based article posted below-
In the very early hours of February 1, 2020, Fauci dispatched his aide Hugh Auchincloss to investigate whether his institute had funded the gain-of-function collaboration. It had.
Fauci knowingly lied to Rand Paul under sworn testimony. If Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are to be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify against their former boss Trump, what should be done with a senior Federal Employee who knowing lies during testimony under oath to a US Senator?
Recently, the public rights advocacy group “US Right to Know” published a summary of relevant freedom of information findings which it has obtained, which further document Fauci and Collins’ falsehoods. That summary article is republished below with permission from the organization, under Creative Commons 4.0 licensing terms.
US Right to Know is focused on “Pursuing truth and transparency for public health”, a mission which we share here at the Malone Institute. Like the Malone Institute, “US Right to Know” is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit investigative public health group working globally to expose corporate wrongdoing and government failures that threaten our health, environment and food system. The organization seeks to promote transparency for public health. All contributions are tax deductible.
If you wish to support the work of “US Right to Know”, their donations page can be found here.
Scientists at the center of the ‘lab leak’ controversy met with NIH, Fauci
Posted: January 6, 2024 by Emily Kopp
(↑ Updated 7.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Why was Fauci funding the Chinese military scientist whom his superior believes could be responsible for starting COVID-19?
why five publications funded by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Hotez’s R01AI098775 grant list Dr. Zhou Yusen, the People’s Liberation Army officer who filed the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine patent for the Chinese military on February 24, 2020, as a co-author? Dr. Zhou Yusen reportedly started working on a COVID-19 vaccine as early as October 2019 before allegedly being thrown off the roof of the Wuhan lab in April 2020. Fauci’s former boss, Dr. Robert Kadlec, recently stated that he believed it was a ”plausible possibility” that Dr. Zhou Yusen was killed for starting COVID-19.
(↑ Updated 8.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Based on what I’ve seen, I have reason to believe that the work being conducted under the CBEP/BTRP may have had an ulterior motive behind it. | Spartacus
First of all, that work came out of the Nunn-Lugar CTR act, which was reputedly intended to reduce the threat of WMD stockpiles held by collapsed Eastern Bloc states. Sam Nunn started the NTI with Ted Turner, who, in turn, is a known, outspoken Neo-Malthusian depopulationist.… The NTI made a report that somehow, mysteriously presaged the recent Monkeypox outbreak.… Before Nathan Wolfe founded Metabiota, he founded Global Viral (also known as GVFI), pretty much right after Ed Hammond’s congressional hearing opposite Gigi Gronvall.… It appears that they were concerned about the public scrutiny toward the proliferation of BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs in the US throughout the early 2000s led by Robert Kadlec’s fearmongering over anthrax and smallpox, and they wanted to outsource the work to avoid FOIA disclosure, hence the need for middlemen like Wolfe. Here’s Nathan Wolfe’s Epstein/Maxwell connections:
Here’s a profile on him linking him to EcoHealth and DARPA:… Here’s a wayback machine page showing that, yes, Nathan Wolfe was a founding member of Maxwell’s TerraMar:… Here’s Nathan Wolfe and Karen Saylors wandering around through Africa:
Labyrinth’s listed office address is a house in Saint Petersburg, Florida:… If you go on
, you can see that EcoHealth, Metabiota, and Labyrinth all drew from the same general pot of money. EcoHealth and Metabiota also partnered on Dennis Carroll’s Global Virome Project, which was basically a means for Carroll to embezzle funds:… The Epstein/Maxwell connection with Nathan Wolfe is especially alarming in light of Nicole Junkermann’s connection to Epstein, and how ”Midazolam Matt” Hancock gave away NHS data to her:… Peter Daszak was tapped by the DHS’s NBIC for something called the ”Ground Truth Network”:…… These are some really scummy characters that we have working in the globalization and outsourcing of virology, and there are indications of premeditation here that are too strong to ignore.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #The_Reckoning | Fauci ‘doesn’t recall’ much about COVID pandemic start, House panel chair says
The House COVID subcommittee is also probing the influence Fauci had over the US intelligence community about the origin of the pandemic after a whistleblower disclosed that the NIAID director secretly visited CIA headquarters in an attempt to “influence” analysts who later were unable to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a lab or was transmitted from animals to humans.
Fauci declined to respond to The Post’s questions about the whistleblower’s claim as he arrived for his interview Monday morning. He also did not stop to talk as he left the interview room just after 7 p.m.
*) Directed Evolution = Gain of Function – Pfizer’s formula for unlimited Financial Plunder
Jordon Trishton Walker. (2023)
Remember that name from a famous video captured by Project Veritas.1
Read and comprehend all the implications.
Ask yourself why members of the Fifth Column immediately tried to discredit Project Veritas?
Directed Evolution is A Thing.2
(↑ Updated 9.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Wuhan Lab’s ‘Bat Lady’ Visited Fauci, NIH in 2017, Emails Reveal
Scientists at the center of the “lab leak” controversy visited Dr. Anthony Fauci’s institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2017 to discuss their research — just months before NIH lifted a pause on high-risk virology, and two years before a novel coronavirus emerged near their lab in Wuhan.
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) Senior Scientist Shi Zhengli passed a security screening to visit National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) staffers in June 2017, where she gave a presentation about novel coronaviruses, emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show.
Shi is known internationally as the “Bat Lady” for her work with bats and their coronaviruses. Though ostensibly a civilian lab, the WIV has conducted research projects “for defensive and biosecurity needs of the military” since at least 2017, according to U.S. intelligence.
EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S. research organization, partnered closely with the WIV, subcontracting NIAID funding to Shi’s lab, and arranged the meeting.
“Zhengli and I will do a double act,” EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, Ph.D. said of their June 2017 meeting with NIAID’s Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Respiratory Diseases.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | A network analysis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine patents
A preliminary network analysis highlights the complex intellectual property landscape behind mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on global health and highlighted the importance of international cooperation to effectively combat SARS-CoV-2. Since the discovery and publication of the virus’s genome in January 2020, scientists have rushed to develop vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics on an unprecedented timescale. To date there are 80 vaccines in clinical trials and 70 more in clinical development, setting the stage for some of the fastest vaccine development and testing in modern history1. The vaccine technology platforms used by the most promising vaccine candidates range from viral vector–based and protein-based technologies to mRNA and lipid nanoparticle technology. Despite these impressive scientific achievements, barriers such as the vaccine cold chain and multiple forms of intellectual property (IP) protection stand in the way of equitable access and fair allocation.
Webs of intellectual property claims underpin the marketing of many vaccines. For example, the underlying technology used to develop a vaccine can be protected by patents, while manufacturing methods and techniques (know-how) can be protected by trade secrets. Therapeutic development programs tend to consist of an intricate relationship between an inventor and an innovator2. The foundational technology needed to develop a vaccine could have been invented in an academic lab setting or startup research firm, protected through patents, and subsequently licensed out to a larger entity for further development and commercialization. These larger entities are designated as innovators because they transform the foundational technology into the final market product. In an attempt to demonstrate the complexity involved in IP protections and licensing deals surrounding COVID-19 vaccine technology, we developed a preliminary patent network analysis. We identified patents that were relevant to various vaccine technology platforms and used US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings to highlight pertinent licensing deals. A visualization of the landscape is shown in Fig. 1.
(↑ Updated 10.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Why Fauci, Not Drosten? German Scientists Met OPENLY With Wuhan ”Batwoman”
Perfectly-timed to coincide with Anthony Fauci’s closed-door testimony before the U.S. Congress, a recent bombshell report suggested, based on FOI emails, that Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology met with Fauci at his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), outside Washington, in June 2017. According to the most popular version of the ‘lab leak’ theory, it is, of course, Shi’s research on coronaviruses in bats which is supposed to have given rise to the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19.
In an even more sensational riff on the original report from the American non-profit U.S. Right to Know, a Daily Mail headline even proclaims that ‘U.S. scientists held secret talks with Covid ‘Batwoman’ amid drive to make coronaviruses more deadly… just before pandemic’.
But there was nothing “secret” about the meeting. Supposing it in fact took place – which could at most be inferred from the cited e-mails – it was simply not publicised. At the time, pre-Covid, it would have been a matter of small public interest anyway.
Furthermore, although the U.S. Right to Know headline – ‘Scientists at the centre of the ‘lab leak’ controversy met with NIH, Fauci’ – implies that Fauci himself met with Shi, Fauci was not even a participant in the relevant e-mail string. The recipient of the supposedly incriminating e-mails from Peter Daszak of EcoHealth was Eric Stemmy of a NIAID subdivision. The current, updated version of the article appears to concede that Fauci was not present at the meeting in question, although he did meet Daszak – without Shi – four months later.
(↑ Updated 15.1.2024)
*) The world’s opinion of US bioprogrammes is changing because of the findings of the special military operation (allegedly Russian Governmental sources)
Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:
Such language may be indicative of Washington’s attempts to recreate technologies for the large-scale production of biological formulations as part of an offensive biological programme.
Thus, the systemic expansion of biological-military activities poses a threat to the security of the Russian Federation and other States considered by the United States as strategic adversaries. The scale of U.S. dual-use research and the global biological risks it poses raise the question of an independent international investigation. Due to the unprecedented pressure from Washington, many states have taken a passive position on this issue, but the information received in the course of the special military operation on the development of biological weapons components on the territory of Ukraine in violation of Articles 1 and 4 of the Convention makes them change their point of view.
In the current situation, we consider it extremely important to resume work on a legally binding protocol to the Convention, which would be binding on all States Parties to the BWC, and first and foremost on the United States.
We are continuing to analyse incoming documents and will keep you informed.
(↑ Updated 17.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Likely Lab Leak and the Covid Cassandra
As I’ve written in several previous columns, that seeming consensus among top experts shut down almost all further discussion of the Wuhan lab as a possible source of Covid. Fauci dismissed the lab-leak hypothesis as “just a conspiracy theory,” and the media eagerly doubled down on that politically useful framing. The New York Times’ top Covid reporter called the idea “racist.” Only a few brave scientists—including Ebright and Alina Chan, a young researcher at the Harvard-MIT Broad Institute—dared to challenge the fast-jelling conventional wisdom. It took over a year before a few mainstream media outlets began gingerly to consider the lab-leak question, and two more years before the FBI and the U.S. Department of Energy announced that their investigations now pointed to the Wuhan lab as the contagion’s likely source.
But in the absence of any high-level nonpartisan inquiry, we still don’t have a clear picture of how Covid emerged. China has been predictably truculent, throwing out absurd claims that the virus must have been carried into their country by visiting Americans or in imported seafood. Worse, Chinese authorities took the entire database of WIV virus data offline. Even international scientists who conducted joint research with their WIV colleagues—and whose governments helped fund those projects—have no access to data that might hold clues to the source of one of the most devastating pandemics in centuries.
At this point, China’s intransigence is a given. Americans should be more outraged that, when it comes to transparency, U.S. officials and scientific institutions haven’t been much better than their Chinese counterparts.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | WUHAN COVER UP: Wall Street Journal reviewed documents showing a Chinese researcher uploaded a COVID virus sequence on December 28, 2019–two weeks before China released sequence to Eddie Holmes
China called this a ”vicious lie” in 2021.… We now have documents showing that China lied to the world in this statement. We also know that many science writers and virologists misled the public about Wuhan virus research.
(↑ Updated 18.1.2024)
*) US scientists proposed to make viruses with unique features of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan
American scientists planned to work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to engineer novel coronaviruses with the features of SARS-CoV-2 the year before the virus emerged from that city, according to documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know.
While rare in nature, these features were central to the esoteric research interests of the scientists working with the Wuhan lab, those documents show.
Scientists divided over the so-called “lab leak” and natural origin hypotheses have for years pored over the arcane language of a U.S.-China research proposal called “DEFUSE” describing coronavirus engineering experiments.
The DEFUSE grant proposal was led by EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak.
Now, drafts and notes uncovered through the Freedom of Information Act reveal fresh details about the intended research.
(↑ Updated 19.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | DOCUMENTS: Chinese Researcher Who Mapped COVID Virus Two Weeks Before China Released Sequence Was on Anthony Fauci’s Payroll
A Chinese researcher who first submitted the genetic sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in late December 2019, around two weeks before China disclosed the deadly virus to outside scientists, was on the payroll of Anthony Fauci’s institute at the time, according to a grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit operated by Peter Daszak. The disclosures call into further question what officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) knew about research they were funding in China where the pandemic began.
“The grant doesn’t work on SARS-CoV-2,” Daszak told Nature Magazine, when the NIH was forced to review the grant in the summer of 2020. “Our organization has not actually published any data on SARS-CoV-2. We work on bat coronaviruses that are out there in the wild and trying to predict what the next one is. We don’t work on sequencing SARS-CoV-2.”
Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, which first broke the story, several experts said the extra two weeks could have helped researchers better understand how COVID spread and develop therapies.
NIH officials refused to respond to multiple requests to explain how much salary they provided to Dr. Lili Ren, a scientist at the Beijing-based Institute of Pathogen Biology, who wrote a letter in support of Daszak’s grant application to Fauci’s NIH institute. Documents from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released by a congressional committee show that Ren first uploaded the COVID virus sequence to the NIH’s GenBank on December 28, 2019—two weeks before scientists celebrated China’s release of the genetic sequence on January 11, 2020.
“The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has confirmed that Dr. Ren’s December 28, 2019, sequence was nearly identical to the sequence later made public by the China CDC on January 10, 2020, which at the time was the first known sequence,” said members of the House Energy & Commerce committee in a statement.
Anthony Fauci’s NIH institute awarded the grant in 2015 to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, who partnered with Ren as a co-investigator on a multi-year project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” The grant shows that taxpayers paid Ren a salary, although NIH redacted the amounts for salary and benefits.
(↑ Updated 20.1.2024)
*) US And Chinese Scientists Made Plans To Engineer Coronaviruses Like SARS-CoV-2, New Documents Show
Was EcoHealth Alliance’s 2018 DEFUSE proposal a blueprint for bioweapons-related experiments that led to the Covid-19 lab leak?
The DEFUSE records show that UNC and WIV scientists wanted to insert a furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction of the spike protein. What’s more, a 2022 preprint analysis determined that SARS-CoV-2 was assembled in six fragments with the restriction enzyme BsmBI. The new documents show that the DEFUSE team planned to use six segments to make synthetic viruses and ordered BSmBI from New England Biolabs.
In response to the release, Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, wrote that his group “had the misfortune of predicting” that a SARS-like virus with features of SARS-CoV-2 “had the potential to emerge in China & become pandemic. It did. Rather than taking these prescient ideas seriously, we’ve had 4 [years] of attacks.”
(↑ Updated 23.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | DEFUSE proposed the blueprint to SARS2 to DARPA, but DARPA wisely rejected it due to risky GOF
NIAID funded DEFUSE collaborators, but the Chinese Academy of Sciences also funded similar work. They had means, motive, and opportunity in Wuhan
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Implications of DEFUSE – If the virus came from a lab, then what?
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #data-collection | USGS DEFUSE SEARCHABLE Records 1
FOIA released documents obtained by Emily Kopp w/ the USRTK which was released January 18th 2024. I’ve taken the liberty of taking the FOIA file and making it more useful for researchers-this copy will allow you to do a text search, text copy, highlight, voice over/read aloud. For the original format without those capabilities you can find the document here:
-We’re in this together-Whether we like it or not.-
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | COVID: updated summary of lab-origin hypothesis
This important thread by Richard Ebright is essential reading for anyone interested in #COVID19 origins. Anyone saying they know the pandemic stems from zoonosis in the wild or Huanan market is knowingly or unwittingly engaging in fraud.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #institutional_corruption | In Early 2020, A Chinese Source Trusted By FBI Said Covid Leaked From Wuhan Lab, Sources Say – FBI’s entire 25-person Chinese intelligence squad knew of reliable human intelligence that SARS-CoV-2 Covid leaked from a lab
Over the last several months, Public has reported on a growing body of evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caused the Covid pandemic escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China. Last year, Public and Racket were the first to report that US government officials had identified that the first patients to become sick with Covid worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
Now, Public has learned from multiple sources that the FBI knew since at least March 2020 that Covid was the result of a lab leak. A Chinese national from Wuhan, working as a confidential human source (CHS) for the FBI, told their handler at the FBI’s Chinese Intelligence Squad. The sources said it was probable that the whole squad of 25 people knew.
“A person working at the Virology Institute lab in Wuhan, China was infected, left the building, and spread the virus outside the lab in Wuhan,” the CHS told the FBI, according to a source. “It didn’t have anything to do with the wet market or the bat soup story they were going with.”
(↑ Updated 24.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | SARS2 was patented by Ralph Baric in 2018 – But the story is much bigger than a UNC patent, since it also included an NIH patent
Let me repeat, Dr Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina patented the SARS-CoV-2 genome in 2018!
No, the Chinese did not copy or steal Baric’s ‘obscure’ methods. Yes, we all know the about the ‘other’ patents in SARS2; like Moderna, CGG-CGG, David E. Martin, and immune evasion. This was a Baric patent for the individual genome now called SARS-CoV-2.
Mother nature has never seen SARS2, so Baric claimed a lab origin would only be “within the records of the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” but SARS2 was in the records of a US Government patent office.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Congressional letter to DoD, 01/25/24: ”Inspector General of the Department of Defense shall…report…Federal funds…used to fund research…that could have reasonably resulted in…enhancement of a…pathogen of pandemic potential or chimeric version…in…any…foreign country. ”
”.. This review isn’t about just one bad actor flouting federal laws and biosafety standards. EcoHealth demonstrates how easy it is to bend and ignore government grant requirements, while continuing to receive millions of dollars from other agencies without any additional accountability requirements. As prescribed in the law, we stress the need for an accounting of all defense dollars supporting Chinese institutions, for any purpose, by any defense agency or grantee and a review and accounting of all risky research being conducted in foreign nations with the support of the Pentagon, including U.S. run or U.S.- affiliated labs.
American taxpayers deserve to know: How many U.S. defense dollars are going to China, purposely or inadvertently, and for what purposes? Is any being sent under the radar because it is not being tracked or reported? How much is the Pentagon providing to support projects involving pathogens of pandemic potential and where are those taking place? Is EcoHealth Alliance continuing to pose as a pass-through organization, funneling U.S. taxpayer dollars to finance dangerous research in foreign labs with substandard biosafety precautions, including China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology? And how can we bring greater transparency and accountability to how tax dollars are being spent?
The investigations outlined in the NDAA your office will be conducting will provide invaluable insights for answering these questions.
Thank you again for your attention to this important effort, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.”
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Story of the Decade – New documents strengthen—perhaps conclusively—the lab-leak hypothesis of Covid-19’s origins.
The new recipe is in striking accord with a theoretical paper published in 2022 that predicted the SARS2 virus had been generated in exactly this way. Three researchers—Valentin Bruttel, Alex Washburne, and Antonius VanDongen—noted that the virus could be cut into six sections if treated with a pair of agents known as restriction enzymes and so had probably been synthesized and assembled in this way.
Restriction enzymes, made naturally by bacteria as a defense against viruses, are an invaluable tool for biologists because they cut DNA at specific points known as recognition sites. These sites occur randomly across the genome, so a natural virus treated with a restriction enzyme will be cut into pieces of different sizes. However, researchers who want to synthesize a virus from scratch in order to manipulate its parts more effectively will often rearrange the recognition sites so that they are evenly spaced. This allows short chunks of DNA, all of roughly equal length, to be synthesized chemically and then strung together in a complete viral genome. Bottom line: if your virus has evenly spaced recognition sites, it’s a pretty good bet that it was made in a laboratory.
Bruttel and his colleagues guessed that a commonly used pair of restriction enzymes, known as BsaI and BsmBI, might have been used to assemble the SARS2 virus’s genome. When they examined the structure of SARS2, they found that the recognition sites used by these enzymes were indeed evenly spaced across the genome, marking it into six sections. “Our findings strongly suggest a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV2,” they wrote.
Their paper did not receive the attention it deserved, in part because of the difficulty of ruling out a natural explanation for the even spacing. The small group of virologists who adamantly oppose the lab-leak hypothesis attacked the paper as “confected nonsense” (Edward Holmes) and “kindergarten molecular biology” (Kristian Andersen).
(↑ Updated 26.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Daszak responded with another ’cufflink’ clue – That will lead us to the creator of Covid
A 2018 RML collaboration between Munster and Baric tried to infect Egyptian fruit bats with a Chinese bat virus.
They co-authored a DARPA Defuse style paper (above) trying to infect American lab bats with a coronavirus called WIV1 (detailed in Defuse below). The Montana lab was now double dipping, because they actually won the DARPA Preempt project.
The Montana experiment failed, so they concluded with a wish list for the 2019 future:
Therefore, it would be interesting to perform an experimental inoculation study using Chinese horseshoe bats, from which WIV1-CoV was originally isolated, to investigate if more efficient virus replication and shedding can be observed in these animals.
In 2020, a German BSL4 lab infected Egyptian fruit bats with SARS2 and published the shocking results.
Our data suggest that intranasal infection of Egyptian fruit bats could reflect reservoir host status and therefore represent a useful model, although this species is certainly not the original reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 because these bats are not present in China, the epicenter of the pandemic.
Those exact same Egyptian fruit bats were referenced in the DARPA Defuse project.
(↑ Updated 27.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Double-edged sword of BioNTech & Pfizer – The patent technology related to the EMA document improves the yield of RNA while increasing the residual DNA.
We discovered a pivotal new patent application related to the EMA document. We call further verification for this patent by experts and volunteers.
The DNA contamination is a major concern in the mRNA vaccine technology. The patent we discovered this time discloses a novel method to increase not only the quality and yield of the RNA but also the residual DNA. This suggests that this method is one of the major causes of the DNA contamination in the mRNA vaccines.
The patent publication number is US20230183769A1 and the applicant is BioNTech SE.
The US20230183769A1 was filed on August 23, 2022, and published on June 15, 2023. This patent application has not been registered yet. This patent application claims priority to the provisional application US17/893,742 filed in the USPTO on August 24, 2021. The US20230183769A1 has an international patent application WO2023025404A1 as a patent family.
This patent discloses experiments underlying the EMA document on BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 of the BioNTech (Pfizer), and will reach to one cores of the residual DNA contamination problem.
(↑ Updated 29.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | An Engineered Origin for the SARS-CoV2 Genome. (2021)
Despite doubt regarding the origins of SARS-CoV2 and the possibility of deliberate engineering of this pandemic virus, an engineering workflow for SARS-CoV2 using available data sets and techniques common to molecular biology labs is hereby explained. Each step in the workflow has a historical precedence of being used on SARS-like coronaviruses from China.
For the sake of clarity, only viruses that can reasonably be assumed to come from real and natural sources were included in this analysis. More scientific detail on excluded genomes and the reasons for their exclusion will be presented at the end of the article.
SARS-CoV2 is Not Consistent with Expectations from Evolutionary Theory.
i.) The divergent evolutionary paths of the two pieces of the virus,
ii.) high mutational drift in the spike protein while
iii.) maintaining species and receptor specificity, plus
iv.) the ability to improve DNA identity prediction in-silico
are all features of the genome inconsistent with expectations from natural evolutionary theory.
SARS-CoV2 is Consistent with an Engineered Origin
i.) 97.3% of the genetic diversity of the virus backbone is explained by high DNA Sequence Identity to a reverse engineered assembly (SynCoV1).
ii.) The vast majority (79%) best matches an in-silico consensus of three viruses (BB3C), having more identity than any of the three viruses alone.
iii.) In addition, the novel mutations and high level of mutation in the spike protein when compared to natural conserved sequences
are all features of the genome consistent with a chimeric backbone and random library screening of spike protein for ‘gain-of-function’ via directed evolution, an engineered virus workflow.
It is inaccurate to say that SARS-CoV2 could not be engineered. Furthermore, based solely on this genomic data set, which includes genomes of 40 bat coronavirus relatives close to both the SARS-CoV1 and SARS-CoV2 genomes, the most likely explanation for genetic diversity in this novel pandemic virus is an engineered workflow like the one proposed herein and not natural evolution.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Is This the Man Who Created COVID-19 in Fauci’s U.S. Lab?
Top U.S. virologist Ralph Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at the University of North Carolina as part of his work in connection with the 2018 DEFUSE funding proposal. That’s the story that’s been going round the internet for some months now (and not just in alternative media) and it all looks very damning for Baric and those connected with his research. Details of the DEFUSE project were first leaked by Major Joseph Murphy, an employee of U.S. military research agency DARPA, in the summer of 2021 and further details of earlier drafts have come to light this month thanks to public record requests from U.S. Right to Know (USRTK).
Many regard this as case closed for the lab leak.
But this is not the full story. That’s because Baric’s DEFUSE proposal did not win the DARPA funding. And while it is rightly pointed out that, with or without the funding, much of the work was already in hand, it’s what happened next with the winning DARPA proposal where the story really gets interesting.
U.S. researcher Jim Haslam has done an incredible job on his Substack page Reverse engineering the origins of SARS-CoV-2 documenting all the toings and froings among the virology community in connection with the creation of this peculiar virus and the subsequent cover-up. What follows is in large part indebted to his meticulous research, though any errors are of course my own.
The winning 2018 DARPA bid was for a project called PREEMPT led by Dr. Vincent Munster (pictured above) based at Anthony Fauci’s NIH Rocky Mountain Lab. Both PREEMPT and Baric’s losing DEFUSE project had the same basic idea: to try to prevent a (hypothetical) future pandemic by using an engineered SARS virus to vaccinate the bats from which it is believed such a virus was likely to spill over. The idea being, of course, that the vaccinated bats would no longer be a reservoir for the virus, thus ‘defusing’ or ‘preempting’ the zoonotic spillover. Sounds crazy? Too right – far too much meddling with nature and placing too much faith in the ability of vaccines to prevent infection and transmission. But crazy or not, that’s what the scientists proposed, and PREEMPT won and DEFUSE lost.
The key difference between Baric’s DEFUSE and Munster’s PREEMPT – aside from PREEMPT coming in around $4m cheaper at $10m – is that rather than relying on spraying bat caves with a non-transmissible virus-vaccine, Munster’s plan involved making the virus-vaccine transmit between the bats via aerosols. This made it a self-spreading vaccine, able (in theory) to reach all the bats without humans having to go and find all their caves and spray them. The risks of such a plan should have been obvious. Indeed, Baric himself, who went awfully quiet after his DEFUSE project leaked in mid-2021, resurfaced in mid-2023 to say that such work involving engineering transmissible virus-vaccines was “too edgy” for him.
(↑ Updated 31.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Baric lied early in the pandemic – But who told him to lie?
To summarize, a novel genome called SARS2 emerged in Wuhan that was 20.4% different than SARS1. Baric claimed to have created a chimera, which was the combination of two more virus samples, that was “20% different” in 2018.
That 2018 frozen chimera in Chapel Hill was 0.4% different from what emerged in Wuhan in 2020. Shi had a sample called RaTG13 that was 4% different, but Baric had a sample that was ten times closer!
Think about making a free throw from 12,500 kilometers away, which was the distance from Chapel Hill to Wuhan. The analogy is imperfect, but the vast distance was covered in Baric’s own words in DARPA Defuse.
(↑ Updated 1.2.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Strength of Evidence for a Lab Origin – Probable cause, preponderance of evidence, and beyond reasonable doubt
Evidence of a Cover-Up
The Wuhan Institute of Virology had a database of hundreds of sarbecovirus genomes and spike genes, but that dataset was deleted in September 2019. The Chinese government ordered the destruction of early cases and sequences, and deleted sequences from NCBI’s servers have been recovered by Jesse Bloom, shining more light on the early outbreak, complicating the evolutionary & epidemiological story of the Huanan Seafood market (what are the odds that sequences deleted corroborate the wet market story vs. complicate it?). The Chinese government only allocated PCR tests to patients in Wuhan with connections to the wet market or travelers coming from Wuhan with connection to known cases in Wuhan, and only Wuhan was locked down, a policy that makes little sense under the SARS-CoV-1 precedent of a geographically widespread animal trade outbreak in SARS-CoV-1. Of course, since SARS-CoV-1 there were 6 lab leaks of SARS-CoV-1 in China, and that could have been the precedent guiding Chinese public health policy.
Peter Daszak, the leader of DEFUSE, did not disclose DEFUSE as a conflict of interest when he was elected to be the US emissary to the WHO’s COVID origins investigation in Wuhan, nor did he disclose DEFUSE when chosen to lead The Lancet’s COVID-origins investigation.
Peter Daszak went even further. Daszak coordinated with DEFUSE colleagues Ralph Baric and Linfa Wang to write an article to The Lancet calling lab origin theories “conspiracy theories”. Not only did Daszak not disclose DEFUSE as a COI, but the email also indicates Daszak’s intent to ghostwrite the article, hide conflicts of interest, all for the purpose of distracting The Lancet’s audience from DEFUSE PIs’ central role working with the lab at the heart of the lab origin theory to design a biological novelty matching the specs of SARS-CoV-2. If the organism described in DEFUSE were patented, SARS-CoV-2 would be an infringement of their patent.
The subject line of Daszak’s email reads:
“No need for you to sign the ‘Statement’ Ralph!!”
(↑ Updated 7.2.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Caught Red Handed: Fauci, Gates & Moderna are responsible for the COVID Pandemic – U.S. D.O.D issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist – & Fauci & Moderna had a Vaccine ready in Dec. 2019
It was not until January 9th 2020 that the WHO reported that Chinese authorities had determined the outbreak was due to a novel coronavirus which later became known as SARS-CoV-2 with the alleged resultant disease dubbed COVID-19.
So why was an v transferred to the University of North Carolina on December 12th 2019?
The same Moderna that have had an mRNA coronavirus vaccine authorised for emergency use only in both the United Kingdom and the United States to allegedly combat Covid-19.
What did Moderna, Fauci & Bill Gates know that we didn’t?
In 2019 there was not any singular coronavirus posing a threat to humanity which would warrant a vaccine.
As the world tries to move on there are many questions that remain unanswered, the above being just some of them.
But the discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense for Covid-19 research in November 2019, and the fact Moderna and Fauci’s NIAID has an mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidate funded by Bill Gates ready in December 2019, suggests that the permanent U.S Government, Dr Anthony Fauci, Mr Bill Gates & Moderna all know the answers to those questions.
(↑ Updated 22.2.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Why China Was Never Held Accountable for the Covid-19 Lab Leak
Though we won the argument in the realm of public opinion . . . nothing happened. There have still been few real consequences for the Chinese government, and certainly no consequences commensurate to unleashing a plague that killed about 7 million people officially and anywhere from 18 million to 32 million if you count all the suspiciously high excess deaths in places such as China and Russia, among others. President Biden assures us that U.S.–China relations are in a “thaw.”
Stories don’t get any bigger than the origin of a virus that caused a global pandemic, effectively shut down the world for a year, and changed the lives of every human being on the planet. We’re still dealing with the learning loss; we’re still living with the consequences of missed cancer diagnoses; we’re dealing with an explosion of skepticism about the value of all kinds of vaccines — thanks a lot, mandate advocates; and we’re dealing with an estimated financial cost of $14 trillion. (For perspective, all U.S. federal government spending in fiscal year 2023 was $6.1 trillion.)
And yet, when we wake up every morning, most of us choose to think about other topics — and hey, there are a lot of other important priorities in this world. But sometimes it feels like vast swaths of American society chose to forget about the pandemic at the first opportunity and chose to not keep asking how and why the pandemic started, because they and some of our leaders didn’t like the probable answers. Holding the Chinese government accountable for setting off the pandemic would just be too difficult. There’s still $575 billion in trade between the two countries. Mustn’t upset the applecart.
(↑ Updated 28.2.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Scientist claims ‘smoking gun’ evidence COVID-19 intentionally created by researchers in Chinese lab | NyPost
COVID-19 may have been created in a Chinese lab, a British professor told the UN Wednesday, with another expert claiming that evidence of the likelihood has reached “the level of a smoking gun.”
Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, was quoted saying in a new Wall Street Journal article that the virus that killed millions around the world may actually have been manmade in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
He cited evidence found in a 2018 document from the lab that talked of making such a virus.
“[The document] elevates the evidence provided by the genome sequence from the level of noteworthy to the level of a smoking gun,” Ebright said in the piece by former New York Times editor Nicholas Wade.
(↑ Updated 2.3.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | The Greatest Story Never Told: German Virology in Wuhan – and Montana
But what about all the German connections to virus research in Wuhan which I have documented here, here, here and here and which involve not just German funding for virus research in Wuhan, but indeed a full-fledged German-Chinese virology lab in Wuhan, which – unlike the Wuhan Institute of Virology – is located right in the area of the initial outbreak of COVID-19 in the city.
It is all the more remarkable that these German connections are being ignored given that the supposedly ‘American’ story of the creation and release of COVID-19 points right back to them: namely, to a German or, more exactly, German-Dutch coronavirus research nexus, which has played a key role in the COVID-19 response and at whose centre we find none other than Christian Drosten. Drosten is, of course, the German creator of the notoriously hypersensitive and unreliable COVID-19 PCR test which was the very basis of the declaration of a pandemic.
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Lab Origin: The Case is Even Stronger Now
The Strengthening Case for a Lab Origin
All of these anomalies of SARS-CoV-2 emergence, SARS-CoV-2 evolution, and CCP outbreak policy, however, make perfect sense if the leak was not from animals to people, but from the world’s largest repository of bat sarbecoviruses in the same city, walking distance from both the wet market and the hospitals at the heart of earlier surges in care-seeking terms.
The lab-origin theory examines the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 may have leaked from a lab, and to fully understand a lab-origin theory one must examine the research being conducted by the lab. It just so happens that there is a bat sarbecovirus lab in the same city where this bat sarbecovirus emerged; the specificity of the connection between the virus that emerged and the lab is so high it’s like finding a tiger roaming around the town walking distance from a big cat sanctuary in Germany, so knowing there is a sanctuary drawing in big cats from around the world provides critical context for the big cat roaming the streets nearby.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology was a leading institute for studying wildlife coronaviruses. These researchers would catch all manners of animals and even sample animal trade networks in search of new viruses. They would take these wildlife viral samples back to Wuhan for further study, and in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance they would import wildlife viral samples obtained by external, US-based parties.
The wildlife virological work in Wuhan is important context, but the single most important thing to know about the lab-origin theory is a grant written in 2018 – the DEFUSE proposal. The DEFUSE proposal was pried from the unwilling hands of EcoHealth Alliance by DRASTIC, the group of independent sleuths investigating a lab-origin theory since 2020.
(↑ Updated 4.3.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Jeffrey Sachs: ”We need…an independent scientific investigation in which all laboratories involved in the EHA research program in the US and China fully open their books and records to the independent investigators.”
A group of intrepid truth-seekers—journalists, scientists, whistleblowers—have uncovered a vast amount of information pointing to the likely laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2. Most important has been the intrepid work of the The Intercept and US Right to Know (USRTK), especially investigative reporter Emily Kopp at USRTK.
Based on this investigative work, the Republican-led House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is now carrying out an important investigation in a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. In the Senate, the leading voice for transparency, honesty, and reason in investigating the origin of SARS-Cov-2 has been Republican Senator Rand Paul.
The evidence of a possible laboratory creation revolves around a multi-year US-led research program that involved US and Chinese scientists. The research was designed by US scientists, funded mainly by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense, and administered by a US organization, the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), with much of the work taking place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
The US owes the full truth, and perhaps ample financial compensation, to the rest of the world, depending on what the facts ultimately reveal.
Here are facts that we know as of today.
(↑ Updated 17.3.2024)
*) Senators to Study Covid Origins in Broader Biosecurity Probe | Bloomberg
A Senate panel is launching a bipartisan investigation into national security threats from biological research and technology in the US and overseas, including a probe into the origins of Covid-19.
The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will announce the probe Wednesday, kicking off a series of hearings on emerging outbreaks, biosecurity lapses, and the root of the pandemic. Bloomberg Government first reported on the investigation.
“This bipartisan oversight effort will allow us to take a comprehensive look at whether the federal government is taking the necessary steps to keep Americans safe from current and future biological threats,”
(↑ Updated 21.3.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Weekly lab leak tidbits – We’re all bats now
Jimmy Tobias delivers another great FOIA. This is a March 2018 email from the United States Geological Service (USGS) to Ralph Baric. The USGS was organizing an American bat colony to test Baric’s bat vaccine. They suggested the University of Wisconsin (UW) develop an animal vaccine delivery similar to vaccinating wildlife (foxes, coyotes, raccoons) against rabies. But none of them know how to vaccinate bats. They are picky eaters so it’s hard to use baited vaccines.
Much has been made of SARS2 not infecting Chinese bats, but it loves American bats. The biggest logistical issue with DARPA Defuse was testing Baric’s bat vaccine on Chinese bats. EcoHealth tried to import the fragile Chinese horseshoe bat before and after the pandemic. They failed, so they had to develop Baric’s bat vaccine in American bats and test it in Wuhan on Chinese bats. This is the reason NIAID is building two Chinese bat labs, costing $135M. The USGS is also building a $55M bat vivarium. ..
Do people get it?
Yes, they do.
Will Jonespiece on Vincent Munster. Read the comment section to gauge people’s understanding of a complex subject.
Givenroomhad the best line: “We’re all bats now.”
My other favorite: “So their plans were to engineer this to make it look like it originated from bats? Wow just sick…these people are insane.”
(↑ Updated 4.4.2024)
(↑ Updated 4.4.2024)
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Dilyana Gaytandzhieva: Why is the Pentagon Funding Bio-Labs in Ukraine & Around Eurasia? – ”She visited numerous bio-labs and found they were located in residential areas where people subsequently complained of pollution, death, and disease. She even interrogated Robert Kadlec. The Pentagon funded 11 bio-labs in Ukraine and has been seeking the DNA and blood samples specifically of Russian nationals. We discuss media censorship and the latest development in Europe where questioning the narrative now can land you in jail.” – podcast (päivitetty 3.3.2022)
The Pentagon Bio-weapons – ”Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 3.3.2022)
Here are the Documents the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Scrubbed on ‘Biological Threat Reduction’ Labs – ”Amid the Russians’ accusations, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has scrubbed a number of documents related to the Ukrainian “Biological Threat Reduction” program. Those documents have been retrieved and can be read below. The documents show both the locations of the Ukrainian laboratories and the Department of Defense’s listing as a “donor” to the program.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 8.3.2022)
Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Programme? – ”The document images shared by RIA Novosti are in Russian, but one twitter user posted a translation of the covering letter and another twitter user translated, using Yandex, the remaining pages. Below are the translated images.” – Expose – artikkeli (päivitetty 8.3.2022)
WHAT HAVE FAUCI’S FRIENDS BEEN UP TO IN UKRAINE? – ”Beyond the Pentagon’s speedy retreat from various laboratories across Ukraine, the US government erased all online documents in PDF form related to America’s connection to the laboratories.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 9.3.2022)
U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says [8th of March 2022 in senate] Washington is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russian hands | [8th of March 2022 in senate] – Twiitti + video (päivitetty 9.3.2022)
EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’ – ”Adeleted web article recovered by The National Pulse reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 9.3.2022)
Nuland Warns Russia May Seize Ukraine Biolabs, Could Stage False Flag Using Bioweapons – ”The labs exist – Hours later, US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland told Sen. Marco Rubio during a hearing that the labs do indeed exist, and must be protected from Russia – which, as Rubio suggested – may stage a biological or chemical false flag attack that they blame on Ukraine.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 9.3.2022)
Victoria Nuland Admits Fear ‘Russian Forces May Be Seeking to Gain Control’ of Ukraine Biolabs – ”Russia is therefore invoking the United States’ invasion of Iraq in 2003 as a pretext for invading Ukraine. It turned out after the invasion that weapons inspectors could find scant if any evidence that then Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was maintaining an active Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program. However, the New York Times reported that Iraq had old stockpiles of WMDs that were discovered by U.S. soldiers.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 9.3.2022)
From Robert Malone’s Substack:
“US Embassy Quietly Deletes All Ukraine Bioweapons Lab Documents Online – Media Blackout”
“China urges U.S. to release details of bio-labs in Ukraine”
All Along the Watchtower – Would the Russian invasion of Ukraine be justified if it were for biodefense? | Dr. Robert Malone – ”But I never really allowed myself to confront the possibility that we might not be the good guys, the white hats. Until I experienced what we have all been through over the last two years. A government (or really multiple governments) that clearly believes that it is justified in disregarding fundamental principles of bioethics and the common rule. And like many others, once I saw that, it was like having backed into a light switch and suddenly the entire room was lit up, and I could never un-see what was revealed.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 10.3.2022)
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has ”Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them – ”Any attempt to claim that Ukraine’s biological facilities are just benign and standard medical labs is negated by Nuland’s explicitly grave concern that “Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of” those facilities and that the U.S. Government therefore is, right this minute, “working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 10.3.2022)
TUCKER: ”PENTAGON VALEHTELEE BIOLABORATORIOISTA UKRAINASSA” (SUOM.) – ”Fox Newsin juontaja reagoi Tucker Carlson Tonight -ohjelmassa väitteisiin, joiden mukaan Yhdysvallat rahoittaa biologisia ohjelmia Ukrainassa.” – video suomenkielisillä teksteillä & alkuperäinen Fox:lla (päivitetty 10.3.2022)
Ukraine Biolab Watchtower – An attempt to triangulate something approximating truth about Ukraine and Biolabs | “As for the Ukranian labs, you should look at the actual DoD agreement and other associated open source materials. The Ukranian labs put out published reports on a variety of public health and agricultural threats, including Swine Fever from China and Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) are some of the more recent ones, as well as public health messaging on topical items that you can watch on youtube. Unannounced inspections of these laboratories by DoD personnel are allowed ..” – artikkeli (päivitetty 11.3.2022)
Russians Call for UN Security Council Meeting Over Pentagon-Funded Ukraine Biolabs That Involved ‘Coronavirus’ Research – ”Polyansky cited Ministry of Defense documents that allegedly show the operation of a biowarfare research program in Ukraine. Those documents have been obtained by Becker News and translated excerpts from the original Ukrainian and Russian are provided below.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 11.3.2022)
The WHO Has Recommended That Ukraine Destroy ‘High Threat Pathogens’ at U.S.-Funded Biolabs – ”The World Health Organization has advised Ukraine to “destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country’s public health laboratories” to prevent “any potential spills” that would spread disease among the population, the agency told Reuters on Thursday.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 11.3.2022)
Now Russia accuses US of ’experimenting with bat coronavirus samples’ and carrying out research on ANTHRAX in Ukraine as White House warns Putin could use chemical or biological weapons after spreading ’preposterous propaganda’ – ”Russia has today accused the United States of experimenting with ’bat coronavirus samples’ and developing of biological weapons in Ukraine, without providing evidence, as Moscow continued its attempts to justify its brutal invasion. The Kremlin’s accusation came after the White House warned yesterday that Russian President Vladimir Putin could deploy chemical or biological weapons in the country, and that it was using such accusations as a ’false flag’ to justify their use.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 11.3.2022)
Pentagon Biolaboratories – Investigative Documentary (2018) – ”The US Embassy to Tbilisi is involved in the trafficking of frozen human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo for a secret military program. Internal documents, leaked to Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva by Georgian insiders, implicate US scientists in the transportation of and experimenting on pathogens under diplomatic cover. According to these documents, Pentagon scientists have been deployed to the Republic of Georgia and have been given diplomatic immunity to research deadly diseases and biting insects at the Lugar Center – the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi. The military facility is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world.” – video (päivitetty 11.3.2022)
List of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by US Embassy – ”Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.” – Postaus (päivitetty 11.3.2022)………………………………………
Ukraine Biolabs Expose Pentagon’s Deadly Programs – ”The discovery of biolabs in Ukraine triggered an explosive response from the media and politicians who scrambled to label it a far-right conspiracy. However, as undeniable evidence has emerged proving the existence of these labs, a much larger—and darker—plot has come to light, with the Pentagon at the center. Could this be the real reason for the frantic cover-up?” – video (päivitetty 12.3.2022)
Claimed evidence about US funded bioresearch in Ukraine | Documents via Russian sources – asiakirjoja & asiakirja 2 (päivitetty 12.3.2022)
Are we the Baddies? – Was the US illegally developing bio-weapons in the now confirmed labs that exist on Russia’s border with Ukraine? | ”And it is precisely because they can be weaponised that some Ukrainians had already petitioned President Zelensky in 2021 to close these labs. This petition had been uploaded to the Ukrainian government website by Isaev Mykola Vsisovich, stating: “In connection with the above, I ASK the President of Ukraine, who, according to Article 102 of the Constitution of Ukraine, is the Guarantor of the observance of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine:
1. IMMEDIATELY CLOSE American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine;
2. ENSURE the investigation of the activities of American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine;
3. ENSURE VERIFICATION of the possible participation of Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian medical organizations in the creation of coronavirus, as reported in the Petition No. 22/091370-ep on the website of the President of Ukraine.”
– artikkeli (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Biolabs in Ukraine Representing About Half of the World’s Population – ”During the hearing Russia, China, India and Brazil called for an investigation into the US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine. These countries represent about half of the world’s population.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
U.S. Biological Labs in Ukraine: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – ”“Eight laboratories … were built and modernized with the participation of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as part of the ‘Program of Involvement in Special Biological Activities’ in the period from 2005 to 2014,” Izvestia reported in March 2020 to the sound of crickets in the West. “Laboratories were built in Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Transcarpathian, Lviv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Ternopil regions…” – artikkeli (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
BREAKING: Documents Reveal US Department of Defense Was Funding Ukrainian Biolabs — Russia Releases List of Biological Agents Tested in US BioLabs in Ukraine, Including Salmonella and E. Coli – ”Here is another deleted document on DOD funding for a veterinary Biolab.” [alla] – artikkeli (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
QAnon, Ukraine and ’biolabs’: Russian propaganda efforts boosted by U.S. far right | KEK – ”PolitiFact has debunked the theories, and no evidence of U.S.-run bioweapons labs in Ukraine has been put forward. Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, told the Senate Intelligence Committee the U.S. has no evidence that Ukraine has pursued bioweapons and that the only assistance provided by the U.S. was “in the context of biosafety.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
Horowitz: Are the Ukraine biolabs connected to the coronavirus gain-of-function research? – ”A deleted web article from on June 18, 2010, which was recovered by National Pulse, titled, “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” explains how Obama, while serving as an Illinois senator, along with Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in Odessa, Ukraine, in 2005. The article was included in Issue No. 818 of the U.S. Air Force Counterproliferation Center’s Outreach Journal.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 15.3.2022)
Peter Daszak, Ukraine Bio Labs, Military-CIA and Biden Links – In 2016, EHA president Peter Daszak attended a Rockefeller Foundation forum alongside Metabiota’s chief scientific officer Edward Rubin to discuss The Global Virome Project, which promotes an international database and tracking system “akin to the Human Genome Project.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 16.3.2022)
The White House’s game-playing denials of bio labs in Ukraine | Glenn Greenwald – video (päivitetty 16.3.2022)
Episode #412 – ‘NATO Bio Hazard’ with guest Dilyana Gaytandzhieva – ”we’re joined by investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva editor and founder of Arms Watch to discuss the breaking developments about a chain of secret Pentagon-funded biological ‘research’ labs located in Ukraine and around the world” – podcast (päivitetty 16.3.2022)
Russian MoD Names Curator of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine, Releases Original Docs | Veterans Today – ”Essentially, the officer said, Washington’s use of third countries to carry out military biological activities was a means to bypass its international obligations by proxy. The current activity isn’t new, Kirillov stressed, pointing to President Barack Obama’s admission in 2010 that the United States carried out illegal research involving the deliberate infection with syphilis and gonorrhea pathogens of Guatemalan citizens back in the 1940s.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 20.3.2022)
Russia Challenges US: If Biolab Documents are Fake Then Ask Head of the DTRA Office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol Why She Signed Off on Them? – “The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) competitively awarded Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. (Black & Veatch) one of its Biological Threat Reduction Integrating Contracts (BTRIC) in 2008 (in Ukraine). The 5-year IDIQ contract (with a 5-year option) has a collective ceiling of $4B among the five selected contractors”, the Black & Veatch website acknowledges.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 20.3.2022)
”Why is the US turning Ukraine into a biological bomb?” | Serbian newspaper ”Peчat”, 2017 – ”Over the past 12 years, public attention and fears in the post-Soviet space and not only there have been caused by the news that the United States is expanding the network of military biological laboratories in the former republics of the USSR, thus encircling Russia. From 2014 to 2017, 15 US military biological laboratories were built in Ukraine” – artikkeli (päivitetty 20.3.2022)
Biolabs in Ukraine: Who are Metabiota’s investors? – ”Metabiota, the US company funded by US Department of Defence’s Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”) to operate biolabs in Ukraine, was founded by Nathan Wolfe who is linked to the Global Virome Project, EcoHealth, World Economic Forum and Jeffrey Epstein. Wolfe, directly and/or through Metabiota and its sister non-profit Global Viral, is not only been funded by various branches of US Department of Defence but, is also funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and CIA venture capital company In-Q-Tel. And this is merely scratching the surface of those backing the biolabs in Ukraine. – This is Part 3 of a three-part series. Part 1 can be read HERE and Part 2 HERE.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 21.3.2022)
”They’re Just Research Facilities.” – video (päivitetty 22.3.2022)
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department. – ”Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) – a subsidiary of the Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz-founded Rosemont Capital – counted both Biden and Heinz as managing directors. Heinz is the stepson of former U.S. Secretary of State and current Climate czar John Kerry. Amongst the companies listed on archived versions of the RSTP’s portfolio is Metabiota – an ostensibly San Francisco-based company that purports to detect, track, and analyze emerging infectious diseases.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 25.3.2022)
The Destroyed Ukraine Bioagents: Dangerous or Benign? – ”This article will look at what we know about the documented bioagents and pathogens held in the Ukraine biolabs, based on both Russian and Western sources. The truth about such alleged biological weapons (BW) turns out to be more nuanced than reported by the press — some of which accounts are full of misinformation — and impossible to assess fully without some knowledge of the history of Russian, American, and even Japanese biological warfare programs.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 26.3.2022)
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president | Daily Mail – ”Intelligence experts say the Russian military leader’s allegations were a brazen propaganda ploy to justify president Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in the US. But emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons. He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a ’science project’ involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine. And although Metabiota is ostensibly a medical data company, its vice president emailed Hunter in 2014 describing how they could ’assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia’ – an unusual goal for a biotech firm.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 26.3.2022)
BREAKING: Jack Maxey Declares Hunter Biden Laptop Shows ‘Secret Biological Projects’ In Ukraine – ”Maxey details that emails on the device show how Hunter Biden, and the head of the infamous Ukrainian gas company Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky, had stakes in the biological projects, and had been promised a 5x return in three months by those involved.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 28.3.2022)
Leaked M3tabiota emails by Jack Maxey – aineistokokoelma [varalinkki] (päivitetty 28.3.2022)
Ukrainan biolaboratorioille rahoitusta Bidenin pojalta – ”Metabiota sai starttirahoituksensa Googlen Eric Schmidtilta, eBayn Jeffrey Skollilta sekä Yhdysvaltain nykyisen presidentin, Joe Bidenin (dem) pojan Hunter Bidenin Rosemont Seneca [Technology Partners, RSTP] -yhtiön kautta, Baden-Mayer kirjoittaa. RSTP on Rosemont Senecan tytäryhtiö, jonka Hunter Biden perusti yhdessä silloisen Yhdysvaltain ulkoministerin, John Kerryn (dem) poikapuolen, Christopher Heinzin kanssa. ..” – artikkeli (päivitetty 28.3.2022)
Russian Foreign Ministry Releases Alleged “BioBiden” Timeline of US Bioresearch in Ukraine – ”Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zakharova has published a timeline of US-Ukraine bioresearch, which Gateway Pundit documents here for purposes of critical analysis.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 30.3.2022)
Horowitz: Hunter Biden’s role in Ukrainian biolabs raises serious questions about gain of function and Ukraine policy – ”Hunter’s dad, as vice president, was in charge of our foreign policy with Ukraine in 2014 when all of this was occurring and when the U.S. government was backing the color revolution that led to the ouster of the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych. It was at this time that the Defense Department began funding the Metabiota operations in Ukraine.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 31.3.2022)
Rebuilding Americas Defenses | Project for the New American Century/Foreign Policy Initiative/ – “Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” (p. 60) | – asiakirja (lisätty 3.4.2022)
U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Office Partners with Ukrainian Government to Keep Our Nations Safe [2020] – DTRA focuses on countering threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD). We focus on the full range of WMD threats — chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives. The organization also works to counter “improvised threats,” such as improvised explosive devices. – artikkeli (lisätty 4.4.2022)
Biolab opens in Ukraine [2010] – ”[Senator] Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu.” – artikkeli [arkistoitu] (päivitetty 5.4.2022)
U.S. Firm With Ties to WEF, DOD Implicated in Bioweapons Cover-Up – ”It’s not surprising, then, to find out that the founder of Metabiota, Nathan Wolfe, not only has close ties to the WEF, but is also a rising star there. He’s a WEF Young Global Leader graduate and was awarded the WEF’s Technology Pioneer award in 2021.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 9.4.2022)
Whistleblowing On Bio-Labs in Ukraine and Wuhan, China – ”We speak to Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva about confirmed Bio-Labs on Russia’s border with Ukraine.
We also speak to whistleblower and former US army combat veteran Dr Andrew Huff, who was a Vice-President at Peter Daszak’s Eco-Health Alliance, about controversial research to make stronger coronaviruses apparently conducted by Eco-Health Alliance in Wuhan, China. Both Ukrainian and Chinese bio-labs are connected to MetaBiota, a company that Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca has invested in.” – video (lisätty 9.5.2022)
[*caveat] From Russian Ministry of Defense – Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine – ”.. The presence in the collection of pathogens that are uncharacteristic of veterinary medicine, such as typhoid, paratyphoid fever and gas gangrene, is a cause for concern. This could indicate the laboratory’s misuse and involvement in a military biological programme. ..” – artikkelin käännös [vahvistamaton] (lisätty 13.5.2022)
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist – ”The shocking findings however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 1.6.2022)
US coordination of biological laboratories and research institutes in Ukraine – postaus (päivitetty 2.6.2022)
Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries | US Department of Defence – ”The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation. ” – tiedote (päivitetty 11.6.2022)
Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22 – ”Ukrainian document released to Russian media outlet, @izvestia, showing decree from Zelensky to destroy all files on Ukrainian defense service members, employees and staff of the state, and any involvement with Hunter Biden’s biolab METABIOTA, on 02/24/22, the same day the air strikes on Ukraine began.” – artikkeli (päivitetty 11.6.2022)
US Ambassador to China Disgruntled Over China Agreeing With Russian Allegations of US Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine – ”The Ukranian Biolabs story is starting to become unavoidable by Western media. Liberal media mogul Bloomberg had no choice but to report on it due to a US Ambassador directly addressing it. However, you will notice they don’t address the “Russian Lies” Burns is referring to in the title, they bury it in the article. Further down the page they address the allegations are pertaining to Russia’s allegations of BIOWEAPONS LABS IN UKRAINE.” – artikkeli ( 6.7.2022)
Wikipedia Corrects Reporting and Admits Biolabs in Ukraine ARE REAL – ”Get the fuck outta here y’all got caught and I was right. And now the left-wing media machine are silently trying to cover up that the “conspiracy theory” with world altering implications for the liberal globalists, actually turned out to be true.” – artikkeli (15.7.2022)
Russian MIL Simplifying and Disseminating US Biolabs to the Broader Population
A new video slideshow was released by the Russian Ministry of Defense pertaining to the US Deep State biological network in Ukraine. If you have not seen it, you can see the video link here. 1
I have not seen an English version yet, so I screenshotted and translated the slides from the show, and we are going to break down what these slides say, and the impact of Russia’s escalating information campaign. I’d advise watching the video first, then see all the slides below.
– ARTICLE 28.9.2022
Ukrainian Biolabs and a Kansas City Connection? Part 2/2 in the history of Ukrainian bioweapon facilities.
Fast-forward to 2012. Here are the contracts between the UNITED STATES and Ukraine, to build and fund bio-research facilities. Interesting that Kansas City based Black & Veach was the recipient of ALL of the Ukrainian bio-facilities contracts. These are screen shots because, as you can see in the first photo, the Federal Government SCRUBBED all of these documents off their website on February 24th, 2022. Not coincidental that this happened when tensions escalated in the Ukraine with Russia. If you want to verify this for yourself, there is a website called the wayback machine, where you can literally go back in time and view cached versions of a website.
– ARTICLE 25.11.2022
NEW: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax BioLabs in Ukraine (FOIA) | Judicial Watch
Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax BioLabs in Ukraine
“Hunter Biden helped secure funds for a U.S. BioLab contractor in Ukraine”
Russia presents proof Ukraine, US worked with bioweapons components – top brass | Tass – RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY
MOSCOW, December 24. /TASS/. The Russian Defense Ministry held a briefing in Geneva on the sidelines of the 9th Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention where it presented evidence that Ukraine, with US support, has been working with biological weapons components, Chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force Igor Kirillov said on Saturday.
”Documented proof was presented that work with the components of biological weapons and research of agents of particularly dangerous and economically significant infections were conducted on Ukrainian soil with the US’ financial, scientific and technical and human resources,” he said.
– ARTICLE 27.12.2022
Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19! | Bioclandestine
Biological Update from Russian Ministry of Defense, pertaining to the conclusion of the Ninth Review Conference of the BWC.1
To put it briefly, no ground was made. The West blocked all proposals put forth by Russia to amend the Biological Weapons Convention, in order to hold the US accountable for their actions in Ukraine.
– ARTICLE 30.12.2022
Fact Check: Did Zelensky Order Destruction of Docs Linked to Hunter Biden? | Newsweek
An investigation by The Washington Post stated that a firm linked to Rosemont Seneca (Hunter Biden’s former investment company) invested money and raised money for Metabiota.
Around the same time, spending records show the U.S. Department of Defense invested more than $18 million into Metabiota. The Post investigation reported that a relatively small proportion of the funding was listed for ”Ukraine research programs”, as federal contracting records state.
– ARTICLE 9.1.2023
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | EXCLUSIVE: ‘SOROS’ And Senator Obama Funding Records Discovered For Ukraine BioLab That Sparked BioTerrorism Fears
U.S. State Department records show that in 2005 the U.S. Department of Defense made an agreement with Ukraine to fund biolabs to conduct research supposedly to stop the construction of bioweapons. The agreement states: “In order to assist Ukraine in preventing the proliferation of technology, pathogens, and expertise that are located at the Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene (Lviv), the Ukrainian Scientific Research Anti-Plague Institute (Odessa), the Central Sanitary Epidemiological Station (Kyiv), and other facilities in Ukraine identified by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and that could be used in the development of biological weapons, the U.S. Department of Defense shall provide assistance to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine at no cost, subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this purpose, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.”
*) Intelligence Gathering: Hunter Biden & His Laptop from Hades (Part 2) – 2014: Beijing to Metabiota in Ukraine
But back to Ukrainian deals made by Hunter & his investment firms as there is some crossover.
On April 4, 2014, after some emails were sent by Burisma’s new board representative and Ukrainian government stiff, Vadim Pozharskyi, Metabiota’s VP of Science and Technology, Mary Guittieri provided this response:
As promised, i’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society.
Metabiota is ostensibly a health and virus investigation organization. But really it is intel-defense supported and operated as such worldwide. A week later, Devon Archer, who often chimed in with certain geopolitical no-go zones pitched, but nonetheless, these are “capitalists”
Päivitetty 12. – 13.2.2023
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Has the US gov’t been building bioweapons in Ukraine?
The CIA and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) have also been funding a company called Metabiota to aid in the development of biological weapons in Ukraine.
The U.S.-run biolabs in Ukraine are in violation of Article 1 of the Biological Weapons Convention, which prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, acquisition, or retaining of biological weapons, and this illegal weapons development is paid for by U.S. taxpayers through the DTRA.
Powerful interests are profiting from the Ukraine conflict and want it to continue, and one of those interested parties appears to be the Biden family. It’s time to end the United States’ involvement in the Ukraine conflict. February 19, 2023, an anti-interventionist coalition will be holding an anti-war rally in Washington, D.C. The lead demand: “Not one more penny for war in Ukraine.”
Päivitetty 23.2.2023
*) IT’S STARTING TO COME OUT (Ukraine biolabs)
Absolutely stellar breakdown of the US funded Biolabs in Ukraine from Clayton Morris and
– VIDEO 26.2.2023
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #DoD_operation | U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist
All of this requires much further research to fit all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but here’s what we definitely know so far –
A novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan in December 2019.
The world did not get to hear about this novel coronavirus until early January 2020.
The world did not know this novel coronavirus was called Covid-19 until February 2020, when the World Health Organization officially named it so.
The US Department of Defense awarded a contract for Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services to Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp‘, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”.
That contract involved a Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine.
As part of this larger contract, another contract was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health for ‘COVID-19 Research’ on 12th November 2019.
This was awarded at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19.
Labyrinth Global Health works alongside the ‘Eco Health Alliance’, and ‘Metabiota’, and participated in the USAID PREDICT program. All of these people and organisations have been working for at least the past decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so.
Information found here points to Eco Health Alliance having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus.
Information found here points to Moderna having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus.
‘Moderna’, alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna, to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.
What does all this point to? That’s for you to ponder and decide. But we promise you there is much more to come on the above…
(↑ Updated 4.4.2023)
Russian MoD data via @Clandestine for future comparison:
(↑ Updated 27.5.2023)
*) Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine
The Pentagon in June 2022 finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!
The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.
Now Russia is accusing the US of experimenting with Avian flu pathogens at a US biolab in Ukraine with a lethality rate up to 40% in humans.
(↑ Updated 29.5.2023)
*) Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military and biological activity | Russian Ministry of Defence claims
Thus, the work of U.S. military biologists is aimed at the formation of ’artificially managed epidemics’ and is not controlled within the framework of the BWC and the UN Secretary-General’s mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.
In the course of the special military operation documents, which prove the activity of the U.S. Department of Defence’s research institutions in Ukraine, have been discovered.
(↑ Updated 20.7.2023)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense of the Russian Federation Lt General Igor Kirillov speaks about U.S. bioweapons activity – Parsing out facts, fiction, narratives, and reading between the lines.
English version of Kirillov’s briefing here
Русская версия доклада Кириллова здесь
I do not generally follow Russian or Ukrainian press. I occasionally read some Substack writers who seem to have a good handle on what goes on there. This information was forwarded to me by a friend, and it originates from the Russian Ministry of Defense. I found the Russian version and confirmed that the English translation was accurate. You can read the briefing following the links above.
Here is my take on Kirillov’s (and Russian MOD) messaging and what I think it signifies.
Most of the factual information in this briefing is correct.
Despite the fact that the stated goals of U.S. programmes are to monitor disease incidence and provide assistance to developing countries, in fact, we see the Pentagon conducting uncontrolled dual-use research in circumvention of international obligations under the BTWC.
True! The US is violating Biological Weapons convention and covering it up as “defensive biological research”. But this is old news, as this has been ongoing since the 1970’s.
His next point – it favors Big Pharma commercially and it seems like he is also pointing finger at the Democrats in power. But, c’mon man! We have a Uniparty, just like the USSR did, and Kirillov is old enough to recognize this. Nevertheless, the entities named on this chart – pharmas, academia, government and NGO/money groups are correctly identified.
(↑ Updated 27.8.2023)
*) Who is the Virus Hunter Dr. Nathan Wolfe? – Nathan Wolfe Timeline from above article
(↑ Updated 7.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | #the_great_deception | Did Epstein Create the C19 Pandemic?
Nathan Wolfe is at the epicenter of the global zoonosis network and the production of SARS-CoV-2.
But then you add his affiliation with the Clintons, Bill Gates, Maxwell, and Epstein, and it’s a whole new ballgame.
Was Wolfe compromised by Epstein?
We now have confirmation, via witness testimony, that Epstein was seeking out the most powerful people on Earth, to compromise and blackmail them, to essentially rule the world via proxy.
What I’m getting at is, Epstein/Maxwell and their handlers, were involved in the plot to create and release SARS-CoV-2, via their connection to Nathan Wolfe.
The Epstein blackmail operation didn’t just control Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Ministers, and British Royalty; they also controlled the virologist who discovered and enhanced the virus that would eventually turn into the Covid-19 pandemic…
And Russia claim one of the main reasons they invaded Ukraine, was to stop this bioweapon production, at Nathan Wolfe’s Biolabs in Ukraine, via his company Metabiota, that was funded by the Bidens. At the biolabs the media told you didn’t exist.
I don’t know exactly who is higher in the power structure, but all the top players in Epstein’s blackmail operation, are also heavily involved in the global zoonotic virology network, the Biolabs in Ukraine, and American vaccine production
(↑ Updated 8.1.2024)
*) #GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents | World Exclusive: Everything You Wanted to Know About Secret Biolabs in Ukraine, Now Revealed! – DOD Operation Warp Speed confirms – pathogens are made in the labs. It’s ok when WE do it! It’s to save grandma and for warfighter readiness…
I have been asked so many times about “secret” biolabs in Ukraine, that I got annoyed enough to locate this document on the official Ukrainian parliament (Rada) website.
Freedom warriors are spinning stories about brave Putin revealing the evil biolabs, but apparently they can’t be bothered to use search and auto translate…
Here is the document in question (in Ukrainian): the agreement between Ukraine and US, signed in August 2005, that turns over the control of the Ukrainian biolabs that store and work with “pathogens” to the US government. Link to auto English translation.
Despite this change of control over Ukrainian biolabs nearly 20 years ago, just a few days ago this information was presented on Twitter as earthshattering news (again, I must add): “Russian authorities assert that the bio-research initiatives undertaken by the US Defense Department in Ukraine necessitate a thorough legal review, including scrutiny by pertinent international organizations.”
Putin found the Ukrainian Rada website, at last!
(↑ Updated 6.3.2024)
(↑ Updated 6.3.2024)
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Ajatuksia mediasta, politiikasta ja maailmankuvasta *** Musings on media, politics and world-view
The reference for the Patent Network Analysis.
Of great current interest to me due to The Wellness Company owners developing Endotoxin Jabs delivered with LNPs.
Very nice review. Have added it as an update to my January 2023 piece.